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English Essay Writing Help

Book Report On The Forbidden C
Words: 644 / Pages: 3

.... Hotel, Alex was able to see the beginning of a civil revolt, as the students began to protest. The students continued to standoff, as the government brought in troops. As the troops inched forward, they executed the students by the dozens even by the hundreds. Alex decided to take a ground view of this situation and began to get involved. Going down the street to check on the action in Tienamin Square. Alex was injured. However, a group of Chinese University students rescued him. They fixed his wound and tended to his needs. Imagine seeing new found friends, innocent people, even bystanders, slaughtered in the blink of an eye. Incredible horrors are .....

Comparison Essay Between The M
Words: 1019 / Pages: 4

.... can cope with the hard times that come with job. Often, a person is motivated to be involved in an extreme job such as a fisherman and an oil worker; the financial rewards grab the attention of a man who needs money. In addition, the thrill of danger and the independence that the job brings to them motivates them to work. A general reason why anyone works is to gain finances for themselves and others. Two characters fit the description of greed. The characters are Rockhound from Armageddon and Murphy from the Perfect Storm. Rockhound never saves the money that he makes unfortunately what he has left over goes towards his alcoholism. His problem .....

Short Stories By Hemingway: Nick Adams
Words: 705 / Pages: 3

.... anesthesia for the woman, it was hard not to be. In the process of the woman giving birth, the husband of the woman could not bear the pain he was feeling for his wife and decided to cut his throat. Nick witnessed life and death first hand in this story. Nick who has observed the proceedings asks, "Is dying hard, Daddy? Nick learns that giving birth to a child is a very grueling task and that death can come very easy to any man or woman without much effort. Another experience of death that Nick encounters is in the story of The Killers. Nick decided to go into a local café to get something to eat, and before he knew it he was caught up in a dea .....

Brave New World Compared To 1984
Words: 1225 / Pages: 5

.... they are entrapped. In this society traditional notions of love and what ideally should come out of it have long been disregarded and are now despised, "Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet." (Huxley 41) The comparison to a wild jet is intended to demonstrate the inherent dangers in these activities. Many of the Brave New World's social norms are intended to 'save' its citizens from anything unpleasant through depriving them of the opportunity to miss anything overly pleasant. The society values, ACOMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY," (Huxley 1) supersede all else in a collect .....

A Separate Peace: Character Sketch Of Leper Lepellier
Words: 318 / Pages: 2

.... perhaps. Maybe one of the reasons why he was so fascinated by nature could be that it was reliable (in a way). He knew that there would always be plants to observe, beaver dams to find, etc. He knew that the boys at Devon were not always very reliable, and certainly he didn’t want to take the risk of trying to be friends with them! That could mean being let down, and Leper wouldn’t be able to handle that. He couldn’t handle when the war let him down. After seeing the provocative slide on the ski troops, Leper was convinced that was the life for him. Certain he would find happiness there, he packed his bags and left. Unfortunately, the training .....

Poem Bushed
Words: 548 / Pages: 2

.... of his facing the difficult situations that faced him in stride. He uses those situations to his advantage and takes pride in the way he handles them thus the reference to keeping the quills in his hat. In the third stanza Birney shows us through a series of metaphorical actions the characters evolution in his attitude towards the entire situation. At first our character is still unsure and alert at all that is happening around him, “ At first he was out with the dawn.” Yet he becomes more and more sure of himself and feels very secure, “ A guard of goat before falling asleep on its feet at sundown.” Earle Birney uses the goat as a meta .....

Taming Of The Shrew
Words: 810 / Pages: 3

.... is the scene of misunderstanding between he and his servant Grumio about knocking on the gate (I.ii.5-43). I see this exchange as demonstration of his enjoyment of verbal sport, a good example of Petruchio's sense of humor and his appreciation of things non-conventional. Though Petruchio may not agree with what society has determined to be proper and dignified, he is aware of the importance of appearing to conform. In what he says to Hortensio, I feel he is simply extending this sport and humor into the ironic. It is in Hortensio's description of Kate that I believe Petruchio's interest is captured. Hortensio describes Kate (I.ii.85-89) as wealthy .....

Calculated Captivity
Words: 1840 / Pages: 7

.... disposition, which causes the reader to hate and resent him. Through the aid of the State’s treatment Alex is reformed, at which point Burgess allows the reader to determine and develop an opinion of whether this treatment is morally acceptable or not. In the end however it is obvious that Alex has become a true “Clockwork Orange’ and despite the previous opinion of the reader, Burgess reveals the outcome in a way that causes a sense of relief and is pleased to see Alex back to ‘normal’. It is fascinating to consider that Burgess may have written A Clockwork Orange as a prophetic view of warning to future societies. He was a peace .....

Billy Budd
Words: 1510 / Pages: 6

.... of this by the Handsome Sailor, . Billy is twenty- one, a foretopeman of the British fleet who impressed Lieutenant Ratcliffe of the H.M.S. Indomitable. Billy leaves his ship the Rights of Man, and joins the H.M.S. Indomitable. He is received well by the crew and they like him lots. An officer asks him about who his parents are and he reply's that he doesn't know. He was found in a basket hung on a man's door handle in Bristol. Billy seems to be practically perfect, but he does have one weakness. When he is strongly provoked, he is inclined to stutter, or may even become speechless. The author tells us of the uprisings in the British navy. It is late .....

No Name Woman: Bewitching Creation
Words: 1792 / Pages: 7

.... of sin and deviltry. It is the atmosphere at the church, which Gation renamed Limelight, that helped to make it such a success, for who could resist the thrill of sinning in the very place where sinners came to repent? And what kind of man designed and planned for such a place to exist? Peter Gation is that man, and he knew that no one could resist the inspiring temptation, but while getting people to submit to their base desires, he also managed to convert them to the sinful lifestyles he himself led. Gation lives in a five-story mansion with his personal financial advisor and a lover, Alexandra. They share the mansion with their one-year-old bab .....

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