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Computers Essay Writing Help

The Telephone
Words: 1495 / Pages: 6

.... can divide those into other categories such as business line (multi -- line) or home line (single line). You can also have many other types of phones: there are those that hang on the wall, on the desk, etc. THE HANDSET No matter what kind of telephone you own, there has to be some device that allows you to talk to and listen to. This device is called the handset. The handset is usually made out of plastic and inside it are two main components: the transmitter and the receiver. THE TRANSMITTER It is the job of the transmitter to turn the air pressure created by your sound waves to electrical signals so they can be sent to the other telephone. .....

Words: 482 / Pages: 2

.... 20 is crippled by the jolt of lift-off, or dies in the inferno of a defective rocket blast, or is thrust into improper orbit. A few simply vanish into the immensity of space. When a satellite emerges from the rocket's protective shroud, radiotelemety regularly reports on its health to round-the-clock crews of ground controllers. They watch over the temperatures and voltages of the craft's electronic nervous system and other vital "organs", always critical with machines whose sunward side may be 300 degress hotter than the shaded part. Once a satellite achieves orbit--that delicate condition in which the pull of earth's gravity is matched by the o .....

Computer Crime: A Increasing Problem
Words: 2548 / Pages: 10

.... on these computers has been increasing even faster. The amount of money, military intelligence, and personal information stored on computers has increased far beyond expectations. Governments, the military, and the economy could not operate without the use of computers. Banks transfer trillions of dollars every day over inter-linking networks, and more than one billion pieces of electronic mail are passed through the world's networks daily. It is the age of the computer network, the largest of which is known as the InterNet. A complex web of communications inter-linking millions of computers together -- and this number is at least doubling eve .....

Words: 1295 / Pages: 5

.... became the country's largest manufacturer of time clocks and developed and marketed the first electric typewriter. In 1951 the company entered the computer field. The development of 's technology was largely funded by contracts with the U.S. government's Atomic Energy Commission; close parallels existed between products made for government use and those introduced by into the public marketplace. In the late 1950s distinguished itself with two innovations: the concept of a family of computers (its 360 family) in which the same software could be run across the entire family and a corporate policy dictating that no customer would be allowed to fail .....

The Bulgarian And Soviet Virus Factories
Words: 9220 / Pages: 34

.... in a paper, translated from the German magazine "Chip" [Chip]. Soon after that, the same Bulgarian magazine published an article [KV89]], explaining why computer viruses cannot be dangerous. The arguments presented were, in general, correct, but the author had completely missed the fact that the majority of PC users are not experienced programmers. A few months later, in the fall of the same year, two men came in the editor's office of the magazine and claimed that they have found a computer virus. Careful examination showed that it was the VIENNA virus. At that time the computer virus was a completely new idea for us. To make a computer program, w .....

Computers Related To Turf Grass Industries
Words: 1162 / Pages: 5

.... maker of fine turgrass mowing equipment, has come out with the first electric mowing machine. I myself am not in favor of this, or I would guess anyone in the petroleum industry is either for that matter. There has been a greater demand for environmental concern along the nations coastlines, and nation wide. Most of the worlds great golf courses are located along the coasts. Ransome was banking on that an electric mowing machine would fit that need. It has been slow to catch on as of late. It's benefits are an almost quiet no noise machine. (Beard 302). Many country club members would become outraged when the superintendents would send out the .....

What Is A GDSS?
Words: 788 / Pages: 3

.... evaluation. To achieve these three abilities, GDSS's are generally able to be divided into three basic configurations; the single-computer, software only, the single-computer and keypad response system, and the multiple computer / workstation network system (Donelan, 1993). Each with its corresponding unique architecture provides solutions to existing problems within the group dynamic at varying costs. To provide a better view of what each of the three architectures of GDSS's can provide, a brief description of each follows: The single-computer, software only system is the simplest and cheapest form of a GDSS. The system consists of a single comp .....

Uses Of Networking
Words: 1843 / Pages: 7

.... number of computers together so they can share software and hardware, they are also able to send and receive data through the network. -Resource Sharing -Advantages & Disadvantages of networks Advantages and disadvantages of networks Some advantages of networks Sharing Communication Data E-Mail Programs Bulletin boards Storage Tele-computer-conferencing Printer Information Scanner Fax Electronic diaries Allows Allows Fast information exchange Electronic funds transfer Real time database’s Electronic data interchange Distributed databases Electronic point of sale Elect .....

Future Of Television
Words: 1047 / Pages: 4

.... their intentions to begin digital broadcasts. Digital television sets are on sale now, though the price is between five to ten thousand dollars. There is a converter box on sale as well that you hook up to your TV, and it changes the regular signal to digital to your TV screen you have at home now. That is approximately three to six thousand dollars. You are probably saying to yourself at this point, “Other than being more expensive, what am I getting out of a HDTV that I am not getting from the TV at home? To start with, as of now, we use 525 lines of resolution,(makes up the screen, with colors) where HDTV has anywhere from 720 to 1080 (So .....

The Vast Cyber-frontier Is Being Threatend With Censorship From The Government
Words: 2556 / Pages: 10

.... approved the largest change of the nation's communications laws in 62 years. One of the largest controversial topics included in the bill is the censorship of pornography, which now is a strenuously enforced crime of distributing knowingly to children under 18. The congress overwhelmingly passed the bill with a landslide 414-16 House vote and a 91-5 Senate vote.2 It seems now that the wide bill might not be what it cracked up to be, as it stands now, anyone who might upload James Joyce's Ulysses could be placed in jail for two years and have up to a $250,000 fine.3 Representatives of on-line services industries were concerned about the bill, an .....

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