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Middle Adulthood 2
Words: 578 / Pages: 3

.... the pressure of the needs of their own maturing children and their parents. This paper focuses on an interaction with a 50-year-old female named Lynn. She actually fits all but a few of the major developmental tasks of her age. Lynn effectively meets intimacy and family needs in that she has a positive, loving relationship with all of her four children. She struggles, though, with intimacy between herself and her husband of thirty years. She finds him immature and in the "dark ages" because he consistently ignores her requests to pay attention to her needs. "For many, the transition to middle adulthood involves a drastic chance of life such .....

Essay - Effects Of Dam Building
Words: 1215 / Pages: 5

.... around them. Firstly, to understand the thesis people must know what dams are. A dam is a barrier built across a water course to hold back or control water flow. Dams are classified as either storage, diversion or detention. As you could probably notice from it's name, storage dams are created to collect or hold water for periods of time when there is a surplus supply. The water is then used when there is a lack of supply. For example many small dams impound water in the spring, for use in the summer dry months. Storage dams also supply a water supply, or an improved habitat for fish and wildlife; they may store water for hydroelectricit .....

Teen Suicide -
Words: 612 / Pages: 3

.... About five to ten percent of teens at some time in their life suffer from depression, and if not treated properly, depression can lead to suicide in almost fifteen percent of those troubled teens(“The Demon Called Depression,”pg.12). Depression is the typical trigger for most suicide attempts. For example, in the novel Who Killed Christopher? by Irina Korschunow, a boy named Christopher suffered from depression for a while but no one ever figured it out until he roe in front of a car and committed suicide. Many factors can contribute to depression and eventually suicide. The first one would be negative thoughts and actions such .....

Unacknowledged Gifts
Words: 749 / Pages: 3

.... during his life when he killed people unintentionally, but the Greeks acknowledged the great gifts he had brought to them instead. Blessed with courage and strength, Heracles cleansed the earth of monsters and helped the growth of civilization. By accomplishing the twelve labors for Eurystheus, he exhibited his intelligence and creativity. The Greek's acceptance of flaws is one of the many ways we can learn from them. We should take advantage of the knowledge laid out in front of us to better the way we look at our own country's present day heroes. Thomas Jefferson made many great contributions to our nation, and we should not dismiss these n .....

Hawaiian Chant
Words: 743 / Pages: 3

.... the first four lines I would think that she was not only talking to herself but to a God or Gods. But when you continue it can go either way, it's really hard to tell whom she's talking to, almost like there could be two versions of the same chant. Because you could easily separate certain lines and make two different chants with the same meaning but meant for two different audiences. The fifth and sixth lines sound the same also but just like the first four lines are different. "Oh (my) people/commoners", she's say's this in a way were it means her immediate family and I guess other people of royalty. Then in the next line she says, "Oh people .....

Food Processing
Words: 2651 / Pages: 10

.... food-preservation process. The winner was a French chemist named Nicolas Appert. He observed that food heated in sealed containers was preserved as long as the container remained unopened or the seal did not leak. This became the turning point in food preservation history. Fifty years following the discovery by Nicolas Appert, another breakthrough had developed. Another Frenchman, named Louis Pasteur, noted the relationship between microorganisms and food spoilage. This breakthrough increased the dependability of the food canning process. As the years passed new techniques assuring food preservation would come and go, opening new doors to furthe .....

The Old Ball Game
Words: 1615 / Pages: 6

.... World War II, many countries were completely demolished physically and mentally. Among these countries was Japan. Countless numbers of Japanese people were dead, and land, buildings, and entire cities were destroyed. For the first time in Japan's history, their "God" had spoken to the public destroying his immortal reputation. During the postwar years, Japan looked to the major powers of the world to develop a foundation for a new country. Included in this foundation was a need for new ideas and dreams. Of course Japan did not completely erase thousands of years of tradition and culture, but Japan did take many international ideas and transfo .....

Words: 4788 / Pages: 18

.... members of our society to such an atrocity. In the early 1800's Foundling Hospitals were established to provide care for illegitimate or unwanted infants. There was much debate whether the Foundling Hospitals would help to reduce the rate of . Studies show there was a high rate of within the hospitals themselves. (King, Once A Week, Sept. 1865) Most of these institutions prove to be more cruel than direct . Due to insufficient hospital staff and the inefficiency of adoption procedures, human babies died in misery from sheer neglect. (Piers, 14,82) There are no available statistics that demonstrate an increase in the incidence of durin .....

Decision Support Systems
Words: 822 / Pages: 3

.... by creating state of the art optimization algorithms. IDSC released a product called NETWISE 3.0 in response to shippers requesting packaged and conditional bids, carriers having a difficult time selecting the lanes that compliment their current network, and determining the dedicated opportunities within a bid. NETWISE 3.0 are a decision support tool used in the analysis of profitability, pricing, and network balance. Companies were having a problem of having their carriers spend countless hours of manpower responding to single bid. NETWISE 3.0 addresses this issue by providing them with an enterprise software package that provides the with the same .....

Easing Our Childrens Fears
Words: 691 / Pages: 3

.... AIDS. By educating our children about the basics of this disease, how it is transmitted, and how to prevent exposure, we can clarify myths and facts, and send our children into the world with knowledge, and some control over their fears. Teaching our children about the basics of the disease can help to reduce their fears. AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is the final stage of a disease which causes an abnormal reduction in the body’s natural ability to fight disease and infection. Because of this, most people who contract AIDS will eventually die due to “AIDS related causes.” This can occur in a period anywhere from .....

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