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Health Essay Writing Help

Bipolar Affective Disorder
Words: 2040 / Pages: 8

.... expressions of Bipolar disorder are called cyclothymic disorders. The use of the term primary affective disorder refers to the individuals who had no previous psychiatric disorders or else only episodes of mania or depression. Secondary affective disorder refers to patients with preexisting psychiatric illness other than depression or mania (Goodwin, Guze. 1989, p.7 ). Bipolar affective disorder affects approximately one percent or three million persons in the United States, afflicting both males and females. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania and depression. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, in .....

Antibiotics And Their Role In Society
Words: 939 / Pages: 4

.... is among mankind's greatest achievements. Antibiotics have enabled the medical profession to treat effectively many infectious diseases, including some that were once life threatening. Antibiotics can be bacteriostatic (bacteria stopped from multiplying) or bactericidal (bacteria killed). To perform either of these functions, antibiotics must be brought into contact with the bacteria. It is believed that antibiotics interfere with the surface of bacteria cells, causing a change in their ability to reproduce. Testing the action of an antibiotic in the laboratory shows how much exposure to the drug is necessary to halt reproduction or to kill .....

The Quest To Understand The Origins Of Humans
Words: 1286 / Pages: 5

.... the qualities that are natural for themselves and which they hate most of all. Religion was used from the beginning of the earliest civilizations as a tool to conquer, kill and destroy and it was usually used as a justification of those actions. People were not responsible for the killings, instead gods were. When people can not handle problems, which arise every day in front of them, they try to hide under the mask called god, but by doing that they do not solve them, they only ignore and try to escape their everyday problems, which makes everything worse. The desperate attempt to explain their own existence took people to the creation of many var .....

The Fabry Disease
Words: 331 / Pages: 2

.... caused by the gathering of lymph, a yellowish body fluid, under the skin may also occur. Skin will show telangiectasis, inflated intra- epidermal (intra - within, epidermal - outer layer) spaces filled with blood. Places (vessel wall) where there is no telangiectasis are filled with deposits of glycolipids. These deposits are also found in the heart, muscles, renal tubules and glomeruli, central nervous system, spleen, liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes and cornea. Retarded growth, delayed puberty and ocular abnormalities are also common symptoms. These symptoms are mostly fond in males because they display full-blown syndrome, while females d .....

“That Time Of The Month”
Words: 528 / Pages: 2

.... need. Jon is angry. Why? Hmmm, I wonder. On our daily, basic T.V. showings, there is a news channel, cartoon channel, movie channel, Spanish channel; the list is endless. Last but not least, there is “Lifetime, the channel for women.” Why can’t broadcasters simply place these women commercials on one channel? First of all, men won’t have to watch these commercials and women, if they are inquiring about which device best suits their needs, can turn to this channel. To make it even more easy for them, the editors of the T.V. guide can list special “women ad” showings in its magazine just as it gives us listings of various shows sho .....

FGM: Female Genital Mutilation
Words: 525 / Pages: 2

.... around it, there is nothing you can do or say that will get them to change; it would be like talking to a wall. They will only change when the people themselves that live by these traditions get fed up with all the side-effects caused by the practice of FGM. It is every person and community's right to decide for themselves, without the intervention of outsiders, to decide to do whatever they want to do to their bodies and minds. I know, "these women that are being circumcised, aren't freely deciding on this to be done to them, they don't know any better, they've been brainwashed". I have two responses to this. The first is, if they .....

Human Subconcious
Words: 1279 / Pages: 5

.... Nowadays we live in difficult periods; many conflicts, crimes and other problems occur very often. We don't really realize it but most of these problems are due to our lack of understanding each other and even ourselves... In this sense, we could say that humans are not aware of their own blindness. To prove this I'll be analyzing two books we read (Sphere & The Left Hand of Darkness) and a movie we saw (Enemy Mine) trying to see what kind of ideas each story shows about human nature. In a first place, Sphere tries to emphasize the idea that most of us tend to ignore our subconscious. We all had a fear, an idea or a dream that we don't want .....

Reproductive Technologies
Words: 1195 / Pages: 5

.... could include the babies being born premature or, having a high risk of developing numerous health problems. Other ways of becoming pregnant include IVF (In-Vertro Fertilization), which takes healthy sperm and a healthy egg and conception in a test tube occurs and then it is transplanted back into the mothers’ womb. This also can create multiple births because of the high number eggs that must be used in order to up the potential of “making a baby”. Many of these couples have options of selected abortion to limit the risk to mother and child. These issues have many feminists and doctors having heated arguments over whether or not to abolish .....

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Words: 865 / Pages: 4

.... Pulmonary Disease, is a disease, that obstructs the lungs. Your lungs work by taking a breath of air, which travels down your windpipe or trachea, into the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes or passages, look like trees, and branch out into smaller and smaller airways the further they go further into the lungs. All along the breathing passages, tiny protective hairs called cilia help keep the dust and other pollutants from entering your lungs. These airways end in tiny air sacs known as alveoli. The alveoli transfer oxygen from the air you inhale directly into the bloodstream. Chronic bronchitis is one of the major lung diseases that und .....

Depression, The Fight Within
Words: 1615 / Pages: 6

.... disease it just cannot be dropped or forgotten. To understand the course of depression, it is first necessary to define exactly what depression is and what causes it. Heredity seems to play a major part in many cases of depression. “Studies of families, in which members of each generation develop bipolar disorder, found that those with the illness have a somewhat different genetic makeup than those who did not get ill. However the reverse is not true” (Morgan 561). A stressful environment, such as a bad work situation, family problems, and even problems with one’s own sex life are common catalysts for depression. Even though these are usua .....

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