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Health Essay Writing Help

The Plague In 1347
Words: 532 / Pages: 2

.... be accepted upon in the kingdom of God upon death. Many individuals made large donations to churches making almost all the churches extremely wealthy. It had turned into a matter of survival, however survival eventually turned to death. Many occurring symptoms of this plague began from bloody noses as a fatal prognostic. Then certain tumors in the groin or under the armpits would form, some as big as a small apple, others as an egg. Afterwards purple spots in most parts of the body; in some cases large and but few in number, in others smaller and more numerous both sorts the usual messengers of death. The cure of this plague, neither medical knowledg .....

Cancer: The Costs, Causes, And Cures
Words: 2876 / Pages: 11

.... is, what exactly is cancer? Cancer, is the break down and mutation of the cells of the body, when the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) sequences in those molecules are disrupted and errors form in the structures, (Grolier, Genetic Code). This mutation spreads through surrounding tissue until it disrupts major systems in the body (such as respiratory, digestive and waste management) cause that system to fail. What causes Cancer to become active? Since it is believed that almost all people have some type of cancer in their body, (although benign), any person that comes in contact with a carcinogen, (any cancer-causing agent), will cause these benign cel .....

Words: 1003 / Pages: 4

.... developing drugs that could kill microbes, but they proved to be either dangerous or ineffective. In 1928 there was a discovery by Alexander Fleming. He detected that a substance he called "penicillin" destroyed bacteria. Then in the late 1930's, two British scientists invented a method of extracting penicillin from the mold. This was the start of developing new drugs to treat diseases and bacteria. Over the years, numerous thousands of antibiotic material have been found in nature as well as produced chemically but, there are few that are safe and useful. However the ones that are safe and effective have saved many lives and have helped extend lif .....

Words: 1686 / Pages: 7

.... defined as any of a group of psychotic reactions characterized by withdrawal from reality with highly variable affective, behavioral and intellectual disturbances by the American Heritage Dictionary. No definition of schizophrenia can adequately describe all people with this illness. Schizophrenia is an extremely complex mental illness. It is clear that schizophrenia is a disease which makes it difficult for the person with the illness to decide what is real and what is not (Swados 5). It is also clear that this brain disease affects normal, intelligent people in all walks of life. There are six concrete phrases that describe schizophrenia: it is .....

Theory Of Human Development
Words: 3344 / Pages: 13

.... beyond one's control. I believe in the free will explanation, but not the type of free will commonly imagined. Humans do ultimately have the power to choose their actions, however the extreme influence of other factors, such as heredity, environment, and learned behaviors, may make it seem like a person's actions were predetermined. For example, if a starving people were put into positions where they could either eat a Subway turkey round placed in front of them or just sit there and stare and stare at it, common sense shows that these people would eat. However, it is possible that one person, like an anorexic, would just sit and stare at the sandwic .....

Evaluating Methods Of Contraception
Words: 1676 / Pages: 7

.... ideals. People often need different types of contraceptives to suit the different stages in their lives. A method that is useful for preventing pregnancies temporarily is not necessarily adequate for the woman who wants to stop child bearing completely. And a contraceptive that works well for someone who has sexual intercourse only occasionally may not be sufficiently effective for those who have sex often. Various methods of contraception are available in the United States today, including condoms for men and women, spermicidal foams, gels, vaginal films including the diaphragm and cervical caps, the Pill, IUD’s and even awareness methods t .....

Multiple Sclerosis
Words: 988 / Pages: 4

.... symptoms. Researchers are not sure yet as to the cause of Multiple Sclerosis. There is a kind of deadlock among scientists and doctors whether it's hereditary, viral, or a combination of the two, with the disease being hereditary, but with a viral trigger, or just a simple chemical imbalance in the immune system. One thing is certain, though. Some sort of defect in the immune system causes white blood cells to attack and destroy the myelin sheath. There are five main types of Multiple Sclerosis. The first type is Benign Multiple Sclerosis. It is the least severe, has little progression, and takes up twenty percent of all cases. The seco .....

The Dangers Of Smoking
Words: 356 / Pages: 2

.... too late. Teaching of the effects of cigarette smoking is a must. Tell them that about 400,00 Americans die every year because of health problems due to smoking. The second part of prevention takes place in our government. Stricter fines for sales to minors would help out allot. If there were also laws about underage smoking in public more teens would think twice about smoking. In the end all of this would help deplete the smoking population. Once a teen is addicted, at such a young age breaking the addiction is more difficult. Teenagers are adolescents and their minds are still developing. The task of breaking an addiction requires a mature .....

Artificial Life Or Death
Words: 1332 / Pages: 5

.... you would pay. The opposition feels that it is not right for people to abandon other members of the human race because there is always a chance, even though it is a small one, that they will regain all functons and return to a normal life. There are many cases in which euthanasia is acceptable. Brain death is one situation which merits euthanasia. It is also one of the more common cases where euthanasia is requested. Brain death is when all brain activities cease. The lines are fairly well drawn in the law about patients who are suffering but are still compotent, but when the law is asked to determine the fate of a lingering, comatose, incompotent .....

Factors That Influence Drug Addiction
Words: 855 / Pages: 4

.... factors that creates, maintains, and subsequently sustains addiction. The availability of the drugs play the most prominent role in the addiction process. Simply stated, if drugs and/or alcohol did not exist there couldn’t conceivably be a drug addiction. Nevertheless, drugs and alcohol do exist, so it isn’t their existence that effects the addiction, but how readily available to the addict each substance is. The Vietnam Veterans, who used heroin during the war, are an excellent example of how availability strengthens the addiction process. Opiates were very easy to obtain in Vietnam, and as a result ten percent of our soldiers test .....

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