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Health Essay Writing Help

Beta Carotene
Words: 716 / Pages: 3

.... orange vegetables (carrots) and dark green vegetables (broccoli) are much less likely to develop cancer and heart disease. It has also been established that people with low levels of beta-carotene in their blood have a higher incidence of heart disease and cancer, particularly lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute endorsed a study which found that women who consume lots of beta-carotene rich fruits and vegetables have a lower chance of getting cancer, including breast cancer. The Institution says that regularly eating lots of fruits and vegetables plays a key roll in cancer prevention, but whether the preventative action comes from beta-carot .....

The Cystic Fibrosis Gene
Words: 2159 / Pages: 8

.... Fibrosis Gene: The classical genetic approach to finding the gene that is responsible for causing a genetic disease has been to first characterize the bio-chemical defect within the gene, then to identify the mutated protein in the gene of interest, and finally to locate the actual gene. However, this classical approach proved to be impractical when searching for the CF gene. To find the gene responsible for CF, the principle of "reverse genetics" was applied. Scientists accomplished this by linking the disease to a specific chromosome. After this linkage, they isolated the gene of interest on the chromosome and then tested its product. .....

Ebola: A Contagious Trend
Words: 975 / Pages: 4

.... RNA viruses.” To date, there are five different recorded cases of the Ebola strand. Ebola Zaire, Sudan, Reston and Tai. Though all have been known to cause serious internal damage to all types of organs, whether it is human or animal, Ebola Reston does not seem pose a threat to humans in any way. “Ebola viruses are spread though direct contact with a person who is very ill with the disease. Usually wide-spread action of the virus takes place among hospital care workers or family members who were aiding an infected person.” Ebola can spread by the reuse of hypodermic needles, which occurs frequently in under-developed countries like Zaire and .....

Attention Deficit Disorder And Impassivity And Overactivity
Words: 1599 / Pages: 6

.... as early as possible. In most cases, someone at school, a teacher, counselor, or principal suggest a student be tested for ADHD. The evaluations usually take time and are done in two parts. First a student takes one or more of the following tests: Intelligence – to help evaluate the students IQ and reasoning abilities. Achievement – to find the actual grade level the student is working at. Fine motor skills – to see if there are problems with the student’s hand-eye coordination and/or writing skills. Then the student is evaluated. Parents are asked to describe their child’s behavior over a long period of time. The student’s teach .....

Heartburn And Gallstones
Words: 561 / Pages: 3

.... acids upwards. Heartburn is often very uncomfortable for the individual who has it. There are not many symptoms, but the ones most commonly found are, a burning sensation in the chest and upper abdomen, sore throat, and when the mouth sometimes fills with a liquid called water brash. Heartburn has many affects on the body, but I will focus now on the effect on the digestive system. Heartburn causes ulcers, which eat through the mucous layer of the organs in the digestive tract by means of enzymes and acids. It also causes an irritable bowel through syndromes. Stinosis is also caused by heartburn. This is when the esophagus passage narrows. He .....

Breast Cancer Research
Words: 377 / Pages: 2

.... should also be given the option to use combinations of methods to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. There should be more studies set up to find out about these various drug combinations and their effectiveness on cancer. They should also make it clear which drug combinations have failed when used together. A big problem in this country is that many people don’t understand just how many cases of breast cancer there is each year. They neglect to give themselves self- examinations, which has been proven to be, when done correctly, the very first step in detecting breast lumps. If these examinations are done regularly a women can .....

Teen Drug Use In The United States
Words: 1314 / Pages: 5

.... effects on the brain, which is one key factor towards addiction. No matter what type of drug an adolescent may use, depending on the drug’s nature, can really effect the individual in many different and unique ways. Depressants for instance, as well as stimulants, effect the central nervous system and the brain by blocking the nervous tissue. Some common depressants include any type of sleeping medication, anti-depressants, marijuana, and inhalants. These drugs are known to relax you. They put you in a mild comfortable stage of euphoria. Stimulants may include anything from cocaine to any sort of amphetamines; and to a much lesser degree .....

Words: 848 / Pages: 4

.... made. Since it takes you less time to recover you can work at a higher intensity for longer. This will make your muscle growth speed up. Who does creatine effect? Well it benefits those people who are serious about training body builders, track and field (mostly throwers), sprint swimmers, anyone who works out for long periods of time at high intensity. So it won't benefit you if your idea of a work out is getting some food from the kitchen for the movie you are about to watch. As of right now creatine is legal in every level of competition from high school to professional to Olympic. So is it worth taking? If you ask anyone wh .....

Respiratory Diseases
Words: 351 / Pages: 2

.... asthma, usually suffer from hay fever. Non allergic asthma, which adults usually have, is called intrinsic asthma. Intrinsic asthma is usually caused by respiratory infections and emotional upsets. A typical asthma attack begins with coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Some people have dry coughing as the only symptom. Attacks usually last only a couple hours. An attack may happen again in hours to even years after the first attack. Asthma attacks can be treated and prevented by the use of drugs. Albuterol or terbutaline, which can bring relief within minutes, is the usual treatment. The common cold is another disease o .....

Drug Abuse
Words: 1524 / Pages: 6

.... process in the brain called neurotransmission. This is when a brain cell releases a signal to another brain cell. The signal then returns to the first brain cell. The signal is called a neurotransmitter. One major neurotransmitter is called dopamine, which is involved in feelings of pleasure. When the drug is released into the brain, it blocks the dopamine from returning to the first brain cell. Repeated use changes the brain cells so that normal messages can't be sent between brain cells. The drug must always be present in order for neurotransmissions to take place. The user is only able to feel pleasure from the cocaine rather than the things .....

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