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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

The Speckled Band
Words: 317 / Pages: 2

.... had to move into her sisters room and now she was scared for her live. So Sherlock Holmes went to investigate. Holmes investigated the whole house and he build up a plan to catch the murderer! Holmes had found out that there was an air-vent that was inside the house between the sisters room and the stepfathers. Holmes now was in the room that Helen was suposed to be in and suddenly the light was lit in the stepfathers room, and then Sherlock jumped and hit the bellrobe under the air-vent. Then there was a little whistle and then a scream and Holmes ran to the other room and there was the stepfather dead and with a speckled band on him. It was no ba .....

Book Report On "A Dramatic Death"
Words: 1335 / Pages: 5

.... main characters in my book are Steve and Emma. Steve was a popular good looking guy who all the girls liked. He didn't like school that much expect the Dorking Drama Club where he acted in the play, he had a sister and Steve was very careful to trust anyone during all the murder. Emma was very fond of Steve but because she was Steve's sister's friend for so long Steve treated her as a sister, which she didn't like. Emma became so fond of Steve that she start doing all these gruesome things and in the end she went to a mental hospital. Emma liked to be in the play a lot and she was said to have a very over active imagination. SETTING The .....

Boys Life: Techniques Used To Develop Loss Of Innocence
Words: 910 / Pages: 4

.... like Christian civilization and went out like barbarians" (pg. 70). Cory witnesses that most of the people just ran out and didn't care about who was getting attacked by the bees or who might be hurt. Cory loses a lot of respect for his grandfather when he realized that he left everyone for his own safety. This taught Cory that people cared more about themselves before anyone else's safety. The author uses magical realism many times throughout the novel. When Cory and his friends do their annual ritual at the end of the summer, they pretend to fly with their dogs (pg. 187). They do this at the beginning of the summer because it shows the innoce .....

Charles Dickens’ Personal Experiences In Great Expectations
Words: 462 / Pages: 2

.... father was in prison. This forced Dickens to work at a young age, which meant he did not have much of a social life (67). This factor is also true in Pip’s case because he was Joe’s apprentice. Pip’s situation as an orphan was a little bit more complex than Dickens. Pip’s caretaker becomes delirious and then dies. I think that these events show a sense of independence in both of them. They started to take care of themselves when they were teenagers. That gave them a few good qualities such as being strong and independent. They have another similarity dealing with women. Pip loves Estella, but she does not love him back. She looks down on him .....

To Kill A Mockingbird
Words: 563 / Pages: 3

.... he stuck with his choice and worked the hardest he could to ignore the threats and harassment. He did very well to ignore all the abuse and was greatly respected after the trial was over. Blacks, because they were considered inferior, were expected to do everything for whites. Everything had to be perfect, without excuse. Even the Finch’s family friend, Calpurnia, was mocked when she didn’t make the perfect cup of coffee. “She [Calpurnia] poured one tablespoon of coffee into it and filled the cup to the brim with milk. I [Scout] thanked her by sticking out my tongue.” One character in the book that suffered from injustice was Boo Rad .....

Subject: Giovanni & Lusanna-by Gene Brucker
Words: 591 / Pages: 3

.... the event of her husband¦s death. Her husband soon died a questionable death that left open the possibility of poison. Unlike today¦s world divorce was unheard of, and unacceptable. Giovanni then refused to marry her in a public wedding because his social status would be greatly hurt to marry some one in the working class of Florence. This is another example of why today¦s society is so much different from how it was when they lived. Another strange thing about their society is the open humiliation that people were subjected to. It was said that Lusanna first husband was called a ¦cuckold ¦ to his face. People who were said to earn money in a .....

Color Purple
Words: 610 / Pages: 3

.... that her father killed them. A man from town wanted to take Celie’s sister Nettie as a wife, but her father convinces the man to take Celie instead. Celie is now forced to marry an older man who already has children. Celie’s husband constantly beats and rapes her without any remorse. He even made Celie nurse Shug Avery, his mistress, when she was ill. It is now that Celie learns from Shug Avery about love. Shug Avery encourages Celie not to take the abuse from her husband anymore and that she deserves better. Celie would finally leave her husband when she found out that he kept her sister’s letters from her. Nettie was the sole reason .....

Critical Analysis Of Steinbeck
Words: 549 / Pages: 2

.... of intelligence, and Candy's dog is thought to be of no importance because he has no teeth, can hardly see and can't eat. The dog is "no good to [Candy]" (p. 44) and he is "no good to himself" (p. 44). After Lennie kills Curley's wife, he's no good to George or himself. Carlson's luger, which is used to shoot Candy's dog in the back of the head, is also used by George to shoot Lennie in the back of the head. Slim had said earlier that he wished "somebody'd shoot [him] if [he] got old an' a cripple" (p. 45) and he also acknowledges that George has to shoot Lennie, telling him that he "hadda" (p.107). Both Candy's dog and Lennie are killed out of .....

Solo: A Book Review
Words: 884 / Pages: 4

.... by a hit and run driver. John, who loved his nanny so much, decided to get revenge, and revenge he did. He killed the man who had been driving the car. The book starts out, as said, with a killing and then by revealing the killer. Then the book goes into a story of the life of the man Mikali. His mother and father had been killed at sea, and the only people he had left were his nanny and his aunt. The book gives an accurate description of his life and times before his incredible hobby. After the book describes Mikali's background, which itself is filled with death, the book goes into the current life of Mikali and how he got to where he is. .....

Animal Farm: Boxer Is A Leader's Ideal Disciple
Words: 582 / Pages: 3

.... other animals tell him. Boxer also tried to remain loyal to the memory he had of Snowball at the Battle of the Cowshed until Squealer brainwashes him into thinking otherwise. While Squealer is attempting to persuade Boxer, Boxer says, "I do not believe Snowball was a traitor at all in the beginning." He sticks to this until he is told that Napoleon said that the story about Snowball was true. He then resorted back the motto that "Napoleon is always right." He may have been able to stick to his belief about Snowball had it not been for his naive nature. The pigs took a great advantage of this. Boxer was also faithful to his work. He was always try .....

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