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Computers Essay Writing Help

Are "Good" Computer Viruses Still A Bad Idea?
Words: 4796 / Pages: 18

.... points out the problems in them. A set of conditions is listed, which every virus that claims to be beneficial must conform to. At last, a realistic model using replication techniques for beneficial purposes is proposed and directions are given in which this technique can be improved further. The paper also demonstrates that the main reason for the conflict between those supporting the idea of a "beneficial virus" and those opposing it, is that the two sides are assuming a different definition of what a computer virus is. 1. What Is a Computer Virus? The general public usually associates the term "computer virus" with a small, nasty program, which .....

The Evolution Of Apple - January 1976 To May 1995
Words: 1347 / Pages: 5

.... only hired people into the company that had the same visions as they did. In early 1976 Wozniak and Jobs finish work on a preassembled computer circuit board. It has no Product keyboard, case, sound or graphics. They call it the Apple I. They form the Apple Computer Company on April Fool’s Day and sold the Apple I board for $666.66 at the Home brew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California. In 1977 the Apple II is available to the general public. Fully assembled and pretested, it includes 4K of standard memory, and comes equipped with two game paddles and a demo cassette. The price is $1,298. Customers use their own TV set as a monitor and store .....

Windows 95 Beats Mac
Words: 411 / Pages: 2

.... alleviated with plug and play technology. With plug and play compatible boards, the computer detects and configures the new board automatically. The operating system may recognize some hardware components on older PCs. Mac userw will claim that they always had the convenicnce of a plug and play system, ubt the difference shows in teh flexibility of the two systems. Another set of arguments Mac users use in favor of their sysstems over PCs is in multimedia and networking capabilities. Mac users gloat that the Mac has networking technology built in the system. Even if a user did not use it, the network is included with the system. They cited that .....

Technological Developments
Words: 973 / Pages: 4

.... sense that we cannot keep up, can\'t take it all in, that we are being overwhelmed by information, deluged by data: the sense of an \"information overload.\" One of the first attempts to represent this kind of information overload appears in Ted Mooney\'s 1981 novel, Easy Travel to Other Planets. There, Mooney describes \"A Case of Information Sickness\" in the following terms: If information was once considered the solid ground, the \"factual\" basis, on which to make decisions and take actions, it no longer seems to be so. Indeed, information no longer seems to be solid at all. Not only does it not provide a grounding, a found .....

Advances In AI
Words: 3659 / Pages: 14

.... of ‘intelligence’ could be linked to humanity’s evolution, much time is devoted to find what forces or factors are responsible for them. There are few who would still adhere to a model of Nature vs. Nurture rather substituting the vs. for via. Both environmental and genetic factors contribute to human intelligence, however which of these, if any, is more important in shaping intelligence is a source of fierce disagreement. It seems apparent that those who posses higher levels of intelligence are accorded a certain amount of privilege. Therefore where intelligence comes from is essential in determining the validity of endowing privilege .....

Words: 3001 / Pages: 11

.... and gets on he's presented with a logon prompt, this is where the hacking really begins, the hacker tries to bypass this anyway he knows how to and tries to gain access to the system. Why do they do it, well lets go to a book and see "Avid young computer hackers in their preteens and teens are frequently involved in computer crimes that take the form of trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism. Quite often they are mearly out for a fun and games evening, and they get entangled in the illegal use of their machines without realizing the full import of what they are doing", I have a hard time believing that so lets see what a "hacker" has to .....

Telecomuting And Us
Words: 1088 / Pages: 4

.... reason or another, many factors should be considered. What kind of schedule does the employee feel constitutes telecommuting? Generally speaking, telecommuting is defined as spending at least one day out of a five day work week working in the home. Is one day home enough for the employee? Or, too little? How does the employer decide how many days to allow? Does the employee's job lend itself well to telecommuting? Some jobs, obviously, can't be accomplished using a telecommuting format. Does the employee have a good track record for working unsupervised? This relates back to readiness levels. An employee who isn't performing at a high readiness lev .....

The Year 2000 Problem
Words: 852 / Pages: 4

.... an amortization formula would yield negative 98 years, instead of two years. The negative answer would cause an incorrect calculation or even program failure. Typically, in scenarios of this nature, computers do one of two things: freeze up and/or shut down. Date computation functions are used on millions of software applications, thus affecting millions of computers world-wide. It not only affects calculations for interest rates, inventories, or insurance policies, but every major aspect of our modern economic infrastructure. Government agencies, businesses, and financial institutions use software applications that contain date computation functions .....

America And The Computer Industry
Words: 2608 / Pages: 10

.... wires on which beads are strung. When these beads are moved along the wire according to "programming" rules that the user must memorize, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed (Soma, 14). The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first "digital calculating machine". It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal's father who was a tax collector (Soma, 32). In the early 1800's, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store up to 1000 50-digit number .....

Why Y2K?
Words: 1386 / Pages: 6

.... about it, its too late to fix everything; meaning that something will fail on the year 2000. And even if some computers ARE compliant, what about those computers that they contact or link to Via the internet that are NOT compliant? They'd only be spewing in garbage the computer cant use, and can may even screw up compliant computers as well. I know what your thinking: "Its not going to happen, someone is going to make some "wonder program" that will fix all the bugs" Well let me tell you something...There are over 500 programming languages, many in foreign languages. Other programs like BASIC and Cobol, are still being used, and those that know it ar .....

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