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Health Essay Writing Help

Words: 887 / Pages: 4

.... to go to the bathroom very frequently 3)weight loss 4)increased hunger 5)blurry vision 6)skin infections 7)wounds that don't heal 8)and/or extreme unexplained fatigue In some cases, there are no symptoms, this happens at times with Type II diabetes. In this case, people can live for months, even years without knowing they have the disease. This form of diabetes comes on so gradually that symptoms might not even be recognized. Diabetes can occur in anyone. However, people who have close relatives with the disease are somewhat more likely to develop it. The risk of getting diabetes also increases as people grow older. People who are .....

Biologic Nutrition And Nutrients
Words: 938 / Pages: 4

.... are foods that cause allergies, which should be given up completely. Although there is no general formula to determine individual vitamin requirements, there is the recognition that vitamins play a role in preventing disease and maintaining health. Vitamins do not contain calories and do not supply energy. In other words, they do not contribute to weight gain. They are, however, most important as constituents of enzymes, those organic catalysts which enable biological processes to take place. It is totally impossible to imagine life without vitamins and enzymes. Through enzymes, vitamins stimulate metabolic processes, converting food to energ .....

The Black Death
Words: 504 / Pages: 2

.... century Europe. is believed to have begun in China in the 1330’s plague. Through trade the disease reached Italy in 1347 and spread throughout the rest of Europe. The plague is spread fleas that infect rats. The rats tended to live in areas that are unclean. Unfortunately medieval society in general was unclean. It was even considered unhealthy to take baths. The results of the plague were devastating. Heavily populated areas such as major cities were the hardest hit. By 1350 a third of Europe’s entire population, about 25 million people, was dead. People tried numerous methods to stop the spread of the plague. They used leeches, coals, .....

Cigarettes And Their Destruction Of The Brain
Words: 637 / Pages: 3

.... or stimulation. Within 30 minutes, smokers feel their energy begin to decline, as the ingested nicotine is reduced. This process continues, as the smoker's attention becomes increasingly focused on cigarettes. Nicotine causes smokers' brain cells to grow more nicotinic receptors than normal; therefore, the brain may function normally despite the irregular amount of acetylcholine-like chemical acting upon it. The brain is reshaped: the smoker feels normal with nicotine in his system, and abnormal without it. A series of tests were conducted on nonsmokers, "active" smokers, and "deprived" smokers. The "active" smokers were given a cigarette bef .....

AIDS In The Classroom
Words: 416 / Pages: 2

.... given class would not know which child is carrying the virus but rather treat each child as though they had AIDS. By taking precautions such as wearing gloves when handling wounds, the risk of transmitting the disease is significantly lowered and the integrity of the child with AIDS remains protected. This idea has many faults. For one, children simply cannot be watched at all times. Referring to my earlier statement that kids will be kids. Also, what kind of environment is it to learn in when your teacher can't treat your scrapes without putting rubber gloves on first, a situation which will certainly lead to ridicule from peers. There .....

Discovering Sicke Cell Anemia
Words: 1315 / Pages: 5

.... chance that the parent with the trait can pass the defect onto offspring although their own health is not harmed. The cause of sickle cell anemia is rather simple but it leaves a life threatening affect. Anyone who carries the inherited trait for sickle cell anemia, but doesn't have the disorder, is actually protected from a severe form of malaria. This helped the children in countries where malaria was a problem, to be able to survive against that disease. What happened to those children? They grew up, had their own children and ended up passing the gene for sickle cell anemia onto their offspring. This disease is a hereditary blood di .....

Words: 1580 / Pages: 6

.... understand the biblical views of human life. One of them is Psalm 139. This psalm is the record of David's praise for God's control in his life. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (vv. 13-16) Here David speaks of God's relationship with him while he was growing .....

Osteoporosis And Effects Of Gavity And Space
Words: 1393 / Pages: 6

.... the cement between the fibers consisting of calcium phosphate [85%]; Calcium carbonate [10%] ; others [5%] which give it the hardness and rigidity. Other than providing the rigid infrastructure, it protects vital organs like the brain], serves as a complex lever system, acts as a storage area for calcium which is vital for human metabolism, houses the bone marrow within its mid cavity and to top it all it is capable of changing its architecture and mass in response to outside and inner stress. It is this dynamic remodeling of bone which is of primary interest in microgravity. To feel the impact of this dynamicity it should be noted that a bone remod .....

Abortion - Right To Choose
Words: 994 / Pages: 4

.... is a moral issue, but it is also a constitutional issue. It is a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, and it should not be altered or influenced by anyone else. This right is guaranteed by the ninth amendment, which contains the right to privacy. The ninth amendment states: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This right guarantees the right to women, if they so choose, to have an abortion, up to the end of the first trimester. Regardless of the fact of morals, a woman has the right to privacy and choice to abort her fetus. The violence whi .....

Words: 2109 / Pages: 8

.... everyone's power and contribution. It's the power and energy of the elderly, and the strength and will of the ill, that give the world life. The light has become very dim with the crime and corruption in today's world, we can't afford to throw lives away because some think they're meaningless. If we continue to accept the merciless killings and suicides of the helpless but powerful, the light will soon burn out. There will be no energy in the world. and doctor-assisted suicide should not be accepted or allowed by the government and people of the United States. Statistics show that seventy-three percent of the U.S. population approved of some form .....

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