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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Gorbachev: Analysis Of Three Books About Gorbachev
Words: 3743 / Pages: 14

.... that concentrate on the "Gorbachev phenomenon" were all unfortunately written before perestroika was finished, so they do not analyze the consequences that it had for the Soviet Union as well as for the whole world . On the other hand, all three of these books do a good job in explaining the changes that took place in the course of the first three years after Gorbachev came to power and why were these changes necessary. The first book "Gorbachev" was written by Zhores A. Medvedev in 1986 and hence the author is concentrating on the first year of the new course in Soviet history. The book itself basically consists of two parts: the first part wh .....

Real And Unreal
Words: 870 / Pages: 4

.... or a realistic one, is dependant on the author. If the author chooses to place his/her characters in an ideal relationship, it must be perfectly ideal. Ideal does not necessarily translate to a positive viewpoint, though. It could mean the perfectly wrong relationship. It just implies that the characters are both dedicated to their relationship not being positive. In a realistic relationship, there are constant factors interfering with the relationship, and opinions of the other change and vary throughout the work. Claire Kemp, in her short story, “Keeping Company” gives an example of a relationship that is controlled by the male. He suppresse .....

Walker's Everyday Use
Words: 424 / Pages: 2

.... for personal and emotional reasons. I think that Dee just wants the quilt to hang in her house as a souvenir to show off to her friends, she really does not know the meaning behind it.  While Maggie has always known the meaning, she values them for what they mean to her as an individual. This becomes clear when she says, "I can 'member Grandma Dee without the quilts," (698). This implies that her connection with the quilts is personal and emotional rather than materialistic. Dee has always been ashamed of her family; she told her mother that she would manage to come to see them but wouldn't bring her friends.  Just by saying that you can tell r .....

Less Than Zero
Words: 722 / Pages: 3

.... has other numbers to give to you. So you have a couple of DJ’s but that’s not enough you need at least one headliner DJ. A headliner is a big name DJ and they are usually a little more expensive than the others. Usually the big DJ’s need to be flown in. so a ticket has to be bought and a place to stay. So you need to get in touch with a travel agent. After you have all your DJ’s confirmed, you go off and meet with graphic designers who will design you a flyer. And you need to pay him for the work and for the flyers to get printed. After the flyers are printed then people need to go out and promote the Rave at other places. Anywhere that .....

Grapes Of Wrath: Awakening Of Tom Joad
Words: 625 / Pages: 3

.... prison. The trucker tries to socialize with him at this point but Tom is too absorbed into his own interest in keeping to himself. Arriving at his house with Jim Casey, Tom visits the abandoned house with one corner having been knocked in by a tractor. His family had been compelled to leave their land through repossession by the large corporations another example in Tom's life how the larger are trying to control the less fortunate. This land had been his family's source of pride and livelihood throughout his life with them and it's loss was the first sizable impact on Tom's conscience that would lead him to an awakening. After visiting the land the .....

The Stone Angel By Margaret Laurence
Words: 1570 / Pages: 6

.... attempts fail dismally. Throughout the narration of the novel many images are put forth repetitiously to aid the development of Hagar's character and the main themes. The Stone Angel is a very effective story due largely to the biblical, water, and flower imagery. The biblical imagery is very strong and can be found numerous times throughout the novel. The name of the main character, Hagar, is also the name of a hand maid in a biblical story. Many parallels are made between Margaret Laurence's Hagar and the biblical Hagar. The Hagar in the bible was to conceive a son with the husband of her owner, Sarah, who, herself, was unable to conceive .....

Words: 424 / Pages: 2

.... caused these men to resort to extreme measures. Living in a country that can no longer provide the safety and sense of belonging that these men seek, they turn to each other. Friends provide the safety and belonging even in times of war. People betray their country in their everyday actions, they deceive their employer, they lie to others, they cheat, and steal; but, one always thinks twice before betraying the trust of a friend. Shinji and Reiko remain loyal to what is important, their friends. Not only do Shinji and Reiko choose their friends over their country, they also find happiness in choosing each other rather than continuing in a world in wh .....

Children Of The River
Words: 1111 / Pages: 5

.... Jonathan is an American boy who falls in love with Sundara, but she is not allowed to be around because he is white. Jonathan does anything he can to be with Sundara and it all worked out at the end. Soka is Sundara’s aunt, but now she has Sundara as a responsibility. Ravy is Sundara’s Cousin. He falls quickly into the American ways. Yet, no one stops him. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon are Jonathan’s parents. Mr. McKinnon saved Ravy’s life when he came to America. Sundara also teaches him Cambodian language, so he can go to Cambodia. Minor Characters Naro is Soka’s son yet he is the head of the family. Grandmother makes sure that Sundara do .....

A Lesson Before Dying
Words: 962 / Pages: 4

.... Wiggins, something that I didn't see Jefferson doing often at all in this book. "I saw a slight smile come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, but a man can. There is the epiphany of the story, where Mr. Wiggins realizes that the purpose of life is to help make the world a better place, and at that time he no longer minds visiting Jefferson and begins bec .....

The Yellow Wallpaper: Male Opression Of Women In Society
Words: 1296 / Pages: 5

.... from town. The property boasts protective hedges that surround the garden, walls that surround the estate, and locked gates which guarantee seclusion. Even the connecting garden represents confinement, with box-bordered paths and grape- covered arbors. This isolation motif continues within the mansion itself. Although she preferred the downstairs room with roses all over the windows that opened on the piazza, the narrator finds herself relegated to an out of the way dungeon-like nursery on the second floor, appropriately equipped with "rings and things" in the walls. Windows in each direction provide glimpses of the garden, arbors, bushes, and t .....

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