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Privacy On The Internet
Words: 1587 / Pages: 6

.... widely IP addressing system. Intel also has had a feud with the government about privacy issues. When their new chip came out, the Pentium III it had skeptic problems with its serial number feature. That is why I strongly agree with EPIC and what they are representing, . Say you were on the Internet surfing around, would you want every site that you have visited to know who you are and almost every thing about you? No. That is why Intel had to disable their serial number feature in the new Pentium III. With this feature, each site on the Internet that you have visited could use this number to look you up and see who you are and almost every thin .....

Stress On Police Officers
Words: 1904 / Pages: 7

.... and draining restraint. It is stressful. The demands on police officers to show even greater restraint have been increasing over the years, and so has the effects of stress on police work. With the recent attention that police suicide has received in the media there have been a number of reviews on it. Between 1934 and 1960 police suicide rates were half that of the general population. Between 1980 to the present, suicide rates in some departments almost doubled. What is the difference? You can't choke them anymore! Street justice is all but gone. Everyone has video cameras. The media gets off on putting down cops. Politicians continue to thr .....

The Voisey Bay Project
Words: 1157 / Pages: 5

.... the residents of the area, and they are not happy about certain aspects of the find. The Voisey’s Bay Project: Arguments for and against First of all lets take a look at the bonuses of this find, for the industry and for the residents and town of Nain. The 288 claims is worth 10billion dollars and over 300 million to Archean Inc. (Flanagan 1995) This is obviously very profitable for the companies involved but also for the shareholders in the companies involved. With industry consuming 60 percent of the world’s nickel, Voisey Bay now provided a stable supply for the next 10 to 15 years. (Flanagan 1995) And as for the town, there are many eco .....

Communication In The Millenium
Words: 887 / Pages: 4

.... good old days” when things were “so much simpler?” When the only communication possible was telegrams, telephone calls, and writing letters. All of those mentioned ways of communication hasn’t become totally obsolete yet, but with all the current technologies, such as the Internet, email, and video-conferencing, it would make most people back in the “good old days” stare wide-eyed and shake their heads in disbelief. How would one even begin to explain modems and servers and chat rooms to someone who had just bought a touch-tone phone? Yet, it was back in those “good old days” when things that we today consider necessities would have th .....

Pete Rose And The Hall Of Fame
Words: 854 / Pages: 4

.... is second in doubles behind only the great Tris Speaker, fourth in runs with 2,165, and tenth in base-on-balls with 1,566. Pete is the only person in Major League history to play 500 games at five different positions: 939 at first base, 628 at second base, 634 at third base, 671 in right field, and 595 in left field. All of these records certainly make him one of the greatest players in Major League Baseball history. Numerous baseball players come to mind when thinking about players who have committed crimes and done things against the law. For example, one of them is Ty Cobb. Ty Cobb's baseball records are also astounding compared to Pete Rose. W .....

Barney The Hitler Of My Genera
Words: 950 / Pages: 4

.... sidekick named Baby Bop for her two years old son(Tolentino 2). Thus, the Barney phenomenon was born. Conceived as a show that would help little children celebrate childhood and understand the complex business of growing up in a world where sixth graders carry guns to school, Barney & Friends has achieved a cult-like following among toddlers who swear upon their mother's graves that he is God himself. Barney has become a marketing win-fall. With an international fan club of more than six hundred thousand and video sales that outnumber copies of Cannonball Run and Playboy's Lingerie Video combined, Barney is slowly taking over the world. Barney has br .....

Joel Poinsett
Words: 540 / Pages: 2

.... behavior; a manifestation of the state-centric theory in which key individual decision makers govern policy. In addition, Polk's policies were secondarily influenced by the consideration of relative power, American mass ideology, and Public opinion. In 1845 President Polk began, cofidentially from the public, considering the annexation of California. Polk's initial desire was to simply purchase California, attempting to maintain peace. He soon learned this would be impossible. When Polk ordered General Taylor to cross the Nueces River and eventually to fortify on the Rio Grande, he fully understood the possilble consequences of these actions. In fac .....

In Search Of Your Own Identity
Words: 2117 / Pages: 8

.... Sometimes I feel I belong here in the United States, but other times I feel more attached to México. I am a Mexican-American. However, I feel that I am denying in some way my heritage and my culture by saying that I am. I am denying my parents. I say that I’m Mexican because in a sense I am. I am also an American. I am a Mexican-American. What do these terms put together imply? They should imply that the person is Mexican and American. The term “Mexican-American” is the very reason why I find myself confused about who I really am. I need to search for my own identity, which leads me to the purpose of this essay. Rod .....

Us Vs. Microsoft
Words: 533 / Pages: 2

.... that is outlandishly high. Our government makes sure that companies abide by this by following the Sherman Antitrust Act. The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890 and prohibits a monopoly or restraint of trade in interstate commerce. The government believes that Microsoft is "tying" sales on buyers. This occurs when a buyer wants to purchase one product but the seller makes him to buy an additional product that he does not want. Let us take another look at this argument against Microsoft. Netscape is claiming that their internet browser is not included in Microsoft's software package with Windows 95 or 98. Microsoft has their own browser, w .....

Why Do We Believe In Angels
Words: 1189 / Pages: 5

.... Was she really an angel? In the bible in Hebrews 13:2 it says “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” There are over 300 references in the bible about angels. For example, in the new testament angels announced the birth of Christ, in Luke 2:8 angels told shepards where to find the infant Jesus, also in Luke an angel went to a tomb of Christ to announce his resurrection (Auburn University 1). Billy Graham wrote a very good perspective of angels in his book Angels: God’s Secret Agents. He stated: Lucas 2 “ I am convinced that these heavenly beings exist .....

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