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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Drunk Driving(Interlock)
Words: 949 / Pages: 4

.... costs around 135.00 with a maintenance fee of about 100.00 a month. The hypotheses for this program are: Is the ignition interlock program effective in reducing impaired driving recidivism? Does it have an impact on more serious, persistent impaired drivers? Finally, does the program continue to be effective even after the interlock device is removed? (Weinrath) Random sampling of Canadian drivers who had their license suspended between 1989-94 did the I.I.P. (Ignition Interlock Program). The sample was done with 994 offenders’ age 20 and up. 125 of them were female, 701 were male and 189 ignition interlock cases. The breakdown was 168 I.I.P cas .....

Overpopulation 2
Words: 584 / Pages: 3

.... threat to the environment. We consume materials and energy from earth and then return heat and wastes to earth, but the environment can only handle so much waste before serious effects on humans are seen. As human numbers increase, deterioration of water quality and destruction of animal and plant communities increase too. The serious effects of population growth apply even on the protected locations of this planet. Rapid expansion of human numbers also causes overexploitation of natural resources and provides pressure on food supplies. As a result it will not be long until we observe a remarkable decline in our living standards. Land, forest and .....

Words: 2565 / Pages: 10

.... in the mind. Those that belonged to the empiricist school of thought developed quite separate and distinct ideas concerning the nature of the substratum of sensible objects. John Locke and David Hume upheld the belief that sensible things were composed of material substance, the basic framework for the materialist position. The main figure who believed that material substance did not exist is George Berkeley. In truth, it is the immaterialist position that seems the most logical when placed under close scrutiny. The initial groundwork for Berkeley's position is the truism that the materialist is a skeptic. In the writing of his three dialogues, .....

Is It Wrong To Look For A Serious Relationsip And Is There L
Words: 724 / Pages: 3

.... then I had many relationships and the all ended fast except for this one girl whom I liked very greatly but who slept around behind my back. I can’t say that she was a bitch or that I hate her because in some way it was my fault as well. I had an important paper do for this thing and thus I could not spend the necessary time with her. Before I did not know what I want but now I know what I want very clearly. What I want is not much it is not like I have great demands. All I want is to find one girl the girl I know she exists somewhere in this world who posses all the qualities that I would like. About a week ago I meat the girl whom I thought was .....

Christopher Columbus Voyage
Words: 649 / Pages: 3

.... A fat and slow, designed for hauling cargo with at 18 meter lengths, keel length at 12 meters, beam 6 meters, and a depth of 3 meters from keel to deck and has to have three masts (fore, main, and mizzen), each of which carry one large sail. The foresail and mainsail need to be square; the sail on the mizzen, or rear, mast needs to be a triangular sail known as a lateen. In addition, the ship carry a small square sail on the bowsprit, and small topsail on the mainmast above the mainsail. B) A caravel, a smaller, lighter, and faster ship than the First Ship about length of 17 meters, keel length 13 meters, beam 5 meters, and depth 2 meters with three .....

Child Psychology
Words: 1840 / Pages: 7

.... class, I have found this to be the most interesting. At first I thought of researching a subject I was not familiar with, but after analyzing many topics I still had the urge to learn more about . I figure, if I write on a subject I find interesting I should get a decent grade. is a very important and vast field in psychology. The more we are able to understand the psychology of children, the better we may understand why people turn out the way they do. Hopefully in doing so, we may have a clearer understanding of what has negative effects on child development. Therefore, we can revolve around the negative and focus more on the positive. Res .....

Hockey .vs. Football
Words: 756 / Pages: 3

.... their players too weigh more than 200 though because as Mike Milbury the coach of the New York Islanders put it “ when a player is as big as a football player (approx. 250 lbs.). It is harder for a player to move quickly and elude an upcoming check”. In the NFL, it is the opposite of the NHL. The coaches don’t want their players too weigh less than 200 pounds. The Punter/Kicker is the only position that it doesn’t really matter what the weight of player is. On average the weight of a NFL player is 250 lbs. The average team consisting of 48 players weighs about 12,000 lbs. This paragraph talks about a very controversial substance that is us .....

Credit Cards
Words: 2269 / Pages: 9

.... cards by more than a third, and sent out another three billion offers in 1997 alone (Dollars and Sense). The new targets for these credit card companies are the low-income household families. While only 20% of poor families had a credit card in 1983, 40% did in 1995. Their balances were higher than ever, exceeding $1,300 on average in 1995, up $700 from 1983. The reason these credit card companies are focusing on the low-income people is that once they are in debt, they can only afford to make the minimum payment and therefor can never pay off the balance of the credit card. For example, it would take 34 years to pay off a $2500 balance if a per .....

Fordism And Scientific Managem
Words: 2232 / Pages: 9

.... can be made between the two theories, such as the mechanisation, fragmentation and specialisation of work and that a lack of intellectual or skilled content will speed up the work at hand. Fordism's mechanisation of mass production further emphasised many of Taylor’s popular beliefs about management being divorced from human affairs and emotions, using ‘humans as instruments or machines to be manipulated by their leaders’ (Hersey p.84). Fordism fused and emphasised the scientific methods to get things done by Ford’s successful mass-production processes. Contrasts also exist between the two theories. Fordism dehumanisied the worker .....

Unidentified Flying Objects: Fact Or Fiction?
Words: 2646 / Pages: 10

.... because society dubs such "immature" psycho tantamount to subscribing to belief in ghosts? These are a few of the many pertinent UFO questions the mature individual must address. One of the most popular theories that support and explains the existence of alien beings is the ancient astronaut theory. This theory contains three main schools of thought. The first states that aliens bred with our primitive forebears thereby creating modern man. The second is quite similar. Aliens performed genetic engineering on apes thereby creating the Homo Sapiens and man's intelligence. The third, and least accepted, is that colonists from another galaxy .....

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