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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Atlantis: We Will Never Know
Words: 1000 / Pages: 4

.... of Atlantis was violently thrown into the sea by the forces of nature, and its few survivors managed to swim ashore and relate their story. There the legend was passed by word of mouth until an Egyptian priest related the story to Solon, a character in Timaeus. The priest admired the achievements of prehistoric Athenians, because when the rulers of Atlantis threatened to invade all of Europe and Asia the Athenians, on behalf of all Greeks, defeated the Atlanteans to avoid enslavement. The works of Plato opened the floodgates to endless speculation on whether the continent described was fact or fiction. Atlantis has since been placed in Spain, Mongoli .....

Binge Drinking On Americas Cam
Words: 2512 / Pages: 10

.... at any one time within a two-week period, four or more drinks for a woman" (Thompson, J.J. 63). Binge drinking is rampant on today's colleges and university campuses. Schools affected are both large and small, just as they are both urban and rural. At the same time America has managed to keep the same percentage of its students from drinking entirely for the last five years, binge drinking has been on the rise (Thompson, J.J. 63). While 49 percent of college students binge, only 28 percent of their non-college counterparts do (McCormick, John; Kalb, Claudia 89), clearly illustrating the divide that exists between students and non-students. These fig .....

Automobile Motorsports Around The World
Words: 669 / Pages: 3

.... systems are being installed. A typical big block V8, using a blower and nitrous, will generate about 600-800 hp, with an extreme of around 1500 hp. Germany has been known for building high quality, innovative cars. They take easily to tuning, and last a long time. Tuned German cars have been known to be some of the best handling cars in the world, typified by the company Porsche. Using somewhat lighter cars, they can corner at frighteningly high speeds. It often takes a very professional, and brave, driver to extract anything near full potential from them. The V6 is the engine of choice here, with turbocharging being the number one choice for force .....

Birth Order
Words: 3870 / Pages: 15

.... in which a family finds itself, (ie. location, income, residents), the emotional stability of the family, (ie. well adjusted parents, parental experience, settled career), and lastly the state in which they find themselves, (ie. decade, wartime, country). These variables mean that each child will be treated differently by parents and siblings and this is done usually unintentionally. One must remember that does not determine the basic values of a person or the person's value to society. It affects social interactions more than attitudes and ethnical stances. Your and sex determines in a large part how other people in your family react to you .....

Observing Communications
Words: 530 / Pages: 2

.... as well. Consider, for example, those individuals employed in customer service-related Jobs. While in JC Penny, I noticed that female customer service representatives were more apt to offer immediate friendly assistance than the male reps. Men are not as cocky nor as confident in this sort of situation; their eyes tend to dart around the area of the store while the eyes of a women remain focused upon the eyes of the customer. The men seem to communicate with a lot less smiles. Apparently they have to get past a certain “ice-breaking” point before they will feel comfortable with a genuine look of happiness. Verbally, the actual pr .....

Ebonics A Bridge To Help Black
Words: 750 / Pages: 3

.... it does not matter if a child is African American, Chinese, Spanish, or Italian. For a child to learn they know you have to build on what that child knows. Therefore, if the child comes into the room saying 'dis' and 'dat', the teacher instead of frowning needs to know that 'dis' means 'this' and 'dat' means 'that' and responds accordingly not with a frown but with the proper words.1 Those who objects the introduction of English says that the introduction of Ebonics will assist those who do not fully understand standard English or who loses interest because they feel that the language of their community is being ignored. This is not about racism; thi .....

Aerospace Psychology
Words: 642 / Pages: 3

.... Resource Management. This is how the crew communicates with each other while problem solving, either poorly or well. 2. The pilot uses visual cues such as rate of flow of texture outward from or convergence of parallel linear features to visually fly the aircraft. Estimates of speed are derived from global optic flow (GOL). This is the rate that texture flows over the optical area. This can be effected by elevation, at higher elevations underestimation of true speed will occur. Approach path distortions occur when there is a slope before the landing strip or other visual features such as dwarfed trees. The human eye is not designed for conditi .....

Is The Mind And Body Unified O
Words: 1624 / Pages: 6

.... in oxygen then our organs especially the heart would quickly die of asphyxiation due to loss of oxygenated blood. Everything in our body has to work together in union in order for to function properly. Our body is what allows us to do everything we do. Without a body, we would be unable to walk or run because of the lack of legs, or we would be able to draw or paint because we would have no arms. Our body allows us to live each day of our lives fully because it gives us the parts necessary to live and function. The big question though is whether the body can truly be considered a separate entity from the mind. Are the body and the mind unifie .....

Words: 3223 / Pages: 12

.... is still raging. However, the two soft-drink giants also recognize that opportunities for growth in many of the mature markets have slowed. Both Coca-Cola, which sold 10 billion cases of soft-drinks in 1992, and Pepsi now find themselves asking, "Where will sales of the next 10 billion cases come from?" The answer lies in the developing world, where income levels and appetites for Western products are at an all time high. Often, the company that gets into a foreign market first usually dominates that country's market. Coke patriarch Robert Woodruff realized this 50 years ago and unleashed a brilliant ploy to make Coke the early bird in many of the .....

An Attraction To Gangs
Words: 606 / Pages: 3

.... family environment and parental guidance are some of the key factors in being able to recruit a gang member. If your children don’t find the love and support that they so desperately need at home, they may have the tendency to seek it elsewhere. The attraction of belonging to a gang is becoming more popular among our youths. For some people, especially those that have lived in a gang-infested neighborhood for many years, it is unavoidable. For many they see it as their only future. Yet for others the attraction of belonging to a gang stems from loneliness or a need of belonging. These gangs can provide that sense of belonging. Not only .....

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