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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Capital Punishment: The Only Defense
Words: 614 / Pages: 3

.... Wrongly so. Maldistribution inheres no more in capital cases than in any other punishment. Because of the finality of the death penalty, the most grievous maldistribution occurs when it is imposed upon the innocent. However, the frequent allegations of discrimination refer to maldistribution among the guilty and not to the punishment of the innocent. Maldistribution of any punishment among those who deserves it is irrelevant to its justice or morality. Punishments are imposed on a person, not a race or economic group. Guilt is personal. The only question that needs to be asked is, does the person who is to be executed deserve the punishm .....

Death Penalty In The United States
Words: 2700 / Pages: 10

.... eliminate repeat offenders. Death penalty opponents feel that the death penalty actually leads to an increase in crime because the death penalty desensitizes people to violence, and it sends the message that violence is a suitable way to resolve conflicts. Death penalty opponents also condemn the death penalty because of the possibility of an innocent person being put to death, and because it can be unfairly applied. Death penalty opponents feel that the death penalty must be abolished because it cheapens the value of human life. The death penalty desensitizes people to murder and violence because, by executing people, the state sends the message .....

Legalizing Same Sex Marriages
Words: 474 / Pages: 2

.... marriages in the near future is in Hawaii, where supporters of same-sex marriage have won a major judicial victory. Currently there is a high tolerance for homosexuals throughout the United States. Judges do not need the popularity of the people on the Federal circuit court level to make new precedent. Despite significant opposition, largely from conservatives and religious groups, same-sex marriages may soon become commonplace. The harm in this situation is that the idea of discrimination becomes “OK.” Although eight states presently prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, nowhere in the United States are lesbians and gay ma .....

Opposing The Death Penalty
Words: 1094 / Pages: 4

.... differences has made me doubt my prior convictions. First of all, I am against the use of the lethal injection. I understand that it is cleaner, but if the law wants to inflict death as a punishment, it must understand that death is not a pretty thing. Criminals are painlessly put to sleep, and die in the same manner that Dr. Kavorkian's patients choose. Personally, if I was faced with the option of living the remainder of my life in isolation, perpetually haunted by pain and images of terror, I would absolutely chose to die by lethal injection. There is no true punishment in this method, except the fear of going to hell, which I strongly doubt .....

Serial Killers
Words: 4242 / Pages: 16

.... because they look just like everybody else. Actually, they act just like everybody else. You could have a neighbor that's a serial killer and not even know it. Psychopaths are everyday people with everyday lives, but they just have one problem, they have a need to kill. What does a serial killer do? Serial killers usually have reasons for killing, they just don't go out and kill anyone (the majority). A serial killer will plan out where, when, why, and how before they actually kill. Ted Bundy used to lure his victims with a phony cast on his leg. Others lured with the promise of sex or porno movies. When they kill they usually have their .....

Drinking And Driving Offences
Words: 1195 / Pages: 5

.... you are convicted of "Refusing ato give a breath sample" for the first time, but was earlier convicted of "Driving while impaired", your conviction for "Refusing" will count as a second conviction, not a first, and will receive the stiffer penalty for second offences. For the first offence here is the penalty and the defences you can make. Driving a vehicle while your ability to drive is impaired by alcohol or drugs is one of the offences. Evidence of your condition can be used to convict you. This can include evidence of your general conduct, speech, ability to walk a straight line or pick up objects. The penalty of the first of .....

Something Happened! - The Sexual Harassment Suit Of The Nancy Hart And The Police Of City Of Peabody
Words: 1456 / Pages: 6

.... conditions are the following: 1. Pass a psychological exam given by the City 2. Pass a physical exam given by the City 3. Must pay for Police Academy training at a cost of approximately $1200 4. Must pass a prescreening exam by the Criminal Justice Council 5. Agree not to smoke on the job or off duty while employed by the city 6. Agree to random drug testing 7. Agree to keep their weight in proportion to their height A violation of any the above conditions would be grounds for dismissal from the Police Department without the right of Union protect .....

Capital Punishment: For And Against
Words: 2560 / Pages: 10

.... of the perpetrator to membership and even to life. A community founded on moral principles has certain requirements. The right to belong to a community is not unconditional. The privilege of living and pursuing the good life in society is not absolute. It may be negated by behavior that undermines the nature of a moral community. The essential basis on which community is built requires each citizen to honor the rightful claims of others. The utter and deliberate denial of life and opportunity to others forfeits ones own claim to continued membership in the community, whose standards have been so flagrantly violated. The preservation of moral communi .....

Under Age Drinking : The Problems It Creates
Words: 1036 / Pages: 4

.... that has the most bars per capata in the state of Montana and is in the top ten in the United States. This has a huge effect on under age drinkers. The bars card at the door and as long as your 18 your in. And since the bouncers will stamp nearly anyone they know or like the number of kids is always high. It dosn't help that Dillon is a college town and ther are many under age college kids there. Now lets imagine another party where kids are drinking. The bonfire is roaring, Bubba just decided that singeing everyone's eyebrows off by throwing some gasoline on the fire would be fun. Of course nobody thought that this was very funny except .....

Facts About Marijuana
Words: 1254 / Pages: 5

.... you had mom's Chili or Tacos, you might be sitting in the living room on the LAY-Z Boy, smoking a joint or however they would take it. The folk medicine of Africa and Asia have used it as an herbal preparation. A "mythical" and "legendary" pharmacist and emperor Shen Nung thought using it as a seditive was all right. In 2,700 B.C. that same "mythical" emperor said it helped female weakness, gout, rheumatism, malaria, beri-beri (?), contipation, and absentmindedness. In 1979 (A.D.) Carlton E. Turner visited China and found .....

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