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Computers Essay Writing Help

Words: 1120 / Pages: 5

.... Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. The same new designs also make possible ideas of privacy and of restricted information sources, but computer crime has become a very important risk that society must face if it would enjoy the benefits of modern technology. Two main types of computers are in use today, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation the ability to determine if a switch, or gate is open or closed. That is, the computer can recognize only two states in any o .....

Internet Pornography: Freedom Of Press Or Dangerous Influence?
Words: 2083 / Pages: 8

.... Internet all cite the basic rights of free speech and press. While arguments in this paper are international, almost everyone of them cites the First Amendment of the United States. In many of the papers it is implied that the United States sets precedent for the rest of the world as far as laws governing the global world of the Internet. Paul F. Burton, an Information Science professor and researcher, gives many statistics showing that presence of pornography on the Internet is not necessarily a bad thing. He gives one example that shows that "47% of the 11,000" most popular searches on the Internet are targeted to pornography. This fact .....

Organic Molecules Challenge
Words: 2520 / Pages: 10

.... were on the right track. "We have a long way to go before carbon-based electronics replace silicon-based electronics, but we can see now that we hope to revolutionize computer design and performance," said Robert R. Birge, a professor of chemistry, Carnegie- Mellon University, Pittsburgh. "Now it's only a matter of time, hard work, and some luck before molecular electronics start having a noticeable impact." Molecular electronics is so named because it uses molecules to act as the "wires" and "switches" of computer chips. Wires, may someday be replaced by polymers that conduct electricity, such as polyacetylene and polyphenylenesulfide. Another c .....

Modern Designing In Today's Automobile
Words: 1040 / Pages: 4

.... are some of the most intelligent workers in the automobile industry. They work long hard hours using very high-tech computers and engineering programs. These computers are some of the most high tech, powerful computers available anywhere in the world. It takes many of these engineers to produce a car and typically each engineer has a specific job, such as the car's frame. These engineers work independently on their assigned tasks, but they all are aware of what the other engineers are working on. This is because all of the work each engineer produces must work in unison with the work their colleagues are doing so that all the work produce .....

Quantum Computers Fact -or- Fantasy?
Words: 1636 / Pages: 6

.... deal about quantum computing? Imagine you were in a large office building and you had to retrieve a briefcase left on a desk picked at random in one of hundreds of offices. In the same way that you would have to walk through the building, opening doors one at a time to find the briefcase, an ordinary computer has to make it way through long strings of 1’s and 0’s until it arrives at the answer. But what if instead of having to search by yourself, you could instantly create as many copies of yourself as there were rooms in the building all the copies could simultaneously peek in all the offices, and the one that finds the briefcase becomes the .....

Technology Spontaneously Approaching `Humanity' With The Passage Of Time
Words: 2045 / Pages: 8

.... they will tend to discover humanity in their own unique way, rising above their ‘specifications' to actually become human. By definition, tools are designed specifically for certain tasks, and as technological tools, the T800 and the replicant are deigned to meet specific specifications. In Terminator 2, the T800 is a multipurpose cyborg assigned to save John Connor, given a series of “mission parameters,” initially characterized by his computer logic. He often advises John based on permutations of the T1000's next move, similar to the way a chess computer decides what move to make next. Just as the T800 is designed to perform solely as .....

Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Words: 1569 / Pages: 6

.... manufacturing system with reduced total manufacturing costs and turnaround times, and improved quality is generally termed Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Another definition that is more precise might be the utilization of computers to control the integration and flow of information between design, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, warehousing and distribution, customers and suppliers, sales and marketing activities, financial management and the overall control of the enterprise. At one extreme, a Computer-Integrated Manufacturing process may be fully automated, with computers (and robots) controlling the entire production process wi .....

History Of Telecommunications
Words: 2827 / Pages: 11

.... or any type of technology but there was a form of telecommunication. This for is called the Drum Telegraph. The drum telegraph was developed as a means of telecommunication. The natives of Africa introduced drum telegraphy. This roaring of drums is how messages were spread for far distances. In similar state, the old China used a sort of drum telegraph which was that of the "Tamtam". This was a big, free hanging, circular metal plate. The keystroking, as it is called, of this plate would create a far-reaching audible tone. This is the drum telegraph and the start of telecommunication. Fire Signaling Fire signaling is another part o .....

Economic Consequences Of Software Crime
Words: 3879 / Pages: 15

.... of original software and the appropriate number of manuals. It is illegal for a corporation or business to purchase a single set of original s! oftware and then load that software onto more than one computer, or lend, copy or distribute software for any reason without the prior written consent of the software manufacturer. Many software managers are concerned with the legal compliance, along with asset management and costs to their organizations. Many firms involve their legal departments and human resources in regards to software distribution and licensing. Information can qualify to be property in two ways; patent law and copyright laws whic .....

Coping With Computers
Words: 491 / Pages: 2

.... This article deals with the feelings of one particular person in this position. Linda Ellerbee, a journalist and author owns a television production company. She also has her own column in Windows magazine. Her experiences with modern computer technologies range from the terminals of the 1970's all the through today with the Internet and e-mail. One of her first experiences with a computer involved sending a message over the AP news wire. As it turns out, she expressed her candid opinion on some very sensitive topics at the time, including but not limited to the Vietnam War. Consequently, the AP was not amused with the message and she was fi .....

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