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Health Essay Writing Help

Bipolar Disorder
Words: 1919 / Pages: 7

.... are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). Bipolar affective disorder affects approxim .....

Should Marijuana Be Legalized For Medical Purposes?
Words: 2281 / Pages: 9

.... most controversial aspect of the legalization debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes. All drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, are federally 'Scheduled' by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency). A drug's scheduling under Federal law is determined “according to [its] effects, medical uses, and potential for abuse” (Claim V). In this classification system, marijuana is a Schedule I drug, grouped with heroin, LSD, hashish, methaqualone, and designer drugs. These are drugs having “unpredictable effects, and [causing] severe psychological or physical dependence, or death” (Claim V). A clos .....

The Two Sides Dealing With Abortion
Words: 1891 / Pages: 7

.... Pro-Life feel the fetus is a living, feeling being from the instant of conception. People in the Pro-Choice group mostly believe that it is the woman's choice to get an abortion, depending on their reason. They believe it is the woman's body and she has the right to choose what happens to it. Some people may even be in between both of the sides. This is a very emotional topic and a lot of factors are involved in what people believe. Some factors that might influence whether a person are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice is the individuals up-bringing, personal experiences and religion. I am one of the people who agree, to a certain extent, with both .....

Words: 704 / Pages: 3

.... Then, in 1912, thee chemist Casimir Funk identified that the antiberiberi substance in unpolished rice was an amine (a type of Nitrogen-containing compound), so Funk proposed that it be named vitamine, from vital amine. It was later discovered that different vitamins have different chemical properties. This discovery caused vitamine to be turned into vitamin. In 1912 Hopkins and Funk made a hypothesis. The hypothesis stated the absence of some vitamins could cause diseases such as beriberi and scurvy. Later a letter was assigned to each vitamin. The letters which were assigned to vitamins in the early years of vitamin research categoriz .....

Abortion Is Murder
Words: 781 / Pages: 3

.... a child in her mother's wound is alive! Does the negative actually believe that a human being is alive when and only when a human being has fully developed? If this is true, then most of here are not alive. The human specie is only fully grown at adulthood, many of us here are not adults yet -- and by that definition, it wouldn't matter if your shot and killed on the street because "your not fully developed". We are a stage in development -- teenager -- just like a child is, just like a toddler is, just like an old man is, and just like a aborted child is. There is no magical transformation that occurs when a child is born. He has the same bas .....

Abortion - Pro-Choice
Words: 469 / Pages: 2

.... "The Star Spangled Banner". Knowing that many women's autonomy has been taken away, how can we, Americans, who claim to be people of liberty, say the words of "The Star Spangled Banner" in good conscience? Females have been told what to do with and how to treat their bodies. If the right to self-determination is taken away, what will be decided for us next? What we can wear? What we can read and what we can say? Possibly even how we can act? This is not the American way! In fact, it is unconstitutional. We must be aware of this lack of freedom and see to it that women receive it. Sadly, there are many people who can not afford to supp .....

Euthanasia In Today's Society
Words: 1883 / Pages: 7

.... In today's world there are two types of euthanasia that are most common. The first are people who, perhaps because of serious illness or perhaps for reasons unrelated to their illness, are extremely depressed and say that they want to die (Johanson 1). Research has shown that the vast majority of these people are just asking for sympathy and don't really want to die but rather hear the calls of there loved ones begging them not to go on with the procedure. They want the attempt to fail. The second type of euthanasia involve people who are suffering from an illness that makes them unable to communicate (Johanson 2). These type of people are t .....

Euthanasia Is Not The Answer
Words: 1146 / Pages: 5

.... organizations agreeing to pay for barbiturates that kill rather than pills that merely reduce pain.” (2) My uncle Mike died this year from cancer and only lived six weeks after his diagnosis. He didn’t choose any treatment because of his poor prognosis. If he had chosen Euthanasia we would have missed out on so much. He was not active in church but returned to his catholic faith. He showed my family and I how to live in the face of death. He wasn’t afraid to die and let us share in his care. He had some pain but it was well controlled. He had hospice come and make him very comfortable. Our family was united in caring for him. This is a perfec .....

Malpractice Or Poor Judgement?
Words: 946 / Pages: 4

.... Insurance companies have caught on as well, raising the price of malpractice insurance on most doctors. For instance, a doctor who would have had to pay Rs. 125 annually now has to pay up to Rs. 1500. These costs will only be passed along to the patients in the long run, and the condition is only going to worsen. Take for example the United States, where surgeons annually pay an average of $75,000 on insurance premiums. On top of these premiums, doctors who practice very defensively add as much as $21 billion US to the health care bill every year. Twenty percent of the tests prescribed by doctors were not necessary, but they are the result of d .....

Necrotizing Fasciitis/Myosits (Flesh Eating Disease)
Words: 565 / Pages: 3

.... just 18 hours. The layers of tissue that surround the muscle are called fascia. When the disease spreads along the layers of tissue that surround muscle, it is called Necrotizing Fasciitis. Once the disease spreads into the muscle tissue, it is called Necrotizing Myositis. Background The first record of the disease was in France in 1783. The disease occurred throughout the 1800's and 1900's, but was usually only found in military hospitals in times of war. Some outbreaks have occurred also in civilian populations. There seemed to be some decrease in the 1940's, and then another outbreak in the 1980's. Ontario is the only provinc .....

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