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English Essay Writing Help

Motifs In A Prayer For Owen Me
Words: 368 / Pages: 2

.... couldn’t do anything to change what he had done on accident. Though that might be the partial truth it could also symbolize something different. Almost saying that he is the armadillo and he wasn’t in control of himself, but was the instrument of God. His hands were not his own. Though the armadillo never recovered from the declawing, it had mended John and Owen’s friendship and helped ease some of the pain of that situation. The statue of Mary Magdalene sat in front of a concrete arch. “She was like a goalie protecting her goal,” John had noted. Owen had sawn off her arms when he was expelled from Gravesend Academ .....

The Nation Takes Shape
Words: 1532 / Pages: 6

.... points as the way, . Cunliff first talks about the origin and growth of partisan politics. In doing so, he outlines the process by which the constitution was to be interpreted by the American people. The vagueness of the document led to disputes between various factions of people who interpreted it in different ways. The initial split happened around 1790 when the first bank of the United States was given a twenty-two year charter. This struggle was caused by Thomas Jefferson (a democratic-republican), who believed in strict constructionism, and Alexander, Hamilton (a Federalist) who believed in loose constructionism. Jefferson said that the cons .....

Educating Rita
Words: 2087 / Pages: 8

.... class, but she wants to change her life for a better way of living. She has the will to learn very hard and she wants to reach her aims. Here we see Frank confronted by Rita whom is a pupil wanting nothing more or less than a total education e.g. Frank asks, "What can I teach you?" and Rita replies, "Everything." Later on she seems to think that she has acquired and learnt everything. "I've got what you got Frank, and you don't like it." At the beginning he finds himself faced with an unexpectedly fresh and uncluttered mind. Rita tests Frank's intellectual talents to the full, by requiring constant justification and explanation of statements t .....

Gods In The Iliad
Words: 829 / Pages: 4

.... Troy. So she sided with the Greeks and would stop at no length to express her will. Scheming and manipulating, she even dared to trick Zeus. Along with Athena, she is seen as the chief divine aid to the Greeks. Being the god of the sea, Poseidon was another strong supporter of the ocean-faring Greeks. Whenever Zeus turned his back, he tried to help the Greeks in the fight. He felt that he was somewhat Zeus's equal as his brother, but recognizing Zeus's authority and experience, he looked to Zeus as an elder. Some Gods favored the Trojan side of the conflict. Both Apollo and Artemis gave aid to the city of Troy. Although Artemis takes a minor role, A .....

Alice Munro's "Boys And Girls"
Words: 1050 / Pages: 4

.... had to be subservient. It was an off thing to see my mother down at the barn. She did not often come out of the house unless it was to do something - hang out the wash or dig potatoes in the garden. She looked out of place, with her bare lumpy legs, not touched by the sun, her apron still on and damp across the stomach from the supper dishes.1 The narrator had problems coming to terms with the role in life that she was expected to lead. She wanted to work outside with her father doing the work that she deemed important. The mother tried to get the narrator to work inside doing work deemed appropriate for a lady, however it was n .....

Macbeth: Independence And Fail
Words: 1875 / Pages: 7

.... stand they all must be united. The longer a marriage is held the longer the bottom stretches, and the more dependent each person becomes on the other. If one side tries to stand on its own then the second will fall on the first as it tries to stand. This metaphor also excellently exemplifies the catastrophe that occurs in Macbeth as both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to separate. Macbeth is a eighteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. Using these two metaphors, the breakdown in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and between the king and the thanes and how they perfectly parallel each other because each is caused by Macbeth's .....

Hard Times 2
Words: 747 / Pages: 3

.... facts from day to day until they 'spilled over 'with them. Such facts were to remain in the mind, pressed down in all forms of memory until all finer sensibilities were deadened. As dramatic and unhearted as it may sound, that is precisely what Mr. Gradgrind wished to accomplish. In my opinion, however, he was not an unkind man at all. He believed absolutely that he was doing a good deed. He was affectionate in his way; but he studiously repressed all forms of spontaneous affection and as his children grew up, it came to be realized that he was not in sympathetic touch with them. This was especially apparent with Mr. Gradgrind's two older childre .....

Triumph Over Difficulties
Words: 414 / Pages: 2

.... families died at one time in gas chambers. Women were raped and men were forced to work until they fainted then beaten until they woke and worked again. The lucky ones were the ones that died on the trips to the death camps, they wouldn't have to see the sadness in the eyes of family members torn from them, never to see eachother again. Eventually help came to save these starving and horrified people. After the war the families began to peice together what was left of their shattered lives. Though the road to rebuilding their lives was long and hard, they found the strength to keep going and survive. During the 1960's people were faced with the Civil .....

Fahrenheit51 4
Words: 668 / Pages: 3

.... also takes sleeping pills, and Montag notices she took an overdose.It seems as though Millie always ignores Montag by watching her "family" on her three wall television. These are the indicators to Montag that their marriage is falling apart. Montag doesn't know of his unhappiness until his first encounters with the mechanical hound (a robotic dog that is programmed to find books). The dog growls, which are what Montag dislikes. The growling alerts him of his unhappiness. Montag thinks that the dog knows that he had snuck some books from the home of their last burning. Montag doesn't talk to Mildred about his unhappiness with his job. But Beatty .....

Crito 2
Words: 1598 / Pages: 6

.... pivotal ideas through the dialogue between Crito and Socrates. The first being that a person must decide whether the society in which he lives has a just reasoning behind its’ own standards of right and wrong. The second being that a person must have pride in the life that he leads. In establishing basic questions of these two concepts, Socrates has precluded his own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that he has made is just. "…I am the kind of man who listens only to the argument that on reflection seems best to me. I cannot, now that this fate has come upon me, discard the arguments I use .....

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