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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Juvenile Crime
Words: 2538 / Pages: 10

.... violent crimes cause considerable harm and are expensive to communities. A recent report for the US Congress by a university group noted how few scientific evaluations exist on traditional policing and incarceration programs. Where they exist, they do not usually show positive results. Some persons commit crime despite their life situation; for others, it is the reverse, but multiple factors generate crime. Individuals are less likely to offend repetitively when their early childhood is dominated by consistent and caring parenting and troublesome behavior when found school, is met with solutions. Crime tends to be lower in countries where there are .....

Dealing With Difficult People
Words: 1175 / Pages: 5

.... from the stockroom so I can hang them up on racks. Every morning after I clock in we have to get our bags so we can put our money in the registers. Right as I leave to get my cart from the stockroom a customer always has a return. It never fails that someone has to return. This customer wanted to return a pair of jeans without a receipt or tags. It is hard to explain to a customer our policy if she doesn't want to listen. I told her the policy was that if she wanted to return something she would have to have a receipt or the tags. She wanted me to call management since she knew someone that worked there. I call the operator and ask to s .....

Pre-paid Calling Cards
Words: 1228 / Pages: 5

.... also cheaper than most long distance calls made with coins from a local telephone company pay phone. However, like many new consumer products, prepaid phone cards are not trouble free. Prepaid phone cards originated in Europe in the late 1970's as a method of reducing vandalism of pay phones and are widely used overseas. In the United States, prepaid phone cards hit the market in the early 1990's, mainly as promotional items. The direct marketing of such cards to consumers is recent, but has grown at a staggering rate. Today prepaid phone cards are produced by hundreds of companies, ranging from major telephone companies and credit card issuers to e .....

Skeptical Views On Noahs Ark
Words: 6339 / Pages: 24

.... the ruins of which have been found at Tel Fara about 125 miles southeast of Baghdad. Some but not all Sumerian cities also show signs of this river flood at the beginning of the Early Dynastic I period. According to the Sumerian King List, a legendary king named Ziusudra lived in Shuruppak at the time of the flood. There was also a flood myth about king Ziusudra which includes several story elements very similar to the Genesis flood myth. Shuruppak was also the flood hero's city according to the Epic of Gilgamesh. The flood myth in the Epic of Gilgamesh was adapted from an earlier myth, the Epic of Atrahasis which is also very similar to the Genesis f .....

Witchcraft And Effects On Lite
Words: 734 / Pages: 3

.... most of which follow the chief of demons, also known as the Devil. Obviously Mr. Summers, along with many other people, takes a pessimistic view towards the realm of witchcraft. Among these anti-witch enthusiasts was Henry VIII, who was the first king of England to pass Statute against the practice of witchcraft. Many kings who ruled after Henry VIII also created statutes against witchcraft. James I made one in 1604, which was repealed over a century later in 1736. Throughout the centuries in England, strict laws and numerous trials were held against suspected witches. Some of the more notable trials include the Chelmsford trials in .....

Learning Disabilities
Words: 803 / Pages: 3

.... cultural, or economic disadvantage. 2. What is the difference between a learning disability and a learning difficulty? Individuals with learning difficulties may appear to possess the characteristics of a person with . However, it is only when those learning difficulties are so pervasive or severe that they markedly interfere with learning or day-to-day living that a learning disability is suspected. Careful assessment by a multi disciplinary team that utilizes a variety of standardized instruments, informal tasks, and observation is an important part of verifying the existence of . 3. Why do some not show up until high school? A student .....

The Unexamined Life
Words: 318 / Pages: 2

.... of examining and understanding our lives is far greater than one might think. Understanding and comprehending the behavior of friends, as well as of ourselves, enables us to have empathy and compassion for them. And, allows us not to stand in judgment, which, in turn, allows us to live the moral, noble lives that Socrates spoke of. Another belief of Socrates that supports his view is the idea that evil derives from ignorance and the failure to investigate or explore peoples actions. I believe this to be true, also. This idea also supports his beliefs on death. Socrates was not well liked because he explored his ignorance, and was .....

Free Enterprise
Words: 743 / Pages: 3

.... world. At the time the U.S. Constitution was written, it was generally assumed that only property owners should have the right to vote and participate in government. The "Free Labor" thinking of the Republican Party before the Civil War was basically a form of the capitalist work ethic. It meant that if 1) you were free yourself; 2) your country was "free"; and, 3) there was no slave labor to take your livelihood, you could "make something of yourself," and become a capitalist or, at least, an independent producer, professional or artist. Americans in the North at that time were influenced by this capitalist "work-ethic" to under-estimate the en .....

Electronic Technician
Words: 289 / Pages: 2

.... manufacturing, sales, construction, and customer service ('99 US 93). s usually acquire their math and engineering skills in most post-secondary programs below the baccalaureate level ('97 US 227). There is no real formal education needed. A minimum level of competence in math, science, and technical courses are very helpful in achieving a role as an . Most two year associate degrees also can make the goal easier to obtain ('97 US 226). In 1994, the government employed over 55,000 s. The major employer was the department of defense ('99 US 94). Similar occupations include science technicians, drafters, surveyors, broadcast technicians, and .....

Compare And Contrast The Attitudes Of Martin Luther And John Calvin Toward Political Authority And Social Order
Words: 667 / Pages: 3

.... views that was also present in Calvin’s views was the neglect ion of the power of the Church and its clergymen. Laws, rules, or regulations, which were set by the Church were not obeyed by Lutherans or Calvins. However, when the idea of the separation of Church and State aroused, the two were in opposition. Luther felt that a separation of Church and State must be present, but the loyalty of the people should be evident to both parties. Luther also explained that the Church is subordinate to the State, which Calvin greatly disagreed with. Calvin believed that there should not be a separation of Church and State due to the set up of the Ca .....

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