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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

An Analysis Of Poe's The Fall Of The House Of Usher
Words: 891 / Pages: 4

.... books with Usher, apparently a great hobby of them both. One evening Usher came to the narrator and informed him “that the lady Madeline [Usher's sister] was no more.” (212) He also informed him of his intentions of keeping her corpse for a fortnight in one of the many vaults in the house. Having no wish to oppose his wishes, the narrator helps him entomb the body at Usher's request. The mood in the house has worsened, and Usher is no longer himself. The narrator finds him ranting about the storm, and he explains to him its only a natural phenomenon, and turns to their earlier hobby of reading to distract him. He chooses the Mad Trist, whic .....

King Authur And The Knights Of The Round Table
Words: 502 / Pages: 2

.... with his life. Although he manages to decapitate the Green Knight, he doesn't kill him. A sense of dread becomes apparent as he realizes he is bound by his word to have the same fate as the Green Knight's body in one year and a day. Another example of the demise of chivalry occurs at the Green Knights castle. Sir Gawain manages to keep his word for two of the days, but on the third day, he keeps the lady's scarf. The reason he does this is obviously for its protective properties. This seems like a good idea, but this violates his promise to give everything he gets back to the lord of the manor. It also violates his faith in God's ability to .....

The Scarlet Letter: Hester Prynne And Adultery
Words: 1472 / Pages: 6

.... serves as a meeting ground for the entire community. This is where Hester first feels the wrath of her milieu. The townspeople are angry and anxious, ready to punish her. "Those who had before known her, and had expected to behold her dimmed and obscured by a disastrous cloud, were astonished, and even startled, to perceive how her beauty shone out, and made a halo of the misfortune and ignominy in which she was enveloped" (Hawthorne 1185). The environment surrounding Hester is instrumental in making her pay for her sin. Hester can actually feel the burning on her chest as the people stare at the letter A attached. "It had the effect of a spell, ta .....

The Time Machine By H.G Wells
Words: 3224 / Pages: 12

.... with its troglodytic Morlocks descended from the working class of his day and the pretty but helpless Eloi devolved from the leisure class, may seem antiquated political theory. It emerged out of the concern for social justice that drew Wells to the Fabian Society and inspired much of his later writing, but time has not dimmed the fascination of the situation and the horror of the imagery. The Time Machine brought these concerns into his fiction. It, too, involved the future, but a future imagined with greater realism and in greater detail than earlier stories of the future. It also introduced, for the first time in fiction, the notion of a machine .....

Fahrenheit 451
Words: 525 / Pages: 2

.... reads the forbidden books. Clarisse suddenly dies from fatal car accident, and Montag is devastated that she dies so soon after meeting her. Meanwhile at the fire station, Montag is discovered hiding his books by the fire chief, Captain Beatty. "A natural error. Curiosity alone … We let the fireman keep the book twenty-four hours. If he hasn’t burned it by then we come and burn it for him." (pg. 68) Beatty lets Montag keep the book until that night when Montag will return to work. Meanwhile, Montag meets with Professor Faber, a retired English teacher after a phone call cut short. While at the meeting, Faber is extremely careful due to the f .....

Imagery Patterns In The Seafar
Words: 2423 / Pages: 9

.... themes become present. In “The Seafarer” and “The Wanderer,” both being poems from the Anglo-Saxon time period, the anonymous authors portray the universal theme of the harshness of life through imagery patterns of the sea and winter, and in the conclusion of both poems it becomes evident to the subjects of the poems that the only way they will find contentment in life is if they accept the fact that the things that happen to them are all a part of God’s plan.In both poems the unknown authors use the imagery of the sea to represent the trials of life. In both, the reader must understand that the theme presented, t .....

"Miss Brill": Emptiness In One's Life
Words: 559 / Pages: 3

.... seems despondent with her own life. She is well aware of her surroundings and takes the time to notice every technicality. Miss Brill notices small details such as the conductor's coat, the old man's walking stick, and the women's embroidered apron. She paid extra attention to the ermine toque. She noticed the way the gentleman ignored the woman and then just walked away. Miss Brill imagined that the band knew what the ermine toque was feeling and played softly as the drum beat "The Brute! The Brute!" over and over. Her tendency to notice these things shows that she is melancholy with her own life and can find no other way to fill in her em .....

Hester Prynne
Words: 1266 / Pages: 5

.... She is punished by Puritan society by wearing the scarlet letter A on the bosom of her dress and standing on the scaffold for three hours. Her hair is a glossy brown and her eyes deep-set, and black, her attire is rich, carefully caressing her slender figure. The scaffold is a painful task to bear; the townspeople gathered around to gossip and stare at Hester and her newborn child, whom she suitably named Pearl, named because of her extreme value to her mother. In the disorder of faces in the crowd, young Hester Prynne sees the face of a man she once was fiercely familiar with, whom we later learn is her true husband, Roger Chillingworth. Her subj .....

B.F Skinner's Waldo Two: Positive Change In World Through Manipulation Of Behavior
Words: 815 / Pages: 3

.... to eliminate what he knows as problematic rests on his prescription of dismissing the notion of individual freedom. Skinner does not only say that the concept of individual freedom is a farce. He takes it a step further and states that the search for it is where society has gone wrong. He wants no part in the quest for individual freedom. If we give up this illusion, says Skinner, we can condition everyone to act in acceptable ways. Skinner has a specific prescription for creating this utopian society. He declares that all that is necessary is to change the conditions which surround man. "Give me the specifications, and I'll give you the man" .....

My Antonia
Words: 551 / Pages: 3

.... on her shoulders. Since she is one of the eldest in the family, she must now work to put food on their table. Her mother is a complainer and can't speak English, her oldest brother, Ambrosch, is strong, mean and not well liked, the second oldest brother, Marek, is mentally and physically disabled and her sister, Yulka, is still a youngster. With the help of their neighbors, the Burdens, 'Antonia is able to establish a meager living for her family. She does this by working on her farm as well as the other farms in the area. While this work is very beneficial for the family, 'Antonia is turned into a rough and wild creature. When she is old enough, 'Ant .....

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