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Computers Essay Writing Help

The Telephone
Words: 317 / Pages: 2

.... and friends, miles and miles away. Not only did the telephone pamper to individual woes, but it provided a very useful industrial service. It allows commercial companies to expand their horizons infinitely easier than ever before. It became possible to set up meetings and discuss business matters with partners thousands of miles away. Companies that posessed a telephone had a enormous advantage over the rest. And in a time as economically troubled as the 30's depression, everyone was looking for a competitive edge. The telephone wasn't invented in the thirties, nor was the first transatlantic line built then, but the thirties represents .....

The Linux Operating System
Words: 747 / Pages: 3

.... software development, and as an end-user platform. Linux is often considered an excellent, low-cost alternative to other more expensive operating systems. Due to the very nature of Linux's functionality and availability, it has become quite popular worldwide and a vast number of software programmers have taken Linux's source code and adapted it to meet their individual needs. At this time, there are dozens of ongoing projects for Linux to different hardware configurations and purposes. Linux has an official mascot, the Linux Penguin, which was selected by Linus Torvalds to represent the image he associates with the operating system he crea .....

The History Of The Internet
Words: 2332 / Pages: 9

.... from a question "How could U.S. authorities successfully communicate after a nuclear war?" The answer came from the Rand Corporation, America's foremost Cold War think-tank. Why not create a network of computers without one central main authoritative unit (Sterling 1) The Rand Corporation working along side the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) devised a plan. The network itself would be considered unreliable at all times; therefore it would never become too dependable and powerful. Each computer on the network or node would have its own authority to originate, pass, and receive messages. The name given to this network was .....

It And Retailing
Words: 1423 / Pages: 6

.... that place does not enter into the marketing mix of an e-commerce company. As its customers will not visit the business, it means having a prominent high street location is no longer of importance; in fact a business can be set up in someone’s home (if space for storage allows!). Also when considering mail order companies there is no longer the need to endure the costs of designing, printing and sending out catalogues. These factors contribute to e-commerce companies being able to offer products at greatly reduced prices as overheads have been minimised. A company now has the ability to provide customers with a catalogue that has a far more .....

The Evaluation Of The Microprocessor.
Words: 1306 / Pages: 5

.... technology. In the 80's Motorola won the battle, but now in the 90's it looks as Intel has won the war. The microprocessor 68000 is the original microprocessor(Encarta 95). It was invented by Motorola in the early 80's. The 68000 also had two very distinct qualities like 24-bit physical addressing and a 16-bit data bus. The original Apple Macintosh ,released in 1984, had the 8-MHz found at the core of it. It was also found in the Macintosh Plus, the original Macintosh SE, the Apple Laser-Writer IISC, and the Hewlett-Packard's LaserJet printer family. The 68000 was very efficient for its time for example it could address 16 megabytes of memo .....

Power Generation In The Future What We Should Do In Australi
Words: 319 / Pages: 2

.... reduce the amount of pollution that is released into the atmosphere. Coal power is also reliable. Solar Solar should only generate 15% because it is not a reliable power source: the sun does not shine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in one spot. If the weather does change and the panels can’t generate the power required the nuclear plant/s can fluctuate to cope with the power needs of the general population. Solar power uses an infinite resource so it is worthwhile making use of. Wind Wind “farms” should be used in conjunction with Solar plants as more power will be generated with the wind and sun combined. It is an environmentally friendl .....

Ultrasonic Radar For A Home PC System
Words: 2068 / Pages: 8

.... to find out if any aircraft were approaching. This technology is now offered to people who have a computer with microsoft's quick basic, or a Macintosh, and space (equivalent to that of a coffee-pot) to spare. Ultrasonic radar is now a small component for your computer, giving computer operators a chance to see low flying objects, household furniture, and even themselves on their PC screen. Just to impress a neighbour or friend is reason enough to build your own ultrasonic radar station. Similar to that of a Polaroid, ultrasonic transducers are used in this type of radar. A rangefinder emits a brief pulse of high frequency sound that produ .....

The Internet Its Effects And Its Future
Words: 6049 / Pages: 22

.... has long since been upgraded and expanded and TCP/IP is now a ¡§de facto¡¨ standard. Millions of people worldwide are using the Internet to share information, make new associations and communicate. Individuals and businesses, from students and journalists, to consultants, programmers and corporate giants are all harnessing the power of the Internet. For many businesses the Internet is becoming integral to their operations. Imagine the ability to send and receive data: messages, notes, letters, documents, pictures, video, sound- just about any form of communication, as effortlessly as making a phone call. It is easy to understand why the Internet .....

Computer Pornography
Words: 2098 / Pages: 8

.... we know as the Information Superhighway. The Internet is now supposed to be regulated so that it will be "safe" for everyone to enter. The Government passed a law known as the Telecommunications Act of 1996. In the TA there is a part called the Communications Decency Act or CDA. This part of the bill arose because of the recent surge of pornography on the Infobahn. The CDA criminalizes indecent speech on the Internet(Wallace: 1). The CDA describes indecent speech as anything "depicting or describing sexual or excretory acts or organs in patently offensive fashion under contemporary community standards." First take the word "indecent". This wo .....

Smart Cards
Words: 216 / Pages: 1

.... and speeding transportation by using electronic ticketing. The most common uses of today are: banking and retail, mo-bile communications, information technology, identity and health, park-ing, public telephony, mass transit and campus ID solutions; and areas of use increase every day. One of the most fast developing areas of use is Banking and Retail. For business of financial transactions is very competitive and fast-changing, banks are always seeking for new valuable services for their customers. give an ability to deploy and manage multiple ap-plications on a wallet-size plastic card. Smart card technology also prom-ises to resolve the .....

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