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Computers Essay Writing Help

Windows NT
Words: 1129 / Pages: 5

.... sent from to the computer to which it is being sent to. Phone lines, either fibre-optics or copper wires ones, carry most of the data packets. Internet computers along the path switch each packet that will take it to its destination, but no two packets need to follow the same path. The Internet is designed so that packets always take the best available route at the time they are travelling. 'Routers' which are boxes of circuit boards and microchips, which do the essential task of directing and redirecting packets along the network. Much smaller boxes of circuit boards and microchips called 'modems' do the task of interpreting between the p .....

Surfing The Internet
Words: 1486 / Pages: 6

.... and so on. The World Wide Web or WWW, is an information service that is on the Internet. The WWW is based on technology called hypertext, and was developed for physicist so they could send and retrieve information more easily. The WWW basically is a tool for exploring or surfing the Internet. The WWW is an attempt to organize the Internet so you can find information easier moving threw document to document. Why do I need to know this? Well now that I got threw all the techno-babble, let's get down to it. If you know how to utilize the Net, in just five minutes you could trade information and comments with millions of people all over the w .....

Software Piracy
Words: 2448 / Pages: 9

.... (i.e. Israel), or not enforced with sufficient commitment (i.e., the PRC). Significant piracy losses are suffered in virtually every region of the world. In some areas (i.e., Indonesia), the rate of unauthorized copies is believed to be in excess of 99%. Why do People Use Pirated Software? A major reason for the use of pirated software is the prices of the REAL thing. Just walk into a CompUSA, Electronics Boutique, Computer City, Egghead, etc and you will notice the expensive price tags on copies of the most commonly used programs and the hottest games. Take the recent Midwest Micro holiday catalogue for example and notice the prices .....

The Internet
Words: 1440 / Pages: 6

.... World Wide Web or WWW, is an information service that is on . The WWW is based on technology called hypertext, and was developed for physicist so they could send and retrieve information more easily. The WWW basically is a tool for exploring or surfing . The WWW is an attempt to organize so you can find information easier moving threw document to document. Why do I need to know this? Well now that I got threw all the techno-babble, let's get down to it. If you know how to utilize the Net, in just five minutes you could trade information and comments with millions of people all over the world, get a fast answer to any question imaginable on a scientif .....

Propaganda In The Online Free Speech Campaign
Words: 5040 / Pages: 19

.... opponents of the CDA have taken their messages to the Internet in order to gain support for their cause, and a small number of these organizations claim this fight as their only cause. Some of these organizations are broad based civil liberties groups, some fight for freedom of speech based on the first amendment, and other groups favor the lowering of laws involving the use of encrypted data on computers. All of these groups, however, speak out for free speech on the Internet, and all of these groups have utilized the Internet to spread propaganda to further this common cause of online free speech and opposition to the CDA. Context in which the .....

Windows 95 The O/S Of The Future
Words: 1148 / Pages: 5

.... face that made computing easier. The first Windows was a start in the right direction. In an effort to make computing meet the needs of the public, Microsoft developed Windows 95. Windows 95 has the appearance of being a completely user friendly operating system and it pretty much is as far as the average user is concerned. The compatibility with most hardware makes it easy for someone to upgrade their computer. The desktop is designed so the user has point and click access to all their open and closed programs. Utilizing the 32 bit programing it was written with, users are able to work with more than one program at a time and move information .....

Can Computers Think? The Case For And Against Artificial Intelligence
Words: 1023 / Pages: 4

.... doesn't exist; enough said. 2. Thought does exist, but is contained wholly in the brain. In other words, the actual material of the brain is capable of what we identify as thought. 3. Thought is the result of some sort of mystical phenomena involving the soul and a whole slew of other unprovable ideas. Since neither reader nor writer is a scientist, for all intents and purposes, we will say only that thought is what we (as homo sapien) experience. So what are we to consider intelligence? The most compelling argument is that intelligence is the ability to adapt to an environment. Desktop computers can, say, go to a specific WWW address. Bu .....

Government Censorship Would Damage The Atmosphere Of The Freedom To Express Ideas On The Internet; Therefore, Government Should Not Encourage Censorship
Words: 4435 / Pages: 17

.... File transfer protocol (FTP) started as an Internet archival and retrieval medium, somewhat analogous to traditional libraries. 4. The world-wide web (WWW), which is another component of the Net, can be used to "publish" material that would traditionally appear in journals, magazines, posters, books, television and even on film. 2. It is also essential to give a brief history on the internet. 3.The U.S. government is now trying to pass bills to prevent misuse of the Net. II. In order to understand the need for the ever-growing body of legislation, it is important to explore the controversy, and the current problems involved with the Net as it .....

Carburetion Versus Fuel Injection
Words: 1764 / Pages: 7

.... the only way to go, but the old man continually reminds me of the way things used to be when he was young. Despite the outstanding performance of carbuated cars on the racetrack, I believe that the future of the automotive world lies in computer controlled fuel injection systems. In order to understand the benefits of carburetors and fuel injectors, one must understand what they do. The carburetor is quite simply a fuel-metering device that operates under the logical and straightforward laws of physics. It has evolved over the years from a very simple and basic design to the complex and intricate models that are available today. Liquid fuel will n .....

An Insight Into Virtual Reality
Words: 1218 / Pages: 5

.... the mid '80's that virtual reality systems were becoming more defined. The AMES contract started in 1985, came up with the first glove in February 1986. The glove is made of thin Lycra and is fitted with 15 sensors that monitor finger flexion, extension, hand position and orientation. Connected to a computer through fiber optic cables. Sensor inputs enable the computer to generate an on screen image of the hand that follows the operator's hand movements. The glove also has miniature vibrators in the finger tips to provide feedback to the operator from grasped virtual objects. Therefore, driven by the proper software, the system allows the operat .....

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