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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

The Mayor Of Casterbridge
Words: 729 / Pages: 3

.... the following from Abel who is just waking up: “’ Out of bed, sir, and off to the granary, or you leave my employ today! ‘Tis to teach ye a lesson. March on; never mind your britches’” (169)! Even though Abel does deserve a punishment, he is a grown man and such punishments like those fall into the category of cruel and unusual. A simple deduction in his pay would have been suitable, Henchard however decides to humilate him. Hardy is showing that, even in the most powerful people, human flaws make people do the worst of things. Hardy further shows this in Henchard’s relationship with Donald Farfrae. Farfrae is .....

Stephen King's The Stand
Words: 529 / Pages: 2

.... people from various states in the United States who joined them on their journey. Fran is disturbed by her dreams, as all of them are by their own. She dreams of an old lady named Abigail, in Colorado. This lady is kind and loving and promises to protect them from the evil. In the dreams there is also a "Dark Man". He is always there lurking, waiting to attack. Harold admits to himself that he is in love with Fran and goes crazy when he realizes how serious Fran has become with Stuart Redman, one of the newcomers to their traveling group. Harold becomes insanely jealous and plots to separate them, even if it means murder. Harold doesn't adm .....

Last Of The Mohicans: Differents Between The Book And Movie
Words: 1161 / Pages: 5

.... target with a bullet from any distance, he can fight the evil Iroquois Indians without batting so much as an eyelash. The makers of the movie take great pains to preserve these facets of Hawkeye, but then go beyond what Cooper originally laid down as the basis for his hero's character. In the book, Hawkeye displays very little feeling and the reader has very little empathy with him, even though he is the hero. In the movie, however, there is a great romance between Hawkeye and Cora that does not exist in the book. This romance adds a more human side to Hawkeye's character; it show s his caring side beyond all the hero-woodsman qualities--in oth .....

The City Of Gold And Lead: Summary
Words: 438 / Pages: 2

.... ceremonies. Fritz the sprinter takes an easy first place finish and then procedes on to take the gold. Will the boxer has a tough time winning but still takes the gold. Beanpole on the other hand takes a disapointing second place and dosn't get invited to the city of gold and lead. From there the boys are taken by a tripod to the city. When they reach the city they are over come by a stronger feild of gravity in wich the masters live in. In the city the humans must wear suits that breathe oxygen because the masters breathe different air. Each of the boys are then chosen by a master to be there personal slave. Will was chosen by one of the nicer mas .....

The Power And The Glory
Words: 1241 / Pages: 5

.... for his novel, is very good. The elements come together to show the theme, which is pity. Pity for a fellow human being. Setting is a major element of fiction. The setting of a piece of literature can set the mood of the scene. Setting, can also make the reader feel a certain way. Some of the scenes in “The Power and the Glory” evoke certain feelings in the reader. In the scene when the whiskey priest was put the crowded jail, for having liquor on him, Greene makes the scene so horrible that you can’t help but feel sorry for the priest. As Kenneth Allott said, “The crowded unseen figures in the dark seem like shapes from a Dore hell .....

Words: 1336 / Pages: 5

.... According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word wisdom means "the accumulated philosophic or scientific learning, the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships". It also means "good sense, generally accepted belief, a wise attitude or course of action and the teachings of the ancient wise men". If that is true then what does one so keen, so aware of how living things must cease to live, have to fix? Dylan Thomas appears to be telling us that wise men fear that they have not given their wisdom to others appropriately. It seems that wise men worry that all the wisdom they have accumulated over the many years of their existence was of .....

Bartleby, The Failure
Words: 460 / Pages: 2

.... many years in a dead letter office. Melville probably felt this way, but needed to continue writing to support his family. When Bartleby is in prison, he wastes away without abruptly dying, a degeneration until the point no one notices his absence. Melville had reached the prime of his popularity early in his career, so when he published Moby Dick, his career was already in decline. His disappointment was only to increase as his career diminished until his death which was hardly noticed in the literary community. The narrator also resembles Melville, but in a different way. Melville uses the narrator to view his own situation from a 3rd p .....

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea: Overview
Words: 436 / Pages: 2

.... While reading this part of the book the reader feels like he is on the boat chasing the monster also. A lot of times the boat gets close enough to the monster to catch it and thoughts of what you think the monster could be run through your head like crazy. When they finally make an attempt to capture it, it disappears beneath the depths of the ocean. One of the most suspenseful and mysterious parts of the book was when the characters were thrown into a big room inside the submarine that seemed to have no doors. At this point in the book the characters have no idea what was going on, neither does the reader. The only thing that happens du .....

France And England In A Tale O
Words: 2813 / Pages: 11

.... drawing parallels between the two countries, Dickens also alludes to his own time: "the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" (1; bk. 1, ch. 1). The rest of the chapter shows that Dickens regarded the condition to be an 'evil' one, since he depicts both countries as rife with poverty, injustice, and violence due to the irresponsibility of the ruling elite (1-3; bk. 1, ch. 1). As the novel unfolds, however, England becomes a safe haven for those escaping the violence perpetrated by the French Revolution. In t .....

Stephen Kings' It
Words: 791 / Pages: 3

.... are all victims and survivors of the freak monster It.At first they just explain to each other their horrid accidents and escapes.The method they used to escape is their secret weapon against It.For instance for Bill it is to say this one verse "He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he's seeing ghost's".For Ben Hanscom it's shouting "You are not real".Etc.Bill who is George's brother is asking Richie,another survivor,if he would come with him to the an old house with him.He agrees and brings sneezing powder and Bill brings a gun and a sling shot.They crawl under the porch and through the window into the ancient house.They stay toge .....

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