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Computers Essay Writing Help

Government Intervention On The Internet
Words: 1408 / Pages: 6

.... different servers across the country. Does this mean that the government owns the Internet, or is it no longer a tool limited by the powers that govern. Generalities such as these have sparked great debates within our nation's government. This paper will attempt to focus on two high profile ethical aspects concerning the Internet and its usage. These subjects are Internet privacy and Internet censorship. At the moment, the Internet is epitome of our first amendment, free speech. It is a place where a person can speak their mind without being reprimanded for what they say or how they choose to say it. But also contained on the Internet, are a .....

You've Got Mail
Words: 395 / Pages: 2

.... to share and exchange ideas. With the birth of the Internet, the world has found new ways to communicate with one another. Just a few short clicks of a mouse, and people can send e-mail, talk in a chat room, and look at personal or corporate homepages. People in one country can talk to people in another country over the telephone and even see them, in real time, through video conferencing. What people need to communicate is no longer limited by the size of the paper, length of the tape, or cost of the call. As with all forms of communication, people are always concerned with how secure things are. With traditional forms of communication, even with .....

The Serious Year 2000 Problem
Words: 423 / Pages: 2

.... in non-computer equipment such as elevators, security systems, and air conditioning systems. As an example of the type of incorrect calculation which can be produced due to this problem, when a computer sorts dates by year, “00” could be identified as an earlier date than “99”. A financial spreadsheet or projection therefore might show the financial trend for the 1999-2000 period running backwards rather than forwards. Insurance company computers might report a policy running through the year 2001 as having instead expired in 1901. A bank computer calculating the interest for a financial instrument for the six year period of 1995 .....

Laws Must Be Passed To Address The Increase In The Number And Types Of Computer Crimes
Words: 1340 / Pages: 5

.... do not consider their crime to be truly dishonest. Most are males: women have tended to be accomplices, though of late they are becoming more aggressive. Computer Criminals tend to usually be "between the ages of 14-30, they are usually bright, eager, highly motivated, adventuresome, and willing to accept technical challenges."(Shannon, 16:2) "It is tempting to liken computer criminals to other criminals, ascribing characteristics somehow different from 'normal' individuals, but that is not the case."(Sharp, 18:3) It is believed that the computer criminal "often marches to the same drum as the potential victim but follows and unanticipated path. .....

Radio - Making Waves In America
Words: 1502 / Pages: 6

.... Age. The invention of radio is commonly credited to Guglielmo Marconi, who, starting in 1895, developed the first ÒwirelessÓ radio transmitter and receiver. Working at home with no support from his father, but plenty from his mother, Marconi improved upon the experiments and equipment of Hertz and others working on radio transmission. He created a better radio wave detector or cohere and connected it to an early type of antenna. With the help of his brothers and some of the neighborhood boys he was able to send wireless telegraph messages over short distances. By 1899 he had established a wireless communications link between England and Fran .....

The Internet
Words: 457 / Pages: 2

.... the same package but differ in the amounts they charge for membership. In my opinion a good company to subscribe to is one that offers a flat rate. In order to access the internet you require a good computer and a powerful modem . If you have these it is much easier and faster to "Surf the Net". I would recommend a 28.8 kbs modem manufactured by U.S Robotics. The Internet can give you access to both legal & illegal sites on the net. There is pirated software e.g. full version of games that you can access without actually paying for them. The internet can only be accessed with a browser. There are a few web browsers but two main ones are Net .....

CAD/CAM Systems
Words: 881 / Pages: 4

.... first type is wire frame models, just a wire of zero thickness displaying the designed shape for the intended designer. The second type of model is the surface model, a series of small and large sheets connected to one another like a quilt blanket, displaying the shape the designer intended. Lastly, is the solid model. It is represented in the computer as solid shape, as if it were, for example a solid piece of steel All data concerning its shape is known by the computer software, and can be manipulated in more of an automated way rather than every surface or every wire frame requiring individual shaping (Unigraphics 1-1). CAD/CAM software also cre .....

Auditing Computer Security
Words: 1201 / Pages: 5

.... that you specify. On a domain controller, the audit policy determines the amount and type of security logging that window nt server performs on all domain controllers in the domain. On windows nt workstation or on member servers, the audit policy determines the amount and type of security logging performed on the individual computer. You will first plan the policy, then implement it, and finally view the results. You can set up on audit policy for a domain to: track the success and failure of events, such as when users attempt to log on, read a file, make changes to user and group permissions, change the security policy, and make a network c .....

The Y2k Issue
Words: 1450 / Pages: 6

.... will experience bank runs, and some telecommunications centers will be out cold. In addition transportation, hospitals, and food delivery will also be jeopardized. This does not mean that all of these will experience problems, or even that a majority will. But without question, some will. The extent of that "some" is largely unknown. Water treatment facilities, food & farming, defense, transportation, hospitals & emergency service, power, banking, law enforcement, communications, fuel, and government are all things in question. Experts have testified before banking subcommittees that any major firm that has not already completed its assessment c .....

Will Computers Control Humans In The Future?
Words: 866 / Pages: 4

.... to educate effortlessly a person. According to the Profession story people would no longer read books to learn and improve their knowledge. People would rely on the computers rather than "try to memorize enough to match someone else who knows" (Nine Tomorrows, Profession 55). People would not chose to study, they would only want to be educated by computer tapes. Putting in knowledge would take less time than reading books and memorizing something that would take almost no time using a computer in the futuristic world that Asimov describes. Humans might began to rely on computers and allow them to control themselves by letting computers educate p .....

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