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Health Essay Writing Help

Words: 603 / Pages: 3

.... also be caused when someone hears about a certain disease a lot or studies more into depth. Some people use it to seek attention, or withdraw from personal responsibilities. Being sick is also a way of agreeing to be helpless. In fact, is the perfect solution to this common predicament, for in being ill-either as a child,wife,husband, employee, or in-law- the vulnerable person simultaneously obtains the protection and attention he craves,excuses his excessive dependence, and binds his protector to him(who could leave someone who was seriously ill?). Psychiatrists today classify as one of a type of behaviors collectively known as the somatoform dis .....

Anabolic Steroids
Words: 1685 / Pages: 7

.... of the main effects of anabolic steroids is to increase the number of red blood cells and muscle tissue without producing much of the androgenic effects of testosterone. There are only four legal uses for steroids treatment for certain forms of cancer, pituatary dwarfism, and serious hormone disturbances. There are two forms of anabolic steroids those taken orally and those injected. The immediate effects of both are mood swings of many different kinds. In one study, physicians Ian Wilson, Arthur Prang, Jr., and Patricio Lara found that four out of five men suffering from dippresion when given a steroid suffered from dillusions. A r .....

Words: 322 / Pages: 2

.... disfigurement, back pain and postural fatigue, and it may be associated with heart failure. Fortunately the majority of scoliosis cases need only close follow-up to watch for worsening of the curve. Some cases require more aggressive treatment which could include surgery. The non-operative treatment of scoliosis involves observing the deformity with examinations and repeated x-rays. Under certain circumstances, when spinal growth remains, a brace may be used in combination with follow-up x- rays. Physical therapy exercises have not been shown to be effective treatment for scoliosis. The most common surgical treatment for scoliosis is a spine .....

Teens And Smoking
Words: 1506 / Pages: 6

.... it takes place in rather young people and is largely dependent on: first, the availability of opportunity to engage in the behavior, second, having a fairly high degree of curiosity about the effects of the behavior; third, in finding it a way of expressing either conformity to the behavior or others (such as parents, older siblings or peers), forth, as in "Miller and Dollar's" explanation of Observational Learning, The Copying behavior effect. This research is to examine the effects of parental smoking (behavior), has, on the decision of teens to smoke cigarettes. Due to prior studies using global measures that may or may not include South E .....

Teenage Years
Words: 647 / Pages: 3

.... in the first place. Our lives are filled with stress. One of the greatest sources of pressure is school. Where we are herded like cattle from room to room, chewing on our cud, while the hay of knowledge is force fed to us as we are trying our hardest to gulp it down as more and more is shovelled in. Another great source of pressure is ourselves. We try our hardest to be accepted among a certain group or circle. Whereas most of the time we are rejected and we become depressed. Depression, another problem, along with ignorance and apathy that thwarts our lives. A wise man when questioned about his view on ignorance and apathy, said "I don't know, and I .....

Cystic Fibrosis
Words: 962 / Pages: 4

.... discovered some definite symptoms of CF () by performing autopsies on infected children. She had also named the genetic defect. Those were destruction of pancreas, damage to lungs and infections in lungs. By the 1940’s scientists discovered that thick secretions, which blocked digestive enzymes from the pancreas, were clogging the ductile systems and passageways. Which caused the ineffectiveness of the digestive track. The mucus is what trapped the infectious bacteria in the lungs.1946 scientists discovered that CF was a recessive trait caused by a mutation of a single gene. They also found out that about 5% of Americans are asymptotic carrier .....

Ethical Problem: Drinking Alcohol
Words: 674 / Pages: 3

.... for me because of the fact that I was under age and it is obviously illegal for persons who have not yet turned twenty-one to consume alcoholic beverages. This would be the fifth stage of moral functioning, Legality. If you think at this stage, you will follow the rules and laws all the time. The law, however, did not prevent many of my friends from drinking nor did it do much in the way of stopping them after they had started. The law was too easy to avoid so getting caught by the cops was rarely a matter of great concern. Besides, even when one of my friends would get caught, they were usually released to their parents with nothing mor .....

Conquering The Smoking Habit
Words: 532 / Pages: 2

.... do not help him deal with his problems effectively. When it comes to quitting, this kind of smoker may find it easy to stop when everything is going well, but may be tempted to start again in a time of crisis. Physical exertion, eating, drinking, or social activity in moderation may serve as useful substitutes for cigarettes, even in times of tension. The choice of a substitute depends on what will achieve the same effects without having any appreciable risk. Once a smoker understands his own smoking behavior, he will be able to cope more successfully and select the best quitting approaches for himself and the type of life- style he lead .....

Down Syndrome Report
Words: 415 / Pages: 2

.... when some, but not all, of the body's cells carry an extra chromosome 21, the condition is a type of Down syndrome called mosaicism. Because of the extra chromosome 21, children with Down syndrome often have some characteristic physical features, such as a small head, a flat face, slightly upward slanted eyelids, skin folds at the inner corners of the eyes, small nose and mouth, and small hands and feet. Most of these characteristic do not interfere with the child's functioning, a doctor primarily uses the characteristics for diagnostic purposes. These physical features are variable, and children with Down syndrome are usually more like other .....

Euthanasia And The Moral Right To Die
Words: 1161 / Pages: 5

.... occurred to me. If Jack were a dog, I thought, what would be done to him? The answer was obvious: the pound, and the chloroform. No human being with a spark of pity could let a living thing suffer so, to no good end"( Rachels 13). The experience of Stewart Alsop, a respected journalist, with his terminally ill friend Jack, forces us to ask why a dying dog is entitled to more humane treatment than a human in the same condition. Finding a humane and sensible approach to treating the terminally ill has become a hotly debated topic in recent years. One approach to this problem is euthanasia, which by definition mean "a painless death, a mercy killing .....

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