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Health Essay Writing Help

About Medical Marijuana
Words: 1519 / Pages: 6

.... the following conditions: Cancer: Marijuana alleviates the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by chemotherapy treatment. AIDS: Marijuana alleviates the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by the disease itself and by treatment with AZT and other drugs. Glaucoma: Marijuana, by reducing intraocular pressure, alleviates the pain and slows or halts the progress of the disease. Glaucoma, which damages vision by gradually increasing eye pressure over time, is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Multiple Sclerosis: Marijuana reduces the muscle pain and spasticity caused by the disease. It may also relieve trem .....

The Effects Of Altitude On Human Physiology
Words: 3674 / Pages: 14

.... If prolonged the results can be serious or even fatal. In looking at the effect of altitude on body functioning we first must understand what occurs in the external environment at higher elevations and then observe the important changes that occur in the internal environment of the body in response. HIGH ALTITUDE In discussing altitude change and its effect on the body mountaineers generally define altitude according to the scale of high (8,000 - 12,000 feet), very high (12,000 - 18,000 feet), and extremely high (18,000+ feet), (Hubble, 1995). A common misperception of the change in external environment with increased altitude is that th .....

Words: 1559 / Pages: 6

.... late 1960's. The theories involved in biofeedback and psychophysiology began with the study on homeostatic mechanisms. The human organism insures its survival through the maintenance of homeostasis. In order to control or altar behavior, a person must have information that is available through the senses. In biofeedback, the client obtains information about his biological state from feedback from the sensors. Margolin and Kubic (1944) conducted an early example of this kind of feedback. They used a subject's amplified respiration and heart beat to induce a hypnotic induction. Even though the subjects were not told to adjust these physiological fun .....

Teenage Suicide
Words: 1289 / Pages: 5

.... This survey showed that American parents are somehow concerned about suicide among teenagers. This concern is pervasive among American teenagers. In 1993, a national survey of adolescents about their knowledge of, and attitudes toward, youth suicide was made. The survey reulted that 60% of the teenagers reported knowing another teen who had attempted suicide while 6% reported having make an attempt themselves. The above two examples indicates that it is very important for parents, counselors, or different institutions to become aware of the reasons and symptons of teenage suicide and to find out possible preventive procedures. Recently, an examin .....

The Dangers Of Smoking
Words: 712 / Pages: 3

.... pulmonary disease, and coronary heart disease. These three are the major causes of death for smokers. It also causes cancer of the lip and mouth, emphysema, cancer of the larynx, oral cavity and esophagus; about one third of all cancers of the bladder, kidney, and pancreas are attributed to smoking as well. Lung cancer has become the leading killer among cancers in the United States. More than eight of every ten cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking, and nine out of every ten victims die within five years. Emphysema is a progressive respiratory disease characterized by coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing, developing into extre .....

Words: 341 / Pages: 2

.... swelling. The body may also react by causing calcium tissue to be deposited around the worm, walling it off and eventually causing its death. In humans, the mature worm lives tightly coiled in the lymphatic vessels where they reproduce. The female holds the fertilized eggs in her body. Later the embryos, called microfilariae, are discharged alive. An interesting feature of these worms is the periodic swarming of the microfilariae in the bloodstream. In most species swarming takes place at night. The embryos can be taken up by an insect only when they are in a human's bloodstream. They develope into infective larvae in the insect, which is the .....

Reasons To Be Fit
Words: 546 / Pages: 2

.... is one that have an exercise(s) and a diet that you enjoy. The rewards and benefits of fitness can all be reaped, if you work at it. There are many benefits to fitness. The main one is health. Research has shown that people who are in shape and fit are less prone to disease such as coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, frailty, diabetes and conditions like obesity than the people are not. Fit people also tend to live a longer life. Doing aerobic and weight exercises such as running, walking, swimming, weight lifting etc. and a healthy diet is important in preventing or treating the above diseases or conditions. When you are fit, you .....

Words: 864 / Pages: 4

.... three to four times every night. The problem however is remembering the dream. But there is a way to remembering . It is believed that are remembered more accurately immediately after awakening during the night rather than in the morning. Remembering takes time, effort, and patience. Researchers discovered that people who tend to forget their show a greater amount of rapid eye movement, which is associated with greater amounts of activity in the dream. However, when these people did remember the content of their , it was rather bland and inactive. With all of dream research, there still is no definite answer to the question: “What is a dre .....

Words: 701 / Pages: 3

.... people may have coughing without and symptoms for months or even years before it’s realized that they are asthmatic. Interestingly enough, asthma symptoms are most severe at night, while we’re lying down our airways narrow as a result of gravity changes. Also our lungs do not clear secretions as well at night, which leads to mucous retention, and that can increase the obstruction to air flow. Furthermore, at night our bodies produce smaller amounts of certain chemical that help to decrease airway spasms and keep airway tubes open. All of these factors add up to a greater chance of symptoms worsening at night. An asthma attack begins when .....

The Effects Of Creatine
Words: 3611 / Pages: 14

.... healthy lifestyle choices may not be enough to get the results we desire. In part this is determined by our genetic makeup. Some people will be naturally stronger, faster, and more athletic than the rest of us, no matter how hard we try. For decades people have turned to nutritional supplements to give them an edge in athletics. However, this was most limited to vitamins, minerals, and the ever popular “weight gainer”, which consisted mostly of sugar and protein. Similarly, people who wanted to loose weight looked to magical pills composed of tropical plants, strange chemicals, or chromium picolinate. Though there may be benefits in taking .....

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