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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

1984: Summary
Words: 1282 / Pages: 5

.... would even think "criminal" thoughts to begin with since they had no knowledge of any crime from personal experience or history. The main character of this book is Winston Smith. Even though he is portrayed as a criminal, I believe that he is a victim of a system that is criminal. All through this book Winston's convictions lead us to believe that he is ethical and the Party is unjust but it is left up to the readers discretion to decide whether he is the criminal or just a victim of a totalitarian society. The first instance of Winstons "criminal" nature was when he bought an illegal journal, quill and bottle of ink to record his thoughts. Althou .....

Song Of Solomon
Words: 642 / Pages: 3

.... for his son, Icarus- using wax and feathers, which they used to fly off from Crete. On their journey to Athens, Icarus decided to try to challenge the sun, even though his father had warned him that if he got too near to the sea his wings would dampen and fall apart, or if he got too close to the sun, the wax in his wings would melt, and he would lose the ability to fly. Ignoring Daedalus' warnings, Icarus flew too high and the sun melted the wax that held his wings together. Icarus fell into the Aegean Sea and died. Solomon, a slave, had been a leader when he worked in the cotton fields in the South. One day he decided to fly back to Africa with h .....

The Grapes Of Wrath 2
Words: 1572 / Pages: 6

.... have no idea that he has been paroled. But as they reach the house the two of them notice that it is unusually banged up and empty. When they step inside, the house is vacant except for a couple of things that were left behind. Some of them were important to the family. Then they see a person coming towards them. It turns out to be Muley Graves, an old friend. The three of them start to talk for a long time about what is going on in the area. The banks and land companies had driven many of the farmers, including the Joads and Muleys family, of the land, and that tractors now plowed the earth instead of men. Then Muley tells Tom that his f .....

A Lesson Before Dying: Mr. Wiggins
Words: 964 / Pages: 4

.... confided something in Mr. Wiggins, something that I didn't see Jefferson doing often at all in this book. "I saw a slight smile come to his face, and it was not a bitter smile. Not bitter at all"; this is the first instance in which Jefferson breaks his somber barrier and shows emotions. At that point he became a man, not a hog. As far as the story tells, he never showed any sort of emotion before the shooting or after up until that point. A hog can't show emotions, but a man can. There is the epiphany of the story, where Mr. Wiggins realizes that the purpose of life is to help make the world a better place, and at that time he no longer minds vi .....

Pride In The Crucible
Words: 672 / Pages: 3

.... at the end of act one. Elizabeth is trying to make her husband turn in Abigail as a witch. She seems sly about it and this exposes her pride. She has pride that she is able to punish Abigail for hurting her. Not this is an unjustifiable pride, but Elizabeth picks on john to do her dirty work to the point John says, “You will not judge me more, Elizabeth….Let you look to your own improvement before you judge your husband anymore”(act 2). The act of the accusation will prove to Elizabeth the affair is over. Elizabeth has a strong sense that she is the only one safe in the issue, for she has done no wrong, who is to accuse her or anything? But E .....

German World Of Disappointment
Words: 1893 / Pages: 7

.... When a long-lost German soldier returns to his hometown five years after World War II has ended, he returns to a place that is familiar, but everyone he knows is gone. His new landlady constantly asks him if he knew her dead son. She talks endlessly about her dearly departed son’s life and shows him again and again all the pictures of her son. The final picture that was taken of the landlady’s son was of him at his job as a streetcar conductor. All the other occasions that the soldier had seen it he reminisced about his own time spent at that particular terminus. He remembers the pop stand, the trees, the villa with the golden lions, and e .....

Compare And Contrast Of The Me
Words: 487 / Pages: 2

.... a normal human being. Another difference is the situation between the characters and their mothers. Gregor wants to have a relationship with his mother but cannot because of his physical form. Mersault’s mother is alive and well for part of the novel, but he does not want to take care of her or have anything to do with her. The two characters are similar in the way that they do not believe in God and will both die lonely and abandoned. Kafka creates a very lonely and abandoned world for Gregor Samsa in his short novel Metamorphosis. Gregor is an existentialist character who mutates into a giant bug without reason and no longer has any co .....

A Farewell To Arms Is A Classi
Words: 1229 / Pages: 5

.... Why should I?’ ‘I should think sometimes you would want to see other people besides me.’ ‘Do you want to see other people?’ ‘No.’ ‘Neither do I.’” p.297. This conversation shows that Catherine loves him so much that she is willing to be alone just so he can be happy. At the same time, Mr. Henry would probably like to go skiing but would never dream of leaving Catherine alone. Death wins out over love. “’It is very dangerous.’ The nurse went into the room and shut the door. I sat outside in the hall. Everything was gone inside of me. I did not think. I could no th .....

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner: Nature
Words: 635 / Pages: 3

.... rather extreme, for he takes lightly to this thought of death. The Albatross, as a representative of nature, means nothing to the Mariner. These thoughts are quickly changed, though, as Nature begins to start the penance leading towards forgiveness - "Water, water, everywhere nor any drop to drink." When "the mariner begins to find his salvation when he begins to look on the 'slimy things' as creatures of strange beauty" (Fraser 203), he understands the Albatross was a symbol of nature and he realized what he had done wrong. The mariner is forgiven after sufficient penance - "We could not speak" - is performed by Nature. Nature shows us more stre .....

The Stranger: Mersault
Words: 658 / Pages: 3

.... and a neighbor who wants friendship. He seems content to be indifferent, possibly protected from pain by his indifference. Mersault rarely shows any feeling when in situations which would, for most people, elicit strong emotions. throughout the vigil, watching over his mother's dead body, and at her funeral, henever cries. He is, further, depicted enjoying a cup of coffee with milk during the vigil, and having a smoke with a caretaker at the nursing home in which his mother died. The following day, after his mother's funeral, he goes to the beach and meets a former colleague named Marie Cardona. They swim, go to a movie, and then spent the nig .....

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