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Health Essay Writing Help

Alcoholism: Is It Hereditary?
Words: 1749 / Pages: 7

.... alcoholism affecting only such groups. Even for these populations, balanced genetic models leave room for the substantial impact of environmental, social and individual factors so that drinking to excess can only be predicted within a complex, multivariate framework. The denial of this complexity in some quarters obscure what has been discovered through genetically oriented research and has dangerous consequences for prevention and treatment policies. A tremendous amount of attention and research has recently been concentrated on the inheritance of alcoholism and on the possibility of accounting genetically for drunken behavior. The major purpose .....

The History Of Birth Control
Words: 956 / Pages: 4

.... at best, some of them could be downright deadly. We have better technology today (tons better). Now you might be asking about the different types of birth control. The forms of birth control that have been used over the years and currently include pesssaries, plants, condoms, and birth control pills. While there have been others it is best that we not discuss them here(trust me you don't want to know). Pessaries are vaginal suppositories. Used from ancient times to the present, they can be a fairly effective form of birth control. In ancient times, pessaries often contained acacia gum, which, while having some possible spermacidal effect, ver .....

Abortion And The Mentally Handicapped
Words: 1004 / Pages: 4

.... situation. The trauma of the pregnancy could intensify your paranoid schizophrenia, or cause some other mental disorder. Mrs. Smith has informed us that she herself is not capable of caring for the child. We feel that you will suffer further if you are forced to give up the child. Your psychiatrist has come to the conclusion that you are not capable of being a responsible parent, but you are, at times, capable of making rational moral decisions. However, because you are not able to make important, rational, moral decisions most of the time your mother can claim that you are not mentally capable of raising a child. Also. We took in to account that t .....

Cholera: Virulence, Origin, And Pandemics
Words: 3002 / Pages: 11

.... after contracting HIV (1). The second type of virulence noted by Ewald (1) was in circumstances where contraction of the pathogen did not guarantee death to the host. Most pathogens we are familiar with today fall into the latter category. In this case, virulence of the pathogen can, and is, measured by mortality rates. Here, more virulent strains kill more hosts. If mortality rates are very low or not present at all, greater virulence can be expressed as causing more symptoms of illness. One such pathogen is Vibrio cholerae, which causes the disease known as cholera. The subject of this paper will focus on the V. cholerae pathogen and the s .....

Prevention Of HIV Transmittance To Babies
Words: 1097 / Pages: 4

.... infection in women: Setting a New Agenda." The conference included activists, physicians and HIV positive women who used the meeting as a forum to voice their concerns about how best to balance women's own medical needs with those of their infants. Other concerns of activists that were voiced were that they don't want laws, policies or medical care imposed on women merely as "vectors" who may transmit HIV to their infants. The new guidelines recommend that all pregnant women should receive HIV counseling and testing. These guidelines are aimed at helping pregnant women know their HIV status early so that medical care, including zidovudine (Retrovi .....

Smoking On Campus
Words: 545 / Pages: 2

.... monoxide, formaldehyde, acrolein, hydrogen cyanide, and nitrogen oxides, to name just a few(Ginzel 1-2). After analyzing some of the statistics one may ask, “Why should students be aloud to enjoy a cigarette at the expense of others?” I interviewed several nonsmoking students and asked their opinion on the subject; Maria Malaka, a first year student at SPJC stated, “I hate when people smoke near me, it makes me sick!”. Just about every nonsmoker I asked had close to the same opinion. Of the 24 students I interviewed 5 were smokers. Why should so many of us have to suffer for a small percent of students to reap the benefits? The administrators .....

Pregnancy, Lactation, And Infancy
Words: 685 / Pages: 3

.... their pregnancies at a healthy weight need to gain about 30 pounds, which covers the growth and development of the placenta, uterus, blood, breast, and infant. By reamining active throughout pregnancy, a woman can develop the strength she needs to carry the extra weight and maintain habts that will help her lose it after birth. From conception to birth, all parts of the infant, bones, muscles, organs, blood cells, skin, and other tissue are made from nutrients in the foods the mother eats. Nutrients needs during pregnancy and lactation are higher than at any other time. A pregnant women needs extra food energy, but only alitt .....

Interpretation Of The Human Body
Words: 1120 / Pages: 5

.... the spirit would live after the man dies. They used stone because it was the strongest material they could find. Longevity was very important. The bodies are always idealized and clothed. Figures are very rigid, close-fisted, and are built on a vertical axis to show that the person is grand or intimidating. Most of the figures were seen in the same: profile of the legs, frontal view of the torso, and profile of the head. Like most civilizations, Egyptians put a lot of faith in gods. The sky god Horus, a bird, is found in a great amount of Egyptian art. Little recognition was ever given to the artists. The emphasis was on the patron. Early Greek art w .....

Getting Daily Exercise
Words: 444 / Pages: 2

.... people who are not professionals, and who are going by the advice of the people who are, in a bit of a rough spot. If we do not get enough exercise, then we run the risk of getting sick and being unhealthy. If we get an excessive amount of exercise, then again, the same result. What I have been told over the years, was to get at least twenty minutes of exercise, three times a week. This article states that you should get at least thirty minutes of moderately intense exercise everyday of the week. I feel this is quite a bit for some people and should not be stated as the “minimum” amount you should receive. I agree with having an exercise ro .....

Ebola Virus
Words: 434 / Pages: 2

.... hot virus. Both of these labs are in the United States: The United States Army Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRID) in Reston, Virginia, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in Atlanta, Georgia. Ebola Zaire if great at what it does, to well. It kills so quickly that the index case, the first person to start an outbreak is usually dead before the proper authorities can show up and try to back track where it came from, defying a decent strategy to keep people away from its natural reservoir. However, it destroys the body so quickly that it doesn't have a chance to spread very far, at least in humans. This virus is a tru .....

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