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Computers Essay Writing Help

How Magnets Affect Computer Disks
Words: 1142 / Pages: 5

.... Even though floppies are used so commonly they are also not very dependable. They have numerous conditions under which they should normally be kept. For example: the actuall magnetic disk inside the hard cover of the disk must NEVER be touched, the magnetic disk inside, must be protected by the metallic sliding shield, the disk must always be within the temperature of 50° to 140° Fahrenheit and the disk must never be bought near a magnet! (3M Diskettes) There are many such hazards to computer disks. Problems caused by magnets are very common. A floppy can be damaged unknowingly if it is kept near a magnet, that may be in the open or inside any de .....

A Tour Of The Pentium Pro Processor Microarchitecture
Words: 2646 / Pages: 10

.... to exceed the original performance goal. Building from an already high platform The Pentium processor set an impressive performance standard with its pipelined, superscalar microarchitecture. The Pentium processor's pipelined implementation uses five stages to extract high throughput from the silicon - the Pentium Pro processor moves to a decoupled, 12-stage, superpipelined implementation, trading less work per pipestage for more stages. The Pentium Pro processor reduced its pipestage time by 33 percent, compared with a Pentium processor, which means the Pentium Pro processor can have a 33% higher clock speed than a Pentium processor and still be .....

Censorship On The Internet
Words: 3158 / Pages: 12

.... would pay to down load pornographic pictures and talk dirty to each other. Usenet groups took control of porn after the Internet came about. They did not charge people to down load picture and to interact with others. In result, Internet porn grew (Rosen 16). Things have changed drastically since then with over a million different sites available to access porn. Now it is not just for adults. Children are accessing the obscene materials. This brings rise to issues of how to protect them from problems that can arise. The materials they view, could influence children. They could also be subjected to cybersex in a chat room full of people that could .....

Local Area Networks
Words: 876 / Pages: 4

.... different ways. This is the reason for the standardization for every one can have a common ground to start from. “The LANs described Herein are distinguished from other types of data networks in that they are optimized for a moderate size geographic area such as a single office building, warehouse, or a campus. The IEEE 802 LAN is a shared medium peer-to-peer communications network that broadcasts information for all stations to receive. As a consequence, it does not inherently provide privacy. The LAN enables stations to communicate directly using a common physical medium on a point-to-point basis without any intermediate switching node being r .....

Semiconductors : The Silicon Chip
Words: 1438 / Pages: 6

.... simple-element semiconductor materials such as silicon or germanium. Silicon is the most common semiconductor material used today. It is used for diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, memories, infrared detection and lenses, light-emitting diodes (LED), photosensors, strain gages, solar cells, charge transfer devices, radiation detectors and a variety of other devices. Silicon belongs to the group IV in the periodic table. It is a grey brittle material with a diamond cubic structure. Silicon is conventionally doped with Phosphorus, Arsenic and Antimony and Boron, Aluminum, and Gallium acceptors. The energy gap of silicon is 1.1 eV. T .....

Privacy And The Internet
Words: 4771 / Pages: 18

.... question was raised again when the postal system began and then when telephones were introduced. Once again, we must apply the question to the new information superhighway, that is e-mail, telecommuting, online newsgroups, etc. The question is this: What does privacy on the internet mean? Privacy And The Internet Introduction According to Bill Eager, "The Information Superhighway refers to the multitude of technologies and businesses that encompass the eletronic distribution of video, data and voice via communications networks. Currently, for individuals, the Information Superhighway refers primarily to the use of personal computers (PCs) and mode .....

Seatbelts And Airbags: They Save Lives!!!
Words: 607 / Pages: 3

.... has not occurred. There have been many questions as to how to disconnect these passenger side airbags. Manufacturers have been trying to make a passenger side airbag disconnecting switch built into the dashboard. This mechanism can be used like an ignition switch: just insert a key and turn the key and the airbag will deactivate. Car owners have also had the airbag flat out removed from the car. Car buyers also just plain avoid buying cars with a passenger side airbag. Seatbelts, however, cannot be avoided. In the state of Pennsylvania it is illegal to ride in an automobile without wearing a seatbelt, yet we still do not wear them because .....

The Year 2000 Problem
Words: 2118 / Pages: 8

.... be stored as 01/01/00. But the computer will interpret this as January 1, 1900- not 2000” (de Jager 1). The ‘19’ is “hard-coded” into computer hardware and software. Since there are only 2 physical spaces for the year in this date format, after ‘99’, the only logical choice is to reset the number to ‘00’. is unlike any other problem in modern history for several reasons. William Adams points out some of the most important ones. “Time is running out- the Year 2000 is inevitable! The problem will occur simultaneously worldwide, time zones withstanding. It affects all languages and platforms, hardware & software. The demand for solu .....

Limitations On Robotic Technology
Words: 2027 / Pages: 8

.... intelligent. Where is the limit on society's safety? In the last two decades of the twentieth century, progress has gone beyond the wildest imagination of almost every inventor or dreamer. Faster and better are the keys for words that society yearns for. The technological age is in full force and robots are in the main stream of this tidal wave. In the movie, Terminator, robots take over the world in their future. Are movies like these foretelling the future of mankind? Some Swiss scientists say that the end may be close (Kelly 1). An autonomous robot that learns from its environment sparked all of this "Armageddon" talk (Kelly 1). The robo .....

Ethics In Cyberspace
Words: 940 / Pages: 4

.... contribute to society and human well-being 2) avoid harm to others 3) be honest and trustworthy 4) be fair and take action not to discriminate 5) honor property rights including copyrights and patents 6) give proper credit for intellectual property 7) respect the privacy of others 8) honor confidentiality. The very nature of electronic communication raises new moral issues. Individuals and organizations should be proactive in examining these concerns and developing policies which protect liabilities. Issues which need to be addressed include: privacy of mail, personal identities, access and control of the net .....

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