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Health Essay Writing Help

Anorexia And Bulimia Nervosa
Words: 2180 / Pages: 8

.... survey in the US reveled that the majority of women, when asked what would make them happiest, choose thinness over all other choices, even such thing as job promotion, romance, prestige and power. In fact, more women feared becoming fat, then feared dying. These statistics revel an alarming social problem that is reaching epic proportions. Although the topic of eating disorders has gained a larger audience within the last decade, the number of cases of eating disorders continues to rise at a resounding rate. Today many scientists are looking into possible causes for the onset of an eating disorder. The most prevalent and influencing factor .....

Words: 799 / Pages: 3

.... to those of going unvaccinated. Vaccines can cause complications that are more harmful than those of going unvaccinated or even the disease itself. Professor of epidemiology at the university of Washington, Dr Russell Alexander, points out that the panel set up to determine the risks of vaccination did not compare it to those of being unvaccinated (qtd in Miller 9). This means that the research done by the panel, which proved vaccination risks to be 'too small to count', contains many weaknesses. McTaggart links the appearance of learning disabilities, autism, and hyperactivity to the beginning of the mass vaccination programs (1). Thus, vaccinati .....

Sickle Cell Anemia
Words: 190 / Pages: 1

.... is diagnosed, and cured. Symptoms of Sickle Cell Anemia are pale skin, short of breath, easily tired, and whites of eyes turn yellow. Ethnic or special groups affected with Sickle Cell Anemia are mostly blacks, and Hispanics of Caribbean ancestry. The disease also affects some people of Arabian, Greek, Maltese, Sicilian, Sardinian, Turkish, and Southern Asian ancestry. How transmitted type of gene or chromosomes that causes the disease. Sickle Cell Anemia is a sex linked gene. One way somebody could get this disease is if both parents are a carrier for Sickle Cell Anemia. There is one in four chance that a baby will have the disease. Ho .....

Alcoholism: Symptoms, Causes, And Effects
Words: 947 / Pages: 4

.... "Alcoholics may become angry and argumentive, or quiet and withdrawn or depressed. They may also feel more anxious, sad, tense, and confused. They then seek relief by drinking more" (Gitlow 175). "Because time and amount of drinking are uncontrollable, the alcoholics is likely to engage in such behaviors as [1] breaking family commitments, both major and minor; [2] spending more money than planned; [3] drinking while intoxicated and getting arrested; [4] making inappropriate remarks to friends, family, and co-workers; [5] arguing, fighting and other anti-social actions. The alcoholic would probably neither do such things, nor approve o .....

Diet And Disease
Words: 2489 / Pages: 10

.... relating to , researchers have resolved the general principles of an optimal diet. Specific consideration is given to what foods should be avoided, which to eat in moderation and those to be liberally consumed. It is stated by Newkarm that general health requires that the total intake of all fats, especially animal fats is reduced. Fatty deposits in the arteries and gallstones are to a large extent made up of cholesterol (19). When foods high in fat content are eaten, excessive amounts of cholesterol are made in the body. Individuals who have fat concentrated in the waist and abdomen instead of thighs and buttocks are prone to diseases that acc .....

Theories Of Knowledge And Psychological Applications
Words: 3137 / Pages: 12

.... introduced the first models of neural networks as computing machines, the basic model of a self-organizing network (Arbib, 1995). In 1943 McCulloch and Pitts published their model theory ( Arbib, 1995). In 1948 Rashevsky proposed a number of neural network models to explain psychological phenomena. During this era not enough was known about the brain, subsequently he was considered ahead of his time. Rashevsky relied heavily upon complex mathematical equations within his model, consequently many people simply did not understand his theoretical perspective ( Martindale, 1991). In 1958 Rosenblatt proposed his theory on neural network model .....

Alzheimer's Disease
Words: 819 / Pages: 3

.... this region were lost. But a ten percent loss is relatively minor, and cannot account for the severe impairment suffered by Alzheimer's victims. Neurofibrillary Tangles are also found in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. They are found within the cell bodies of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, and take on the structure of a paired helix. Other diseases that have "paired helixes" include Parkinson's disease, Down's Syndrome, and Dementia Pugilistica. Scientists are not sure how the paired helixes are related in these very different diseases. Neuritic Plaques are patches of clumped material lying outside the bodies of nerve cells in the brain. The .....

Words: 1867 / Pages: 7

.... profess to do it because of an aversion to eating animals. There are religious reasons for not eating meat and still others follow as a way to lose weight, using it as a diet. In each case it can be a healthy or a harmful way to eat. The benefits or harm of is associated with two factors: education about nutritional needs coupled with food choices. Even groups like athletes can thrive on a vegetarian diet if they are well educated to the bodies' dietary needs and are well aware of the limit-less choices available on a vegetarian diet. What follows in this essay, is first: a brief, yet insightful look at the vegetarian diet (the nutritional as .....

Hip Surgery
Words: 329 / Pages: 2

.... the legs. Also, the epidural can be continued after your surgery to help control the pain. If you are young and/or without vascular disease, your surgeon and anesthesiologist may employ methods to lower blood pressure (hypotensive anesthesia) to conserve blood loss, and to assist in obtaining optimal fixation when acrylic bone cement is used. You will then be taken to the operating room and devices will be placed on you to monitor your heart, blood pressure, breathing and temperature. The anesthesia will be administered, you will be placed on your side with the operative side up, and a slightly curved incision will be made over your hip an .....

The Ebola Virus
Words: 1005 / Pages: 4

.... same virus had confirmed cases in Uganda at approximately the same time. Sporadic instances of the Marburg strain have been reported in several other African countries since then. The first major outbreak of the ebola virus was in 1976, in Zaire and in Sudan. "Over 500 cases were reported, with mortality rates of 88% in Zaire and 53% in Sudan"1 The cause of these outbreaks still remain unknown. No association with monkeys could be attributed to either of the outbreaks. The only other case besides in Marburg that Ebola seemed to be associated with monkeys was a filovirus (family of viruses containing Ebola) isolated from cynomolgus monkeys from the P .....

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