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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Words: 587 / Pages: 3

.... a good start. I again have to make another critical, split second decision. When should I give him the baton? There can be no mistakes on the hand off. If I miscalculate my steps, it could be disastrous for the team. As I sprint at his newly energized heels, I yell "Stick!" He reaches his arm back in a robotic- like manner and I slam the baton in his hand, so he will not lose a handle on it. It is a successful hand-off and my body jars, as I try to bring myself to a quick stop. My journey is over but the next runner's has just begun. Track is a big part of my life and it holds much more significance to me than just running. I would not ev .....

Are We Civilized As Civlized A
Words: 373 / Pages: 2

.... kill large quantities of people. Many people have to live in constant fear o these weapons, while others use them for protection. We still have as many wars as we did in the past, but now the new technology used in them helps bring about more casualties. Could this be crueler than our ancestors. Besides the wars, society has not grown in understanding other people. There is still prejudice today. Many hate groups like the KKK are still around today, and many new ones have come into being. In the past when our country was just starting to be formed, there were prejudices just because people were different. Over 100 years later, people haven't changed .....

Medical Budget Spending
Words: 570 / Pages: 3

.... to cover the patient care costs for those who participate in certain federally-sponsored cancer clinical trials. Although the Health Care Financing Administration (which administers Medicare) would run the demonstration, it would be funded by specified receipts from national tobacco legislation and, thus, would not draw upon Medicare's Hospital Insurance (HI) or Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) trust funds. The proposal includes an evaluation after three years to consider whether to expand the demonstration. Aid for the territories: The budget proposes $153 million in increased funding under CHIP for Puerto Rico .....

Youth In Today
Words: 662 / Pages: 3

.... tells the reader in this statement that young defiant people often rebel from domination in order to become free of any laws or rules that govern them. Lipsitz states, “Despite endless rhetoric about “family values,” the wealthiest and most powerful forces in our society have demonstrated by their actions that they feel that young people do not matter, that they can be our nation’s lowest priority” (p.177). This quote declares that young people are regarded to as the lowest priority in our nation. Lipsitz continues, “From tax cuts that ignore pressing needs and impose huge debts on the adults of tomorrow in order .....

Pascals Wager
Words: 1411 / Pages: 6

.... alone cannot lead us to God, Pascal states an ingenious argument that is rational, on prudential grounds, to behave as god exists.(Cottingham, 1997, p. 256) Due to the lack of conclusive rational grounds for belief, we must wager or bet on his existence. (Cottingham, 1997, p. 256) Pascal says "the prize here is an infinite or infinitely happy life, one chance of winning against a finite number of chances of losing.... This leaves only one choice open, in any game that involves infinity, where there is not an infinite number of chances of losing to set against the chances of winning. There is nothing to ponder- you must stake everything"( Pascal,1 .....

How Toxic Waste Affects Our Natural Environment
Words: 737 / Pages: 3

.... we produce one ton of toxic wastes for every single person living in Canada every year. That means that the 15% represents about 4.2 million tons of toxic waste. Toxic wastes which are dumped in improper sites can seep into underground water supplies and contaminate huge areas. If the land that is intoxicated supports plant life, most of the plants and trees will die off. If the area is lived on by humans, it could cause serious illness or death. For example, an area by Niagara Falls (US side) was used during the 1930s by a chemical company to dump it's wastes. Most of them were hazardous, and the containers that held the chemicals later ( .....

Words: 1850 / Pages: 7

.... mistake by gaining extra food and a whole handful of spare change. Below is the definition of ‘’ from the Macquarie Encyclopaedic Dictionary: “Honest: 1. Honourable in principles, intentions and actions; upright, as in an honest person 2. Showing uprightness and fairness, as in an honest method 3. Acquired fairly, as in honest money 4. Open; sincere, as in an honest face 5. Genuine or unadulterated, as in honest commodities 6. Truthful; creditable; candid” Therefore, one can, by reading the definition above, assume the definition of ‘honest’ to be fair, truthful, trustworthy, earned fairly. Another example would be: You .....

Parental Hostility
Words: 665 / Pages: 3

.... for Children (PIC), The Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI), The Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS), and the Children's Depression Rating Scale (CDRS). A research assistant administered the questionnaires to each child after admission. Following a structured interview with each child the assistant completed the CDRS. A member of the nursing staff completed the SSI after conducting a semi structured interview with each child and after observing his/her on unit behavior. Additionally, the one parent completed questionnaires like the SCL-90, PIC, and the DOTS. After this was done with every child two groups were formed by doing a split .....

How Should The Indian Mutiny B
Words: 2218 / Pages: 9

.... It had been suggested as early as 1853 by Colonel Tucker that the new grease might offend the religious sentiments of the Sepoys, but this warning had gone unheeded. This type of attitude was typical of the British who constantly underestimated the importance of Indian religion, and the failure to do so here was to have disastrous consequences. In January 1857 a labourer at the Dum Dum arsenal near Calcutta, a low caste Hindu, taunted a high caste Sepoy who had offended him that “You will soon lose your caste, as long as you will have to bite cartridges covered with the fat of pigs and cows” . The news of this incident spread. As it was aga .....

Words: 757 / Pages: 3

.... These people get kicked out of their homes and are to ashamed to go to their families because of their illness, so we see them on the streets struggling to stay warm. Teenage mothers are also forced to live on the streets because their families will not help them. The fathers are not there and that forces them to live on the streets. So they must resort to prostitution to pay for the food that their young ones need to stay alive. There are many other people that become for many different reasons. Some of these people can not help becoming . Some of these people are the illegal immigrants that come here from other places to get a better life but en .....

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