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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Influence On Proxemics
Words: 594 / Pages: 3

.... the people of a particular culture arrange their space in certain ways. Hall has identified eight distances that may be indicative of certain types of messages. They included: (1) Very close (3 inches to 6 inches) - soft whisper, top secret, or intimate information. (2) Close (8 to 12 inches) - audible whisper, very confidential information. (3) Near (12 to 20 inches) - soft voice, confidential. (4) Neutral (20 to 36 inches) - soft voice, personal information. (5) Neutral (4.5 feet to 5 feet) - full voice, non-personal. (6) Public distance (5.5 feet to 6 feet) - full voice. (7) and (8) stretching the limits of a distance (up to 100 feet) .....

Cigars And Their Popularity
Words: 602 / Pages: 3

.... leaves of the plant are selected. The drying and fermenting process is long (nine months for filler leaves and up to two years for wrapper leaves) and closely watched. Cigarette tobacco is grown for quantity; not necessarily for quality. No regard is given to the aroma and smoke of the different types of tobacco. The only type of tobacco grown is fast-maturing strains they can get to the market quickly. Careful and attentive raising is non existent. The leaves are quickly dried and thrown into boxes for shipment to the rolling factory. Fine cigars are hand rolled, whereas all cigarettes are machine rolled. Including the type and quali .....

Homeless 2
Words: 957 / Pages: 4

.... improve their lives. The government should get involved in creating a policy to help better homeless people. The main policy the government should enforce is allowing for a proportionate tax to be placed on people. In the United States alone there are over 250 million people living in homes. The government should make it so every month each household must pay a dollar per person living in that residence. The money made from this should be given to the poor in forms of programs and financial aid. Another way the government can help better the homeless people is to tax people according to how much money they earn. If a person makes over a cer .....

The Devastating Effects Of Int
Words: 842 / Pages: 4

.... of the hate in some people. Hate can be shown in many other forms too. One form is clearly shown in Wilma Elizabeth McDaniel’s short story entitled “Who Said We all had to Talk Alike?“ A woman from the Ozarks named Neffie, applies for a job in California. Neffie is sent back after just one month because she “added an “r” to many words that did not contain that letter.” This incident was devastating to the children she was caring for because they really liked Neffie and the way that she cooked and told stories. This also made Neffie feel like there was something wrong with her. The children probabl .....

Personal Identity: Philosophical Views
Words: 1378 / Pages: 6

.... first is qualitative. It is necessary to have the same body, but if that body is changed, is one the same person? Someone's body is surely different at age 40 than at age 4. Also a problem arrives in alterations to a body. If John goes to war, becomes injured by a mine, and then has his legs amputated is he not still the same person, John? Therefore, the preceding definition of body theory is not sufficient, since it does not account alterations to the same body. Yet another problem is numerical. If someone were to get a finger chopped off, would that finger be considered another person? What if a scientist was to use someone's DNA and replic .....

Anorexia Nervosa - Includes Bi
Words: 1319 / Pages: 5

.... by doctors for at least 300 years. Most researchers agree that the number of patients with this life threatening disease is increasing at an alarming rate. The Rice Counseling Center defines anorexia as “an emotional disorder characterized by an intense fear of becoming obese, lack of self-esteem and distorted body image which results in self-induced starvation”. In accordance with information given by the Counseling Center at the University of Lawson 2 Virginia, the development of this disease generally begins at the age of 11 or 18. Significantly, these ages coincide with new phases of a girl’s life, the commencement and ending of ado .....

The Atraction Of Gangs
Words: 606 / Pages: 3

.... family environment and parental guidance are some of the key factors in being able to recruit a gang member. If your children don’t find the love and support that they so desperately need at home, they may have the tendency to seek it elsewhere. The attraction of belonging to a gang is becoming more popular among our youths. For some people, especially those that have lived in a gang-infested neighborhood for many years, it is unavoidable. For many they see it as their only future. Yet for others the attraction of belonging to a gang stems from loneliness or a need of belonging. These gangs can provide that sense of belonging. Not only can .....

Case Study
Words: 759 / Pages: 3

.... Variable: This aspect relates to methods used to inform one or more groups of people about an organisation and its products. Promotion can be aimed at increasing public awareness of an organisation and of new or existing products. It can also be used to educate consumers about product features or to urge people to take an interest in that product. The Price Variable: This aspect of the marketing mix relates to the activities associated with establishing pricing policies and determining product prices. Price is a critical component of the marketing mix because consumers are concerned about the value obtained in an exchange. This marketing strategy i .....

Job Security
Words: 670 / Pages: 3

.... to use a new computer system, and simply to learn to work with new individuals in a group, and the group has to learn to work with the new employee. The decline in has been about 10 to 20 percent for men since 1983. For women it seems that statistically their has almost gone up. This is not to say that women never get fired, but they seem to show more stability on an overall level. As far a firing are concerned there has been slow steady increase, while at the same time layoffs are multiplying. Although they are not as high as they have been in the past. This is not to say that the larger numbers of workers losing their jobs is a sign .....

The Question Of Equality
Words: 1119 / Pages: 5

.... exploiters and used to destroy every trace of exploitation: this stage is the dictatorship of the proletariat." In a society such as ours, in which the rich are too few and the poor too many, the Marxist-Jacobinist approach has a ringing appeal. With the term proletariat, one simply substitutes the poor. By "expropriating the expropriators," or eradicating the rich, equality is achieved with one bold stroke. The trouble with this formulation, however, is that the dictator- proletariat is itself dictated upon by an all-powerful Party, while even among the poor there is a hierarchy of classes, beginning with the "advanced" proletariat, followed b .....

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