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Health Essay Writing Help

Needle Exchange Programs
Words: 2707 / Pages: 10

.... the transmission of HIV/AIDS, increase the safe disposal of used needles, provide information to injecting drug users (IDU's), and help others obtain drug treatment.(Knox A1) Most needle exchange programs operate on the principle of "a one for one exchange" (Wren 2).The user receives one clean needle for every used needle he/she brings. The vast majority of needle exchange sites are storefronts, street exchanges by outreach workers, and scheduled mobile van stops at designated streets such as AHOPE (Addicts Health Opportunity and Exchange located in Boston). In addition to providing needles, the programs distribute alcohol swabs, medicative oint .....

The Illegalization Of Abortion
Words: 1726 / Pages: 7

.... activists, on the other hand, also carry very strong points. They believe that the child inside them is their property and it's life doesn't be until birth. In 1973, the United States Supreme Court decided that as long as the baby lived in the womb, he or she would be the property of the mother. Because of this decision almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by abortion, over one and a half million babies a year (Willke vii). Many countries have followed our decision on the abortion issue and some of these include Canada, England, and France. Other countries still believe abortion should be illegal, they include Germany, Ireland, .....

For Information On The Medical Uses Of Marijuana
Words: 1562 / Pages: 6

.... is one of the safest medical drugs known, for, while prescription drugs, defined as safe by the FDA, kill up to 27,000 and aspirin up to 1,000 Americans per year, cannabis kills 0 per year [3]. When we know the facts we can understand why in 1988, after extensive review of the scientific literature, the DEA's own administrative judge Frances Young concluded that ``Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances know to man.'' [4] Opponents of legal cannabis access would have us believe that there is not enough research available to determine its safety. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cannabis is one of the mos .....

Assisted Suicide
Words: 2366 / Pages: 9

.... has played in the area of suicide. Next, we'll look at what the constitution says and see if any of the states have allowed suicide. Finally, we'll study some of the cases that have been brought before the American courts. Suicide has become a big part of American society, year after year more people are taking their own lives for many different reasons. A lot of philosophers have broken down all the reasons of suicides into two different categories, rational suicide and irrational suicide. A rational suicide has been given five basic criteria that usually must be met for the person's act to be considered rational. The five criteria whi .....

Breast Cancer In Women
Words: 700 / Pages: 3

.... self-exam, and other forms of early detection, and does it really help to save women from the disease? This is a question I hope to address in the following research. Self examinations are the most commonly used tests used for detecting breast cancer among women today. The self exam is a simple exam that women can perform on their own with a few simple steps. Another way of detecting breast cancer is with a mammography. This is an X-ray that scans in make up of the breast to show whether there are and tumors. This is the most effective type of detection to date. (Cancer Facts, Detection. National Cancer Institute) One disadvantage to using m .....

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Mutations
Words: 2069 / Pages: 8

.... onset of AIDS. BACKGROUND In order to be able to fully comprehend and analyze this question we must first ascertain what HIV is, how the body attempts to counter the effects of viruses in general, and how HIV infects the body. Definition HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is classified as a RNA Retrovirus. A retrovirus uses RNA templates to produce DNA. For example, within the core of HIV is a double molecule of ribonucleic acid, RNA. When the virus invades a cell, this genetic material is replicated in the form of DNA . But, in order to do so, HIV must first be able to produce a particular enzyme that can construct a DN .....

Definition Of The Oedipus Complex
Words: 2140 / Pages: 8

.... tends to become strongly masculine or feminine without even having the same sex parent present. Freud argues that all sons unconsciously desire to kill, even if they love, their fathers. He found his own unconscious wish to murder his father in his intensive self analysis in 1897, shortly after the death of his father. Freud says it is only the male child that we find the fateful combination of love for the one parent and simultaneous hatred for the other as a rival. Freud believed Oedipal was a normal part of human psychological growth and it is during this stage children produce emotional conflicts. Other psychoanalysts believed that girls e .....

Treatments Of Huntington's Disease
Words: 292 / Pages: 2

.... gene was identified, researchers found the protein it produces, a larger than normal molecule they called huntingtin that was unlike any protein previously identified. The question that they did not know was what either the healthy huntingtin protein or its aberrant form does in a cell. Recently, a team from Johns Hopkins University found a second protein called HAP-1, that attaches to the huntingtin molecule only in the brain. The characteristics of this second protein has an interesting feature- it binds much more tightly to defective huntingtin than to the healthy from, and it appears that this tightly bound complex causes damage to brai .....

Words: 1799 / Pages: 7

.... is still to small to cry aloud for it's own protection, have been accused of having a 19th Century approach to life in the last third of the 20th Century. But who in reality is using arguments of a bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science - Make no Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant of science, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a new human being is created. A new human being who carries genes in its cells that make that human being .....

Words: 1724 / Pages: 7

.... arthritis, disc herniation, or any other musculoskeletal problem. Treatment of scoliotic curves of ten degrees or less is unnecessary; sometimes these curves may correct themselves (. 1997). However, curvatures that measure between ten and twenty degrees bear watching (Rosenthal, Mark S. MD : A sensible approach. 1997). These behave much the same as those under ten degrees, except that they may progress during growth. Therefore, if a patient has finished growing and has a curve less than twenty degrees, no further treatment or follow-up is needed. A child with a curve between ten and twenty degrees should be examined periodically. Treatment .....

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