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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Words: 1285 / Pages: 5

.... dropout rate. To correct the problem, it should study the existing condition and restructure its admission policy, more important, to create a new teaching and learning environment that would accommodate the needs of every student from different racial background. The productivity of education is declining since it does not catch up with the increasing population of the students. From the Gold Rush to the recent era of immigration, America has always been a land of opportunities to everyone. As in education, it offers classroom seat to students regardless of age, gender or nationality. However, with increasing enrollments in colleges and u .....

Mill's Utilitarianism: Sacrifice The Innocent For The Common Good?
Words: 1329 / Pages: 5

.... the consequences of the action taken. To calculate the welfare of the people involved in or effected by an action, utilitarianism requires that all individuals be considered equally. Quantitative utilitarians would weigh the pleasure and pain which would be caused by the bomb exploding against the pleasure and pain that would be caused by torturing the terrorist. Then, the amounts would be summed and compared. The problem with this method is that it is impossible to know beforehand how much pain would be caused by the bomb exploding or how much pain would be caused by the torture. Utilitarianism offers no practical way to make the interpers .....

Wages For Youth Workers Are To
Words: 357 / Pages: 2

.... lower than adult wages because like that teenagers learn how hard it is to earn some money and how to spend it in a good way. Kids often think way too easy about their parents money and they have to learn how hard it can be to earn money. The best job to realise how hard it is to earn money has got to be paper running because you spend a few hours folding the papers and after you have to deliver them for a few hours and all of that only for around four dollars. Young people should be happy to have a job because in some countries people need jobs real badly and the wages are even lower than our youth wages. So the teenagers should think about other p .....

Telecommuting 2
Words: 690 / Pages: 3

.... energy will be required for production, maintenance, and repair of this equipment. Fuel resources needed to operate this equipment will be reduced. The building and repair of highways and maintenance require a large consumption of energy, not only in the operation of equipment, but also in the manufacture and transportation of the required materials. An increase in the percentage of people telecommuting to work will decrease the need for expanded highways and associated road maintenance. Once a person arrives at a central office working location, he or she represents another energy consumer, often times magnified over what would be required at hom .....

Aristotles Philosophy On Why People Enjoy Viewing Tragedies
Words: 937 / Pages: 4

.... It may arouse pity and fear for the suffering protagonist, or for all humanity, especially ourselves. But usually it also is intended to inspire admiration for the central character, and by analogy for all mankind. In the century after Sophocles, the philosopher Aristotle analyzed tragedy. His viewpoint defined Tragedy as an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude. In a language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play Oedipus Rex, Tragedy must occur in the form of action, not of narrative; and a purgation or catharsis of the build up of emoti .....

Privatisation Of Telstra
Words: 1618 / Pages: 6

.... to direct Telstra to provide services and upgrade infrastructure (points 1 and 2). If the USO (Universal Service Obligations Act) or performance standards under the CSG need changing, then the Minister should invoke his power to direct, and these changes should be made distinct from any attempts to sell Telstra. Statistics also show that the sale of the first third netted a total of $0.37 billion loss to the Commonwealth. By the year 2000, it is estimated that Telstra earnings will exceed $2 billion annually. The Howard Government estimats an interest saving of about $2.4 billion per year. This doesn't take into account the income that will be l .....

In Search Of Excellence
Words: 656 / Pages: 3

.... skills, and shared values. This has 7 S's and a graphical representation to visualize. This shows the businessman that problems can be managed. For example, anyone assuming that a new manager of a Macdonald’s will perform exactly as the old manager did is ridiculous. The workers must adjust and adapt to the new manager's way of business. The first principle is a bias for action. This is basically saying "Stop talking and do something about it." When Macdonald’s has a rush of customers and their supplies for making food are low, they (usually) don't say "You know what, I have no more cheese" or "Could someone get me some more cheese?" The .....

Opening An-inground Swimming P
Words: 585 / Pages: 3

.... the cover. Then lay your push broom on the cover and pull it back toward you, dragging any debris with it. After the cover has been cleared of water and debris, you can begin to remove the pool cover. Start at one end of the pool; begin by removing the sandbags that were used to hold down the cover during the winter. Use caution when lifting the sandbags and remember to bend at the knees when lifting the sandbags. Have two people assist you with the pool cover. Have one on each side of the cover so they can pull and fold the cover as you remove the sandbags, working your way to the other end of the pool. Now that you have the cover removed, you c .....

Common Problem Faced In First Time College Students
Words: 681 / Pages: 3

.... a common sense idea that I just never thought about. Maybe that’s why I found it to be the most contributive idea in this essay. Perhaps the reason why I the article talking about taking the least obvious point of view is my first choice is because this is something I never did while attending High School. The entire time I was in High School, everything I did was the effortless. I would write whatever the Teacher explained as an example. The grades I received on my essays were never failing. Although they weren’t my best. I honestly thought my teacher would think my essays were exceptional. I despised writing essays because I thought I w .....

Canadian Mosaic - The Policy B
Words: 3627 / Pages: 14

.... heritages. This is not a simple feat due to the fact that there is much diversity within individual cultures. A look at the 1991 Canadian census shows that the population has changed more noticeable in the last ten years than in any other time in the twentieth century, with one out of four Canadians identifying themselves as black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, Metis or Native. (Gould 1995: 198) Most people, from educators to philosophers, agree that an important first step in succe4ssfully joining multiple cultures is to develop an understanding of each others background. However, the similarities stip there. One problem is defining the te .....

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