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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Summary Of Twelve Angry Men
Words: 476 / Pages: 2

.... the woman in her apartment saying she saw the murder take place through the window of the El train, and how the old man said that he heard the boy say that he was going to kill his father and then went to his door to see the boy run down the stairs. After all of this has taken place they decide to take another vote. The verdict is still 11 to 1 in the favor of guilty. Juror eight is now going over the time periods of when the woman said she saw the murder. Juror eight is also trying to explain how the man could not have seen the boy run down the stairs because the old man would not have had enough time to get out of bed. After juror eight makes .....

"The Hobbit"
Words: 830 / Pages: 4

.... hobbits will do, Bilbo found himself on enchanted paths, wishing he had never gone. He hoped to indeed live up to Gandalf's standard of him, since he was the one who chose him to journey into the desolate lands of Smaug, a golden-red dragon who had stolen hoards of gold and silver wrought by the dwarves/ But. what was the use of a Hobbit in the journey Bilb had answered his own question, when he summoned the courage to save the dwarves from perils along the way, such as goblins, giant spiders, and elven dugeons. He did this all with the help of a Ring, enchanted to make the wearer invisible. "Bless my soul, a hobbit CAN be useful!" But usefulness .....

Book Report: Raptor Red
Words: 458 / Pages: 2

.... is a very smart young Utahraptor that has just gotten a mate. They cross the berring straight to a far away land where their instinct does not provide any protection. These animals must learn of all the dangers of the new land without being killed. Unfortunately Raptor Reds mate is crushed by a 20 ton herbivore which they were hunting. Now she is all alone. Raptor Red uses her brain, which is very capable of learning, to solve problems by means of using things she knows and applying them to things she does not know. Then all the information she gathers is stored forever in her memory sorted by separate thoughts. Like a tree diagram. Utahraptor .....

Catcher In The Rye 5
Words: 1418 / Pages: 6

.... ongoing dislike of many people and their morals, Holden has been driven to depression in which he dispenses to a psycoanaylgist throughout the novel. Through his novel, Salinger incorporated the theme reality verses allusion, to demonstrate how the mind of some adolescents are so unwilling to face the truths of society. As stated above, Holden wishes to accomplish an futile task, save children from growing up, and protect them from the corruption of adulthood. The following presents an example of Holden's inability to grasp the differences between reality and allusion. "Somebody written 'Fuck You' on the wall. It drove me damn dear crazy. I thoug .....

Criticism Of Practical Application Of Utopia In "Brave New World"
Words: 1162 / Pages: 5

.... In a world of bottled-births, not only is there no need for a family, but the idea is actually considered obscene. The terms "mother" and "father" are extremely offensive and are rarely used except in science. Huxley uses Mustapha Mond, the World Controller, to portray the vulgarity when he explains the obscenity of life before Utopia to a group of students: And home was as squalid psychically as physically. Psychically, it was a rabbit hole, a midden, hot with the frictions of tightly packed life, reeking with emotion. What suffocating intimacies, what dangerous, insane, obscene relationships between the members of the family group! (37) .....

The Mayor Of Casterbridge: Micheal Henchard Left Lonely And Depressed
Words: 660 / Pages: 3

.... When Elizabeth-Jane wants to move out of the house he is quick to let her go. When he learns she is departing immediatly he tries to persuade her to stay. He does not want to lose her although he considers her a hassal. During the time period while she is away Henchard is lonly and depressed. After many things have hapend Elizabeth-Jane returns to Henchard. He realizes a new love for his step-daughter taht is brought up in her presents, when he is not alone. When Elizabeth-Jane's true father comes to the house asking for her Henchard tells him she is dead while actually asleep in the next room. After doing this Micheal Henchard knows if his lie .....

Lord Of The Flies: The Evil & Primitivism In Man
Words: 1289 / Pages: 5

.... to show his thoughts and feelings. Therefore he is the destructive side of man. He is the type of person who would rather have fun and gratification over work. On the other hand Ralph is the believer in democracy and fairness. He is the voice of hope, and the responsible type of person. The boys on the island, allegorically show what the human civilization is like. Ralph stands for order and conduct of society. Each chapter begins with order, which means that Ralph has control. Ralph uses the conch to show order and the right to speak. By the end of each chapter there is no order and there is usually chaos, this shows that evil and/or fear has .....

The Tower Of Babel
Words: 908 / Pages: 4

.... of these authors who revealed to the public its moral and cultural disrespect towards other human beings that are equal and parallel in all ways except beliefs. In doing so, he created the novel Kidnapped. In the novel Kidnapped, Stevenson carefully molds his theme of duality and character's personal and cultural conflicts to narrate a story about a kidnapped boy, named David, who, through his growing cultural tolerance and open-mindedness, matures from a naive adolescent to a young man capable of dealing with crisis and accepting his role in the culturally divided world. Despite extensive cultural differences, the Highlanders and Lowlanders rep .....

Oedipus 2
Words: 568 / Pages: 3

.... pride and determination throughout the play. When Oedipus heard the oracles’ prediction that he was to kill his father and marry his mother, he was determined to prevent the prophecy. Therefore he left his homeland of Corinth never to return. Then when he solved the Sphinx’s riddle, Oedipus’ pride rose to a new level. He was praised by the people of Thebes, resulting in his marriage to Jocasta, Queen of Thebes. Oedipus also shows his determination when in search of Laius’ murderer. He stated that he would avenge the King’s death as if Laius were his own father. He cursed the murderer, announcing “May he drag out .....

A Review Of Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper"
Words: 790 / Pages: 3

.... and very innocent, thus causing me to wish that all the boys could live in such a wonderful environment. My reaction to the final stanza was a sense of distress; the boys had nothing to hope for, but were forced to perform a task which would eventually kill them. After reading the poem I was left with several impressions in my mind. The young and innocent portrayal of the narrator seemed to be a powerful influence on my emotional reactions to the poem. I was left with a sense of helplessness and frustration that I was not able to help the boys out of their oppressed state, and because I possess some knowledge of this period of history and .....

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