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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

The Advantages Of Creatine For
Words: 2085 / Pages: 8

.... to your diet will give you better results i. having the adequate amount of Creatine ii. having the optimal amount of Creatine b. having a mutating effect i. enlarging cells ii. drug like effect aa. muscle metabolism bb. performance c. making up for the deficiency- replenishing the body with Creatine IV. use of Creatine by athletes A. Rumors of Creatine uses (1970's) 1. USSR 2. Bulgaria B. First documented use of Creatine 1. 1992 Olympics in Barcelona a. British athletes (track/field) .....

Computer Hardware
Words: 1690 / Pages: 7

.... mouse’s we have now get clogged up with dust and are need to be cleaned. Students cannot clean the mice themselves as they are locked so students don’t steal the balls. If optical mice were bought for the computers they would never need to be serviced and would brake rarely. DVD ROM: DVD ROMS Would be great for the school as they are a big storage medium so students will be able to hold all their Assignments on just one disk. Also educational video DVD’s could be watched all around the school. Wireless LAN: Wireless LAN would be a great bound into the future as computers could be moved anywhere in school grounds without the hassle of netwo .....

Words: 1283 / Pages: 5

.... like" comes into play. The photo in the ad suggests that when one wears Nike shoes, his shoes will have the same mechanical power of that of a train's wheels. Thus this image gives the viewer of the ad a simulation of what his leg would be doing on a bike but with more power. STYLE: The ad uses key words and key images to communicate its meaning. A key word used in this ad is "Strapped." The word "Strapped" implies that when you wear Nike shoes you will get a secure tight fit in the shoe. This makes the viewer think that he/she will be able to pedal with strength and the force of a train. Therefore the ad makes you think that th .....

Fake Love In The Truman Show
Words: 584 / Pages: 3

.... love is most clear when she crosses that line between actress and a real person. When she is acting she is trying her best to portray a woman whom truly loves him, but after seeing her act for so long even Truman can see her real personality underneath. He spots a person whom in real life cannot even stand him, but she puts a vale on to cover that. She probably really would like to love him but she cannot change the person she is any more than Truman can. Truman’s best friend has the same fake love traits as his wife. Even though they were friends from children they always had a secret between them. He had the illusion of loving Truman probably j .....

Guide Dogs
Words: 370 / Pages: 2

.... a dog that leads, a service dog. They are very alike in ways that they both have to watch out closely to everything that’s going on around them. A service dog are hearing dogs, they are used for the deaf. Another type of service dog is a seizure alert dog, but these dogs are very uncommon to see. And these are the types of service dogs. There are many breeds of dogs to choose from some of the most common are golden retriever, German shepherd, and Labrador retriever. Many people can pick almost any breed they are looking for though. The common breeds I pointed out are used because of their intelligence, willingness to work, and their mobility. Th .....

Islam Is Not Only A Religion,
Words: 336 / Pages: 2

.... those who support the decedents of Muhhamad as their rightful successors. The Sunni believed that the elections of the first three caliphs were valid. There are five specific rituals that Muslims must follow. These rituals are known as the five pillars of Islam. These rituals are as follows: 1) Profession of faith. "There is no god but Allah, and Muhhamad is his prophet. 2) Prayer. Muslims must pray five times a day. When they pray, they must pray towards Mecca, the holy city. 3) Charity to the poor. Muslims must contribute to public charities. 4) Ritual fast during Ramadan. Muslims cannot eat from the break of day until the setting of .....

Christianity And Love Versus R
Words: 999 / Pages: 4

.... of an afterlife, yet there has never been any proof of its actuality. Camus critiques in The Plague the ability of "Absolute Truth"- God's definition of our being here, to effectively guide the lives of the people of Oran, he thus challenges man to do the work that has hitherto assigned to God/Absolute Truth. Using the characters like Rambert and Paneloux, Camus questions the potency of romantic love and Christianity to guide mankind through the crisis the plague brings forth. Camus argues through the forming of the sanitary squads and the consistent battles Rieux puts up against the plauge, that in the life-threatening emergency, only the solidari .....

Child Rearing In Victorian Times
Words: 1106 / Pages: 5

.... should have been quite content, given the fact that they were treated to only the best of toys, clothes and education and it was absurd to even consider the child being neglected. Mothers and Fathers were seen as special, glamourous guests, due to the fact that they were never around and rarely seen by their children. This was because child and parent led totally separate existences, they were only summoned to appear before their parents at a certain set hour of the day. Many Victorian children like Winston Churchill and Harriet Marden recall such cold relations between their selves and their mothers that they would be able to count how many .....

Preaks Vs. Administrators
Words: 1389 / Pages: 6

.... the Net can not beblamed for the existence of hackers though, hackers are older than the Netitself, but the Net is the largest 'hacker haven' today (Spencer, "HackingMcDonalds" 6).The growth of the Net since its creation has been nothing less than astounding.In the 25-plus years since its creation, the Net now has over thirty millionusers using four million sites worldwide. Estimates rate the growth of the Netanywhere from ten to fifteen percent per month (Spencer, "Hacking McDonalds"6).The Internet was first released to major universities in the United States of America. Since then, the universities have offered connections to small business, service .....

Electrical Engineering
Words: 1846 / Pages: 7

.... the 19th century when Alexander Volta (1745-1827) made a remarkable discover regarding the nature of electricity (Cosgrove 749). He discovered that electrical current could be controlled and could flow from one point to another. By the time the mid-19th century came about the rules for electricity were being established. During this time electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday who lived from 1791 to 1867 (749). Also during this time Samuel Morris invented the telegraph in 1837 which relies on the principles of electromagnetic induction (749). Alexander Graham Bell, who lived from 1847 to 1922, created the telephone which a .....

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