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Health Essay Writing Help

The History And Facts About Nicotine And Tobacco
Words: 881 / Pages: 4

.... After smoking their tobacco they would break off a bit of the end and place it back above the hearth for the next person. By 1620, planters started to grow their own supply of tobacco. They started growing up to 100,000 pounds of tobacco a year! At this rate, the figure of tobacco got to be as high as 100 million pounds by the time of the American Revolution. In the 17th century, cultivating tobacco became the most important industry of the Virginia and Maryland colonies. Sometime later it became the major industry in North Carolina. “The first of the tobacco manufacturers to mass-produce cigarettes was Washington, Duke and Sons of Du .....

The Influence Of Ecstasy On The Youth
Words: 1284 / Pages: 5

.... and are primarily for the working class. This makes Raves quit different from all other postmodern sub-cultures. The legalization of a Rave has not prevented the illegal taking of the drugs. This means that there are a lot of young people indulging in Rave culture and recreational drug taking every weekend. Rave has provided an environment where drugs like ecstasy are socially acceptable. Rave like other cult is self-stupefying and refuses to question the taking of the drugs affecting its continual and successful existence. “Recreational drug users often see only benefits only from drug use and at this stage will have control over th .....

The Safety Of Using Cell Phones
Words: 542 / Pages: 2

.... with a blood alcohol level of about 0.10 per cent. The chances of getting into a car accident while using a cellular phone is nearly equal to the chances of having an accident while slightly drunk.” (Kolata, par.1) The distractions caused by talking on the phone are causing more accidents as the amount of cell phones being used increases. “The risk (of accidents) gets even greater if the person is discussing something important or especially is in the middle of an argument.” (Kolata, par. 2) The solution to cell phones in the cars is that cell phones should only be used in cases of emergencies. The chance of brain tumors also increas .....

Pursuing A Career In Psychiatry
Words: 2508 / Pages: 10

.... and medicinal treatment (Durgin 1). Psychiatry offers an exciting, challenging, and rewarding career; it also requires the most extensive training of any of the professions. Since the beginning of civilization, people have attempted to understand the causes of human emotional behavior. Most primitive societies believed that mental illnesses were caused by a demon who took possession of the victim’s body. The early civilizations would treat the mental illnesses by trying to make the body so uncomfortable that the demon would want to leave. But, by the late eighteenth century, most people were convinced that mental disturbances were not ca .....

Turner's Syndrome
Words: 202 / Pages: 1

.... no sex chromosomes fertilizes a normal ovum, resulting in a female that has only one X chromosome, producing a male body type: short, with a broad neck, and usually lacking female internal reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics. The patient is usually sterile and pregnancy is rare. Other signs and symptoms include a low hairline, webbed neck, shield-shaped chest with widely spaced nipples, and usually kidney and heart malformations. The patient may also have immature breasts and be of above-average height. Some are mildly retarded. Despite many efforts, no real causes have been found to be linked to this condition. It appe .....

Words: 575 / Pages: 3

.... of course, that the treatment offers the patient no overriding benefits. The ph s performed even though a patient's survival is highly unlikely; although patients in arrest are unconscious at the time of resuscitation, it can be a brutal procedure, and if the patient regains consciousness, its aftermath can involve considerable pain. In many such cases, the patient will die whether or not the treatments are performed. In some cases, however, the principle of mercy may also demand withholding treatment that could extend the patient's life if the treatment is itself painful or discomfort. The principle of mercy may also demand letting die in a s .....

Are Cosmetic Surgeries Worth It?
Words: 541 / Pages: 2

.... operations can relieve or prevent pain. Others can reduce a symptom of a problem or improve some body function. Some surgeries are performed to diagnose a problem. Surgery can also save our life. However, cosmetic surgeries are about pressure to look better. Many people believe that it is up to each individual to decide what they want to do with their body. Yet, does it really help to have your skin pulled up to your cheeks so you can’t smile? Cosmetic surgeries carry a high degree of risk, sometimes can cost one’s life. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, five patients did not survive undergoing liposuctions. Although the .....

Words: 1322 / Pages: 5

.... is wanted by someone. They view adoption as a logical alternative. Researchers have said that if you give the woman the unrestricted right to kill her unborn daughter, one had better be prepared to some day give the daughter the unrestricted right to kill the aged mother. Many people that are against s are raised in the church or are religious. They believe that is murder, and that God does not approve of this. There is a book called “The Hand of God“, written by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the doctors that was instrumental in getting legislation for passed in the 1960’s. Dr. Nathanson is now an ex- doctor, who actually perform .....

Words: 664 / Pages: 3

.... alcoholism. For example, some people may drink abusively during a personal crisis and then resume normal drinking. College students tend to drink more heavily than other age groups. It is often difficult to distinguish such heavy and abusive drinking from the early stages of alcoholism. How well the person can tolerate giving up alcohol for an extended time and the effects of drinking on the family, friends, work, and health, may indicate the extent of the alcohol problem. More than ten million Americans are estimated to be alcoholic. Alcoholism is found in all ages, cultures and economic groups. It is estimated that 75 percent of alcoholics .....

Things That Affect And Influence Our Health And Our Lives
Words: 2425 / Pages: 9

.... At the time before my enlightenment from the nutrition unit, I ate anything that was good to my taste. After extensive learning on the effects of certain foods on my body, and the manner in which to help improve my body through what I eat, I began being more aware of what I ate and learned on what effected me. I began changing my diet to a low-carbohydrate, and high-protein diet, thus enabling my body to stop burning the energy from the high-carbohydrate foods I eat to the fat cells in my body. Also, instead of snacking on ice cream or candy, I ate much more vegetables and healthier fruits such as bananas, apples, and oranges. As I began changin .....

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