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Health Essay Writing Help

Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Crohn's Disease
Words: 1848 / Pages: 7

.... again) are affected. In other cases, only the SUPER really bad place is involved. Sometimes, inflammation also may affect the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, appendix, or some nasty sounding word. Crohn's disease is a chronic condition and may recur at various times over a lifetime. Some people have long periods of remission, sometimes for years, when they are free of symptoms. There is no way to predict when a remission may occur or when symptoms will return. The most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain, often in the lower right area, and diarrhea. There also may be rectal bleeding, weight loss, and fever. Bleeding ma .....

AIDS - What's New ?
Words: 3362 / Pages: 13

.... about it in time to take effective precautions. Given the right measures, no one need get AIDS. The pandemic continues: ----------------------- Many of us have forgotten about the virulence of widespread epidemics, such as the 1917/18 influenza pandemic which killed over 21 million people, including 50,000 Canadians. Having been lulled into false security by modern antibiotics and vaccines about our ability to conquer infections, the Western world was ill prepared to cope with the advent of AIDS in 1981. (Retro- spective studies now put the first reported U.S. case of AIDS as far back as 1968.) The arrival of a new and lethal virus caught u .....

Words: 322 / Pages: 2

.... have been reported in Texas. There are no know caves in NJ that have conditions similar to the cave in Texas where the 2 individuals developed rabies. Treatment There is no known effective treatment for rabies once the symptoms of the illness have developed. After individual consideration in certain cases a decision may be made to administer rabies vaccine to prevent the development of rabies. What Can Be Done to Prevent Rabies? Since there is no treatment for rabies the major emphasis is am preventing it. Below is a list to some ways of limiting the spread of rabies: 1. Domestic cats and dogs should be currently immunized against rabies. .....

Words: 1901 / Pages: 7

.... Conversely, even with this gradation, some opponents to believe that voluntary, passive is the same as suicide; involuntary is considered to be murder. Because poses classic dilemmas as to its morality, it is not surprising that many issues arise in the legal and medical arenas. In law, the resolution of a particular case cannot always be applied to resolve another. In the medical realm, interpretation of medical doctrine concerning treatment of terminally ill patients can result in entirely different applications. In two relatively recent cases, the Supreme Court had to decide the future of patients that were considered to be in chronically p .....

Words: 989 / Pages: 4

.... always pleasing someone else and making one feel proud of themselves. My great-grandmother was the type of person to bring out the best in everyone. As a child, I needed that because my home had its ups and downs. My parents were separated and I had been living with my mother. She was a young parent and did things that most mother did not. For instance, as a child she would leave me alone and sometimes physically abuse me. Therefore, I sometimes had a hard time understanding why she treated me so differently. On the other hand, I always received my explanations from my great-grandmother whom I called “ Mema”. I am not the only individua .....

Words: 487 / Pages: 2

.... with are among those believed to contribute to the development of . These include family conflict, divorce, and job security. Other problems reported in children of alcoholic parents include hyperactivity, school problems, antisocial behavior, and drug use. Studies indicate that children of alcoholics have an increased risk of even when they have no exposure to drinking parents. Next, the effects of alcohol on the human body depend on the amount of alcohol in the blood. The higher the alcohol content of the beverage, the more alcohol will enter the bloodstream. The amount and type of food in the stomach also affect the absorption rate; drinking when .....

Anger Management And Health
Words: 2155 / Pages: 8

.... think negatively about anger since we associate it with fear. Plato was the first to suggest that anger was a disbalance. According to Dr. Willard Gaylin, a prominent psychologist, anger is still seen as a disbalance by many of today's psychologists. Since Plato, anger has suffered a bad reputation. We only have to imagine a domestic abuse scene to immediately condemn anger in all of its manifestations. There is a reason why anger is viewed in a negative light. Nobody likes it when someone is angry with them. We tend to avoid the wrath of those around us. This is one reason we see anger as negative. Another reason may lie closer to .....

Words: 1153 / Pages: 5

.... a very specific disease, malaria is caused by only four protozoal parasites: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae. Not only is the disease specific, but the parasites are too, with only 60 of 380 species of female Anopheles mosquitoes as vectors. With the exception of Plasmodia Malariae which may affect other primates, all parasites of malaria have only one host, Homo sapiens. Because some mosquitoes contain substances toxic to Plasmodium in their cells, not all species of mosquitoes are vectors of Plasmodium. Although very specific, malaria still causes disruption of over three hundred million people .....

The Cystic Fibrosis Gene
Words: 2157 / Pages: 8

.... Fibrosis Gene: The classical genetic approach to finding the gene that is responsible for causing a genetic disease has been to first characterize the bio-chemical defect within the gene, then to identify the mutated protein in the gene of interest, and finally to locate the actual gene. However, this classical approach proved to be impractical when searching for the CF gene. To find the gene responsible for CF, the principle of "reverse genetics" was applied. Scientists accomplished this by linking the disease to a specific chromosome. After this linkage, they isolated the gene of interest on the chromosome and then tested its product. Before .....

Borderline Personality Disorder
Words: 946 / Pages: 4

.... problems may transiently display behaviors that misleadingly give the impression of Borderline Personality Disorder.” The reason for this is because some of the symptoms of Borderline patients are like the characteristics of adolescence. Examples of these would be uncertainty of life and career choices, sexual promiscuity, and substance abuse. However, those with Borderline Personality Disorder(B.P.D.) must also have these symptoms: 1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. 2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluati .....

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