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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

The Man In The Park
Words: 791 / Pages: 3

.... was a worn blue sweater, the color made me think of cornflowers. Navy and dirty white canvas sneakers adorned his feet. His white sock could be seen through a gaping hole in the sole. These shoes had taken him to many different places. They were like an old friend that he couldn’t say goodbye to. On this particular day the sun was shining down, warming the earth and lake, so many children played on the wooden swing set. From where I stood on the path, I could hear their cheerful shouts, but could not see them. What I could see was the old man’s face. He had strong features: a broad nose, deep-set eyes, and pronounced cheekbones. They .....

Creative Writing: Down And Out
Words: 1441 / Pages: 6

.... They throw all the bottles in a garbage bag and decide to head home. From what they could see no traps had washed up, and their legs were getting tired. They walk the hour trip back to Richards house where they take off their garb and empty the bags. "What you suppose are in these?" asks Chester. "I don't know but as soon as we wash them a bit and open em' up we should find out" replies Richard. Chester fills an old fish box with water to wash the bottles. They clean the bottles them take them out and dry them. Martha hands Richard a corkscrew and finishes making supper. Richards grabs the first bottle and pops out the cork. He pulls .....

Shattered Perfection
Words: 469 / Pages: 2

.... child to do the right things, and forcing them to do the right things. Some of the things they did I’m still a bit grateful for, and I understand their reasoning, things like enrolling me in activities. I found out what I liked and was good at a young age, which was good, but the bad side was that I was never able to change once I started, and being so young and fickle, that discouraged me from liking things that I could have later on. The pressure to be perfect in every way has always had an enormous impact on me. It has resulted in pressure I put on myself to be perfect, which has caused a lot of problems and stress in my life. If someone .....

The Prison
Words: 1464 / Pages: 6

.... that ; I was not to talk to any inmates, that if they talked to me, they were to address me as Mrs. Tucker. Well, I knew right , at that point, there would be a problem. First of all, I am a people person. I could not refuse to talk to someone just because they were a inmate. Then, I defiantly did not like to be addressed as Mrs. Tucker. As far as I was concerned, the day the divorce was final, that was the day I stopped being Mrs. Tucker. But, I was told that was what I had to do. There were other rules I was told about, such as inmates were not allowed to handle money at all. so, I had gave money as a refund, I was to never give any to .....

The Ideal Dinner (Billy Corgan, Jimi Hendrix, And G. Washington)
Words: 513 / Pages: 2

.... and songwriting. He is very intelligent, and I think he has a lot to share with everyone. His diversity, talent, and his ability to be ferocious and graceful at the same time would make me want to invite Billy Corgan to dinner. I would invite Jimi Hendrix because he was one of the greatest guitarists of all time, despite his drug habits. Hendrix was ahead of his time with the music he played. He introduced a whole new style of rock guitar. His lyrics were simple and were almost always about love, but his guitar talent and unique playing style always made up for it. I would love to have a jam session with him and maybe have him .....

Creative Writing: The Cure To AIDS
Words: 372 / Pages: 2

.... not. And then I entered the room. My whole team was gathered around the test tubes. We all took a large breath and examined the HIV infected cells in the tubes. There was no HIV virus in them. Triumphant cries filled the room. Everybody was extremely satisfied with the results, especially I. I was shouting: “I made it! I really made it!” That was only the first test and was followed by a series of painstaking animal and human experiments. Fortunately all of them proved successful. The agent I discovered was an antidote to HIV-the virus that causes AIDS. It was called DAA- Dessy AIDS Antidote and blocked the reproduction of HIV in human cell .....

How I Learned To Ski
Words: 608 / Pages: 3

.... to snow- plow down a hill, that is your first move you learn upon skiing, then he so ever willingly took me to the bunny hill and watched intently as if he remembers when he was that age and how strange and awkward he felt with those clumsy skis and big boots. That day was so hot but yet the snow remained and kept falling from the ski. Then my father showed me the basic techniques he acquired while learning how to ski, you see there is no standard way to ski everyone has to find their own style of skiing or snowboarding . As you can find out this sport is not something you do good at right away, it takes time and practice to become good. When I g .....

Descriptive Essay
Words: 663 / Pages: 3

.... She watches attentively as the four men, who are appropriately suited in black trousers with brilliantly colored brass buttons, gently lift the coffin from the hull in the back of the vehicle. The hearse rises an inch or so above the tires, due to the strenuous weight of the beautiful silver coffin. A faint shiver whips through the chilled wind as the frozen handles of the coffin are reluctantly grasped by the eight men in black trousers with brilliant brass buttons. I watch without blinking, as the mysterious woman fallows the men in rhythmic step towards the grave yard. Sounds of marching and bristling leaves pass through my wind scorched ear .....

The Body
Words: 770 / Pages: 3

.... brought a gun that he stole off of his dads bureau. He let Gordie see it and he told Gordie that it wasn't loaded. So Gordie pulled the trigger. And KA-BLAM. The gun was loaded and he shot the trashcans behind the diner. The waitress came out but she thought it was fircrackers. They started out on there mission walking along the train tracks. Teddy Duchamp played chicken with the train pretending he was a paratrooper, but Chris pushed him out off the way in the nick of time. They get into a fight but settle it. They go into the town dump to get a drink of water. It is restrickted to go in there when the dump isn't open. T .....

Creative Writing: The Kindergarten
Words: 706 / Pages: 3

.... it didn't belong. We had finally arrived, I got out and made my way to the door. All the peaceful sounds of the wind blowing through the towering trees and the birds chirping happily with one another all came to a sudden halt as I opened the door. The children ran around, screamed, and threw things as if they were unaware of the peacefulness that lay outside. I made my way closer to the children. There appeared to be hundreds of little kids looking up at me with me with mixed expressions, only pausing for a moment, before continuing to make a noise. It was a large room with a kitchen to the left and it had toys scattered all over the floor. .....

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