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Computers Essay Writing Help

History Of The Intel Corporation
Words: 416 / Pages: 2

.... made quite an impact on the industry soon after it was founded. The sales revenues jumped enormously through Intel's International exspansion to many countries including Europe and the Phillipines in the early 70's. From 1969 to 1970 Intel's revenues went up by almost four-million dollars! Today, Intel is one of the biggest companies pulling in billions and billions of dollars each year. Intel has had many factors over the years that has allowed it to monopolize the computer industry thus resulting in small competition. First of all, Intel is almost 25 years ahead of it's competitors. Therefore, most companies are just starting out and have .....

The POSitouch System
Words: 209 / Pages: 1

.... there restaurants through the use of computer technology. During there search they found systems but none meeting there total needs. That is why the Fullers created the company, (R.D.C) Restaurant Data Concepts. RDC keeps developing better and more efficient equipment to be used in the food service industry. Overall, I feel that POSitouch is well worth the initial expense. It should be looked at as an investment, saving time, and money in all areas needing tight controls. This management tool has been shown to cut labor, and food costs in many food service establishments, not to mention the speed of the system, which could easily increase tu .....

The Necessity Of Computer Security
Words: 1815 / Pages: 7

.... the contemporary counterpart of the steam engine that brought on the industrial revolution - one that is still gathering momentum and whose true nature had yet to be seen." Today's applications of computers are vast. They are used to run ordinary household appliances such as televisions and microwaves, to being tools in the workplaces through word processing, spreadsheets, and graphics software, to running monumental tasks such as being the heart and soul of the nations tax processing department, and managing the project timetables of the Space Shuttle. It is obvious that the computer is now and always will be inexorably linked to our .....

Words: 528 / Pages: 2

.... family application. The biggest invention in was Windows, a more user-friendly and more powerful operating system than MS-DOS. formed their headquarter in Redmond, Washington, In the same year, its stock went public and started at $21 per share. The updated version of Windows operating system went on sale in 1990 and five years later the complete makeover version named Windows 95 was launched. And now the much debated and controversial program called Windows 98 was launched last June. (Martin, et al., 1995) Why did the Windows 98 program become so controversial? Due to the fact that Windows program has been used on ninety percent of all t .....

All About The Internet
Words: 830 / Pages: 4

.... line services are Compuserve, America On Line, and Prodigy. In the line of communication, these companies offer electronic mail, live conferencing, and allow users to converse with individuals. These services also provide large reference sections, including encyclopedias, libraries of all sorts, journals, newspapers, and magazines. They have databases consisting of airline fares, routes, and travel times, and allow for users to make flight reservations on line. Through on line services, users are able to check, buy, and sell stocks and bonds through brokers. The services provide entertainment through games, contests, and movie reviews. F .....

Computer Crime
Words: 465 / Pages: 2

.... up to a great deal of money. I also read about phone phreaks more known as "Phreakers." They steal long distance phone services. Phreakers commit many other crimes against phone companies. In the book Computer Crime it states, most people commit thesis crimes, because they where carious and wanted to explore the system. All they want to do is exploit systems not destroy it. It is purely intellectual. I know one reason is that is can be very rewarding. Hackers are drawn to computers for the aninymity they allow. They feel powerful and can do anything. Hackers can be there own person out side the real world. I found out Arizona was .....

Identity Theft
Words: 696 / Pages: 3

.... because our personal information is distrubted like candy on halloween. We use our social security numbers as identification numbers Credit card numbers are printed on every receipt. And our liscense number is used on a daily basis. Despite this there are ways to prevent yourself from falling victem to identity theft. you see a criminal likes easy prey. They don't want to have to work for it. It's like locking your car at the mall, sure someone might break in anyway, but chance are if your doors are lock the will probably move on to another car. First off... Never give your credit card number online out unless you are positive that the .....

Words: 594 / Pages: 3

.... In almost every city all across North America, no matter where these students move to, they are able to link up and find everything they need. They can find links like "Creative Ideas", a place they can go and retrieve ideas, innovations, inventions, patents and licensing. Once they come up with their own products, they can find free expert advice on how to market their products. There are easily accessible links to experts, analysts, consultants and business leaders to guide their way to starting up their own business, careers and lives. These experts can help push the beginners in the right direction in every field of business, includi .....

Computer Simulation
Words: 1699 / Pages: 7

.... and coalition force training distributed across the globe. a. The WARSIM 2000 simulation system will use a computer-based simulation and associated hardware to support the training of unit commanders and their battle staffs from battalion through theater-level as well as to support training events in educational institutions. Designed and built using modern computer technology, modern software engineering techniques, and validated algorithms and databases, it will allow units world-wide to train using their organizational equipment. A key feature of the system will be its use of technology to minimize the total Army's overhead associated with sup .....

Using Electronic Mail To Communicate With The Staff
Words: 1248 / Pages: 5

.... This new law will affect about thirty percent of our CareLink membership population. In order to become compliant with the new law and continue the program, effective July 1st we will begin to ask for citizenship or legal resident documentation before enrolling in the CareLink program. If documentation is not available the patient will be denied membership. (Simmons, Mrs. Juanita to Member Service & Education staff. 13 June 1998. Process Change - Residency Issue.) The communication effort failed via memo in this situation. The memo was typed and distributed June 13th. The only time the ten Member Service Representative received their correspond .....

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