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Health Essay Writing Help

U Of T Professors Devise Better Way To Test Sight In Babies
Words: 547 / Pages: 2

.... now, doctors would have to extrapolate the baby's ability to see small stimuli from test results using large stimuli. "In Effect, Dr. Eizenman has developed a way of looking at brain waves that is more sensitive than methods previously available, " says Skarf. At the HSC, VEP's are used in a number of clinical applications: to determine whether a visual problem is cognitive; to assess whether babies who don't appear to see well will see better in the future; to determine a course of treatment for such problems in which one eye turns in or is weaker than the other eye. The second aspect of the researchers' work involves the development of a stimu .....

Medicine: "Microsurgery: Sew Small"
Words: 893 / Pages: 4

.... that are as wide as the thickness of a penny. To make such a stitch, the surgeon's hands will move no more than the width of the folded side of a piece of paper seen end on! Imagine trying to sew two pieces of spaghetti together and you'll have some idea of what microsurgery involves. Twenty-five years ago, this man's thumb would have been lost. But in the 1960s, surgeon's began using microscopes to sew what previously had been almost invisible blood vessels and nerves in limbs. Their sewing technique had been developed on large blood vessels over a half century earlier but could not be used in microsurgery until the needles and sutures became .....

Words: 559 / Pages: 3

.... illness, depression has certain symptoms. Once these have been recognized, you can take measures to treat them. Some are: feeling sad, worried or depressed; feeling as if your life is dreary and unlikely to improve; had crying spells; become irritated over little things that didn't used to bother you; find you no longer enjoy hobbies and activities that once made you happy; feel a lack of self-confidence or feeling like a failure; lost your appetite, or are eating more than usual; have had trouble sleeping, or been sleeping too much; had trouble concentrating and making decisions; and thought about death and/or suicide. Knowing the causes for dep .....

Opposing Euthanasia
Words: 2069 / Pages: 8

.... with evidence. Euthanasia is the practice of painlessly putting to death persons who have incurable, painful, or distressing diseases or handicaps. It comes from the Greek words for "good" and "death", and is commonly called mercy killing. Voluntary euthanasia may occur when incurably ill persons ask their physician, friend or relative, to put them to death. The patients or their relatives may ask a doctor to withhold treatment and let them die. Many critics of the medical profession contend that too often doctors play God on the operating tables and in recovery rooms. They argue that no doctor should be allowed to decide who lives and who d .....

Words: 639 / Pages: 3

.... false sensory experiments.Most schizophrenics fall victim to auditory hallucinations,but some of these hallucinations are also visual.Some of the "voices" these patients hear,are related to the patients emotional problems,while others are just jumbled messages. Location and Occurrence Schizophrenia occurs in all cities and countries.All social classes are affected,but in the larger cities schizophrenia is three to four times more common in the lower classes,than in the middle and upper classes.Doctors say this difference is due in part to the downward social status of people developing the disease."Schizo" occurs equally as often in men and wom .....

Alzheimer's Q&A
Words: 958 / Pages: 4

.... called neuritic plaques (clusters of degenerating nerve cell ends) and neurofibrillary tangles (masses of twisted filaments which accumulate in previously health nerve cells). The cortex (thinking center) of the brain shrinks (atrophies), The spaces in the center of the brain become enlarged, also reducing surface area in the brain. What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease? Alzheimer's Disease is a dementing illness which leads to loss of intellectual capacity. Symptoms usually occur in older adults (although people in their 40s and 5Os may also be affected) and include loss of language skills -- such as tro .....

Words: 2527 / Pages: 10

.... is caused by traits in a person's genetic makeup. A normal person has twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. Each pair contains one chromosome from each parent. In corresponding locations called loci of each chromosome, the genes for specific traits are located. Some researchers believe that mutations with these genes can cause . We inherit our genes from our parents, but this does not mean that the parents of a schizophrenic are mentally ill. Problems in a person’s genetic make up could come from mutated chromosomes or recessive genes. In an attempt to prove this theory, scientists study identical twins. Due to the fact that identical twins h .....

One Thousand Years Of Chinese Footbinding: Its Origins, Popularity And Demise
Words: 3441 / Pages: 13

.... fame of its dancing girls renowned for their tiny feet and beautiful bow shoes.[2] The practice apparently became the standard for feminine beauty in the imperial court, spreading downward socially and geographically as the lower cl asses strove to imitate the style of the elite. [3] In its most extreme form, footbinding was the act of wrapping a three- to five-year old girl's feet with binding so as to bend the toes under, break the bones and force the back of the foot together. Its purpose was to produce a tiny foot, the "golden lotus", which was three inches long and thought to be both lovely and alluring.[4] It is believed that the origi .....

Words: 1425 / Pages: 6

.... for estimating body fat, but they can yield inaccurate results if done by an inexperienced person or if done on someone with severe obesity. One is to measure skinfold thickness in several parts of the body. The second involves sending a harmless amount of electric current through a person's body (bioelectric impedance analysis). Both methods are commonly used in health clubs and in commercial weight- loss programs, but results should be viewed skeptically. Because measuring a person's body fat is tricky, doctors often rely on other means to diagnose obesity. Two widely used measurements are weight- for-height tables and body mass index. While both .....

Why Exercise Is Important
Words: 2835 / Pages: 11

.... to research this area and write about it. In the process, I found myself reevaluating my own workout program and the countless, needless foods I was eating. We all have different reasons for improving our physical fitness. But I think the one thing we can all come to ground on is that exercising and eating right is an essential imperative for our individual well being. Not because we want to follow society's footsteps, but because it's the right thing to do. This guide will address the reasons of why exercising is a physical imperative in the areas of diet, aerobic exercise, and weight training. With the expert advice from numerous research institut .....

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