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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Words: 730 / Pages: 3

.... he realizes that he isn't immortal. After the death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh tries to find immortality by trying to cross the ocean to find it. He sounds pathetic as he rambles of his reason for trying to find everlasting life. His state of being at this part in the book, which is the end, is completely different from his arrogant beginning of this epic. Gilgamesh has gone from arrogant to scared. Second, the death of Humbaba changes Gilgamesh. Humbaba is evil. Many people who live in the city of Uruk fear Gilgamesh. Most would say that Gilgamesh himself is, in fact, evil. He has sex with the virgins, he does what he wants, and he tends to offe .....

Charles Dickens' Hard Times
Words: 618 / Pages: 3

.... other workers. They regarded him as an outcast, even though in actuality he was trying to help them. Stephen was married to a “disabled, drunken creature, barely able to preserve her sitting posture by steadying herself with one begrimed hand on the floor”. She had left him for years and he paid her, but she soon returned. Her returning made the “blackpool” started by Stephen’s co-workers, accept him even more. She was nothing like when they first married. She was now a drunk whom he did not care for anymore. The woman he did care for, Rachael, was the women he wished to marry now. Rachael, who, “showed a quiet oval face, dark and rath .....

Say A Prayer For The Youth Of America
Words: 807 / Pages: 3

.... blames him for the death of her mother, who overdoses on heart medicine to escape from her life. His drinking habits take over his life, and Ellen is left at home alone, sometimes for days at a time, to fend for herself. This is only one of the many hardships she must face. After her father’s death, Ellen is forced to move from house to house. She is miserable in all of them, but they are still better than what she had to put up with before. When she finally does reach a house which she likes, her aunt Betsy kicks her out after the weekend, telling her that Ellen was only meant to visit for two days. The torment she receives is not limited to her .....

Critiscisms Of My Antonia
Words: 1334 / Pages: 5

.... based on the narrators', which is Cather herself, point of view about when the main character, Jim Burden, remembers specific moments in an abstract pattern in his life about his Antonia. This is so because the collection of books that make up the novel, My Antonia, is about Willa Cather; the narrator's idea of what and to what point Jim Burden remembers. Miller also states that the novel "lacks focus and abounds in irrelevancies." (Wells 1) This is due to the fact that Cather didn't provide and consistent character portrayal throughout her novel. Another critic, Kim Wells, asserts Miller's opinion on the novel. Because as he states the .....

Lost Horizon
Words: 319 / Pages: 2

.... Bernard, Roberta, and Mallinson get hijacked. They are brought to Shangri-La high up in the mountains. The turning point of the novel is when everyone gets to Shangri-La and they are trying to think of a way to leave. After being there for awhile, everyone changes their mind about leaving and wants to stay. This is the conflict and turning point of the novel. The climax of the novel is when the High Lama dies and leaves Conway in charge of Shangri-La. Conway doesn’t tell anyone that he is in charge. The resolution of the novel is when Mallinson talks Conway into leaving Shangri-La with him and Lo-Tsen. All three leave Shangri-La and hike .....

Comparing "The Adventures Of Huck Finn" And "The Catcher In The Rye"
Words: 1368 / Pages: 5

.... parts that make up the cycle: the call to adventure, the threshold crossing, the road of trials, the supreme test, a flight or a flee, and finally a return. There are more parts they do not necessarily fall into the same order, examples of these are symbolic death and motifs. The Cosmogonic Cycle is an interesting way to interpret literature because is Universal or correlates with any time period and any situation. The Call to Adventure is the first of the Cosmogonic Cycle. It is the actual "call to adventure" that one receives to begin the cycle. There are many ways that this is found in literature including going by desire, by chance, by a .....

The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Words: 650 / Pages: 3

.... good part of ones personality. It is through him that we see how ones evil side can take over both the body and the mind. Mr. Hyde can be seen as the outcast. He does not fit into society and its standards. He shows the dark side or evil part of ones personality . While Dr. Jekyll is unable to allow this part of his personality to show when he is with his friends, by creating a new being for himself, he is able to express himself without being judged as Dr. Jekyll. Hyde contains all of the dark feelings of Dr. Jekyll, he is the alter ego. One can distinguish this characterization from the description of Hyde. >"Mr. Hyde was pale and dwarfish; .....

Brave New World 4
Words: 2267 / Pages: 9

.... as in the reservation there’s garbage every where, its dusty, and full of dogs and flies, the complete opposite. In the Utopia people aren’t born anymore, they are grown. Another difference between the two worlds is in the Reservation people are still born the “old fashion way.” In the Brave New World everyone is young and pretty their whole lives thanks to chemicals and conditioning. It’s the complete opposite in the savage reservation. As seen by the old man, it’s shown that people in the Reservation age normally, loose their teeth, and get wrinkles. The reservation represents more of an old, more class time per .....

The Outsider: Meursault
Words: 1539 / Pages: 6

.... prostitute is beaten up by Raymond and Meursault remains impartial whilst his girlfriend, Marie, thought it was “ terrible” and is sickened by the beating. Another display of his apathetic views is in the opening lines "Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know" This indicates that either he does not care or he had no comprehension of what had happened. An additional illustration of his detached attitude is after his mothers funeral when he goes to see a humorous "Fernandel" film with Marie, his girlfriend, and then he takes her home and sleeps with her just hours after his Mothers funeral. This indicates that aswell as having a det .....

Huck Finn 5
Words: 1034 / Pages: 4

.... in the world. Such as the fact that evil people can rule others. Huck discovers this same phenomena, he escapes with Jim and begins to question a human’s right to own someone else. In the end they both discover their worth as men who are able to do something to influence the world around them. For example, saving the lives of thousands of people or just one slave. The period in one’s life of innocence is a starting point for many heroes. This is the time prior to the adventure he is about to embark on. Huck’s childhood consisted of childish games with his best friend, Tom Sawyer. Huck’s days were filled with games of pretend th .....

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