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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Managing Overtime
Words: 2012 / Pages: 8

.... employers in the world. The U.S. Postal Service employs approximately 750 thousand diverse people. Many different cultures and nationalities come together to combine as an efficient workforce that gets the job done. The pay is moderate, so it would be pretty difficult to become independently wealthy working for the Postal Service. But, there are some employees that believe if they work, as much overtime as possible, maybe they can become rich. Unfortunately, this poses a daily obstacle to overcome for most managers in the U.S. Postal Service. The U.S. Postal Service is a production driven outfit therefore; everything is based on production ve .....

On Liberty
Words: 780 / Pages: 3

.... is, if an individual in any way harms or comes onto anothers rights to liberty, or causes a social threat, hence he or she is subjected to forced inclinations by other members of society. For example, walking around nude on the streets of Cairo might be youre cup of tea, alas, in Cairo they prefer coffee. In other words, if you offend other individuals, you are in fact infringing on their rights as free citizens who poses a sovereign mind. However if you choose to remain nude while in the comfort of your hotel room in Cairo, then there is no reason why you shouldnt. According to Mill, education is a fundamental requireme .....

The King Must Die: Is Theseus To Perfect To Be A Human Being?
Words: 676 / Pages: 3

.... to shore safely. Theseus had been looking for a sign from a god. He had been looking for one all his life. When he was old enough his mother told him that he could have been born of a Greek god. Voluntarily or not, his life would become a search for the truth. This sign proved him to be more than human. A hard challenge was brought onto to a younger Theseus' shoulders when he worked under his grandfather at the tender age of eight. Theseus was to teach the inner workings of his job that was soon to be passed on to his apprentice. Yet, this boy tested his patience every day and would push him around and laugh at the year older Theseus. Theseus .....

Socrates: Psychic Harmony Is The Greatest Good
Words: 246 / Pages: 1

.... harmony with yourself. He says that this is good intrinsically and instrumentally. Which means that it is good for its own sake and the sake of the consequences. Therefore, immoral behavior is a result of an unbalanced personality and leads to irrational behavior. Psychic harmony is a psychological condition and makes one moral, which according to Socrates is a social condition. Psychic harmony has no motivation. You either have it or you don't. Moral behavior comes from your own beliefs and desires. If one is bad or unjust in the social sense it is because of their sensuality, greed, or vanity. This is because of a disordered psychological .....

The Republic By Platoe
Words: 1214 / Pages: 5

.... as Merchants, Carpenters, and Laborers. What I especially like, is that the class one belongs to doesn’t have to do with the class of your parents, but more with what your aptitudes are. This allows people to do what they are good at which usually translates into people being more productive for the community. To keep this ordered, Plato has set up the Myth of the Metals. The Myth of the Metals states that when people are created they have one of four different types of metals in them. A person who has gold in them is destined to become a Ruler, a person who has silver in them is destined to become an auxiliary, and a person who has iron .....

Fashionably Loud
Words: 806 / Pages: 3

.... us information on new trends for all different types of people and in all different countries. Television commercials give us the backbone we need to fall into all the schemes for selling. Designers such as Calvin Klein, Levi’s and many others try to catch our eye with their cool and crazy commercials. Television influences the way we shop. It accents to each and every one of our wardrobes with telling us what is hot and what is not. Teenagers, especially, give a lot of their attention to these television programs and try to be just like the models on the runway. The commercials try to target the younger generation because they will have the .....

The Ute Indians
Words: 986 / Pages: 4

.... season to hunt. The dome shelters were built out of willow branches over a pole frame. They were eight feet high and fifteen feet in diameter. They usually built their homes on a river or stream valley and were scattered to take advantage of wood, shade and other resources. In the winter they moved into lower elevations for the milder weather there. Children were very important in the Ute Indian tribe. Every member was responsible for caring and the education of the youth. Babies were held in cradle boards that were either made of willow branches bundled together or a solid piece of wood. Willow bark was often used as diapers. Babies wer .....

Panopticon: The Ideal Social Order
Words: 888 / Pages: 4

.... these ideas are passed they are then imposed on the individuals of society by other organizations . Whether it be the police, the IRA, or a neighborhood watch group. The Panopticon can serve the public in many ways. It can defend a country, reform prisoners, treat the ill, and educate the public. It does this by creating channels of power and distributing them to the individuals. In the Panopticon, no one individual shall be granted too much power so as to place his or her own values upon the masses. The concept behind panopticism is the distribution of power in order to better society as a whole. The historical problems with power have p .....

Education In Check
Words: 618 / Pages: 3

.... damaging to society? I feel the have plenty of rights as it is. Children today have many rights already in the field of education. In elementary school, no one forces them to stop learning. They can always choose to further their education, by reading perhaps. In high school, there are a variety of classes a student can choose from. All these classes can be selected to fit an individual student. Classes ranging from art and drama all the way up to advanced placement physics are at the disposal of those who want to learn. No one forces children to take these classes. Students take these classes of their own free will. Once in college, a student has the .....

Words: 661 / Pages: 3

.... make the propeller spin so you would move. They tested out, “The Turtle” in the New York harbor, but it failed. That was the first time that a submarine was used to attack another submarine. The third submarine was built is by a man named Robert Fulton; he was an American inventor. He designed a submarine named the, “U.S.S. Nautilus.” It was a copper-covered submarine that was 21 feet long. He tried to sell his ship to both France and England. In his demonstration it sunk many of ships, but they still did not want to buy it. In the Civil War (1861-1865) a submarine named, “Hunley,” was the first submarine to sink .....

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