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English Essay Writing Help

The Southern Lady From Pedesta
Words: 510 / Pages: 2

.... expected to raise "his children " and "manage his household." The central meaning of her life was family and motherhood. The everyday realities of life for a married woman were different from the expected image. Women were often transformed from single, carefree, sought -after girls to responsible, submissive, plantation mistresses. They were led to believe that depraved women and men were the only sexual creatures; thus, they were supposedly incapable of erotic feelings. Women were often uneducated, and when they began to voice their opinion concerning a need for education, most men disagreed with them. However some men did agree with them, but i .....

Frankenstein 6
Words: 4665 / Pages: 17

.... appears so horrible that he runs away, allowing the creature to escape. Shortly afterwards, Victor is preparing to return to Geneva when he receives a letter from his father telling him that his youngest brother, William, has been murdered. Victor hurries home and, on the way, sees the monster in the woods and becomes convinced that the creature murdered William. He arrives home to find that Justine Moritz, a girl who had lived for some time in the Frankenstein household, has been accused of the murder. She is tried, condemned, and executed, despite her assertions of innocence, and Victor becomes despondent and guilty knowing that the creature .....

Ethan Frome
Words: 1514 / Pages: 6

.... of Starkfield, "the village lay under two feet of snow, with drifts at the windy corners" (Wharton 15) this is a basic picture of Starkfield throughout the novel. Starkfield like Ethan has given into the rigors of the many winter. Ethan is a poor farmer who has to support a "sickly" wife who does nothing but complain about everything. Ethan married his wife of seven years, Zeena, who is a bit older than he, following the death of his mother, in an unsuccessful attempt to escape the silence, isolation, and the loneliness of the life of Starkfield. The setting for is winter. Edith Wharton , the author, chose winter because it symbolizes the .....

Analysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorn
Words: 449 / Pages: 2

.... (243). In contrast to Faith is the mysterious travellar. He represents the devil in the forest which represents hell. Hawthorne writes, "his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black snake" (244) and "The moment his fingers touched them, they became strangely withered and dried up, as with a week’s sunshine" (246) symbolizes the hellish powers of the devil. Young Goodman Brown plays the middle man within the story. He is married to a beautiful wife and is urged to become bad in the hellish forest. He also finds that his religion teacher, Goody Cloyse, and the church minister, Deacon Gookin, was in this forest. Young Goodman Brown f .....

Words: 971 / Pages: 4

.... to think it, was. The school was even worse… Each room was painted a dark green, while the desks where in a triangular form as if it were an elementary class. Besides the schools lack of fashion Beverly had a great time getting to know everyone. If you lived close by (which she did) you could just spend the night at home, but if not the school principles were always willing to rent dorms to those in need of them. Each dorm had a twin size bed and a nightstand right beside it. So clearly they were very small! That is unless you had a room-mate then you were allowed to have a two to three bedroom dorm which are obviously a great deal larger then .....

Hamlet - Ghost
Words: 1008 / Pages: 4

.... is created when the audience is ignorant as to the purpose of the ghost. Later in the play the ghost is utilized to allow Hamlet and the audience knowledge of the vile murder of the king by Claudius, the kings own brother. When the ghost finally speaks, he tells Hamlet, “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder. Murder most foul, as in the best it is, But this most foul, strange, and unnatural.”(I.v.25-28) These quotes let Hamlet as well as the audience know that the fathers death was foul and unnatural contrary to popular belief. The spirit then reveals the murder to Hamlet by professing this: “A serpent stung me. So t .....

Social Topics In American Lite
Words: 845 / Pages: 4

.... farmer any peace, plowing his field or gathering his grain, So fierce you whirr and pound you drums-so shrill you bugles blow." This passage tells of a farmer having no peace now that the war is happening on his fields. Some writers however tried to keep their literature free of war, and they wrote about the westward movement. The civil war authors told of the sorrows society felt during the Civil War. Before, during, and after the Civil War writers were writing about the society of the westward movement. A famous westward movement author was Mark Twain. Twain wrote mostly stories pertaining to life on the Mississippi River. One of his mos .....

The Oddessey
Words: 1550 / Pages: 6

.... shall not have the help of gods or any men. He must build his own boat, and then after twenty days at sea, he shall reach the land of the Phaeacians. The Phaeacians will help him on his final journey to his homeland. Meanwhile, Athena goes to Odysseus's home in Ithaca to visit Odysseus's son, Telemachus. Many suitors were there, trying to win the hand in marriage of Penelope, Telemachus's mother and Odysseus's wife. These many suitors had eaten Telemachus out of house and home. Athena arrives in the form of Mentor, a Taphian chief. Very generously, Telemachus invites Athena in. After they introduce themselves and Telemachus explains how the suito .....

The Outsiders By SE Hinton
Words: 2382 / Pages: 9

.... Johnny, Dallas, and Two- Bit, that were also gang members and Ponyboy's friends. This story deals with two forms of social classes: the socs, the rich kids, and the greasers, the poor kids. The socs go around looking for trouble and greasers to beat up, and then the greasers are blamed for it, because they are poor and cannot affect the authorities. I hope you would enjoy and learn something about the book from reading this analysis. Plot Development The plot development in the book, “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, was easy to follow. In this part of the book analysis I will give some more details about the plot development. There were no h .....

Wuthering Heights
Words: 3150 / Pages: 12

.... the earth was hard with a black frost, and the air made [him] shiver through every limb." (WH-p.29) In fact, the word "Wuthering, being a significant provincial adjective, [is] descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed to stormy weather," (WH-p.25) thus emphasizing the darkness and cruelty in nature. As in Dracula, the storm is a presence of sin and unnatural desires. After ejaculating that his "wretched inmates deserv[ed] perpetual isolation from [their] species of churlish inhospitality," (WH-p.29) for leaving the gate locked during a storm, Mr. Lockwood is let inside, by a woman whom he thinks is Mrs. Heathcliff. H .....

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