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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Sensation And Perception
Words: 1556 / Pages: 6

.... perceptual organisation and helps the brain sort the sensory elements into a whole picture. The next step is organisation, where elements are grouped into forms or shapes, followed by interpretation. Interpretation gives the stimulus meaning, and involves psychological characteristics such as attitude or prior experience and means that in some cases, our interpretation may vary from other people's. For example, two people sense a round, flat, shiny object, one from a poor country, another from a rich country. The rich person might understand the object to be a music compact disc because he has had prior experience with them, but the poor pers .....

What Makes A Good Parent
Words: 466 / Pages: 2

.... support in order to survive in the "real world". Parents are the only ones tha can give them support in the begings of their lives. Kids will need emotional support to face some of the problems earlier in their life, because of sheer lack of experience. Not knowing how to solve some of the life's problems would only help them get hurt. Thats when the parents play the key role in their life. Financial support is something not all parents can give, but it they can its is really helpfull for the kid. When I say financial support I do not mean giving them spending money any time they ask for it, what I mean is more like money for school activities a .....

Advertisement Manipulation
Words: 945 / Pages: 4

.... of consumers are people that buy items to fit in or to impress people. Sometimes ads can be misleading in ways that confuse the consumer to purchase the product for reasons other than the actual product was designed for. Advertisers influence consumers by alluding the consumer into buying this product over a generic product that could perform the same task, directing the advertisement towards a certain audience, and developing the ad where it is visually attractive. First, a Multi Tap consists of an L-shaped design with four ports to allow for four Playstation controllers instead of the normal two. The Multi Tap is helpful for some Playstation gam .....

Words: 801 / Pages: 3

.... of carbon dioxide by replacing old-growth forests with faster-growing young trees". A new study of young and old forests says how this is in fact not true. Loggers have said that new trees pull the carbon dioxide better than old trees, and this may seem true, but it is not. There is one point being overlooked from all of this. The older, larger trees can store much, much more carbon dioxide than a new tree could. By cutting and burning these magnificent seasoned trees, the CO2 is being released back into the atmosphere. These releases of carbon dioxide add up in our surroundings, only to intensify Global Warming. Although this shows what happe .....

Spot Diagnosis
Words: 639 / Pages: 3

.... mother was suffering from minor depression. I asked that she be retained in the hospital against her will if needed be, because of her suicidal threats and strange behavior. He then told me that she could not held involuntarily, but if she volunteered then she could stay. Because I felt she definitely needed help, I was forced to try to convince her to volunteer. She admitted to the counselor that she wanted to die, and I felt this was reason enough to detain her. I left the hospital that night only to have my mother call me in the morning at 8:00 am to be picked up. She had not seen, been treated by, nor diagnosed by a professional P .....

Over Population
Words: 1260 / Pages: 5

.... planning tries to promote the idea of using some sort of birth control such as condoms, the pill, sterilization, IUDs, or some other method. Over the past three decades, the global percentage of couples using some form of family planning has increased dramatically. It has changed from less than 10, to more than 50 percent. The amount of people who use family planning would increase if everyone had easy accessibility to it. In some rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, it takes an average of two hours to reach the nearest contraceptive provider. Often, people cannot even afford some type of birth control. Also, many governments ban .....

The Changing Face Of Basketball
Words: 1473 / Pages: 6

.... the ball, which meant one would have to dribble it and it was not to be a contact sport, so one was not allowed to tackle or push, etc... or a foul would be called. The rules have developed in that a shot clock was installed. The shot clock is a 24 second clock that a team had to shoot within that time period (Minsky 12). Basketball has developed in that players have become more flashy, facilities have become bigger and more complex, and leagues have grown. The 50's marked a period of fundamentals. Teams practiced shooting, dribbling, and passing. they also emphasized execution; something lacking in today's game. Execution is the running of plays .....

Mining In Space
Words: 2068 / Pages: 8

.... noted, since (at least in the near to medium term) the space program must depend upon the government for most of its funding, for this economic drawback necessarily translates into a political problem. Maryniak continued by noting that the early settlers in North America did not attempt to transport across the Atlantic everything then needed to sustain them in the New World. Rather they brought their tools with them and constructed their habitats from local materials. Hence, he suggested that the solution to the dilemma to which he referred required not so much a shift in technology as a shift in thinking. Space, he argued, should be considered .....

Words: 1486 / Pages: 6

.... Conversely, a low IQ is often a disadvantage…there are many exceptions, but the odds for success in our society greatly favor individuals with higher IQs." (Gottfredson, page 14). Murray says, "It is better to be born smart and poor, than rich and stupid." With the constantly growing number of g-loaded tasks playing a more significant role in our daily routines, life may be increasingly difficult for low IQ people. "An individual's IQ, they found, is a better predictor of his prospects in life than his parents' wealth or education or all the other factors that taken together are called socioeconomic status." (Seebach - interpreting Murray's find .....

Beowulf Values
Words: 328 / Pages: 2

.... is not the only Anglo-Saxon value present in Beowulf. Fate was also very important in the poem. The Anglo-Saxons believed that fate controlled their lives and decided their outcome. The thought that each action and outcome was predetermined and they couldn’t control their destiny. Each battle to them was already decided, and they just had to try their best. The quote "fate will unwind as it must (189) shows clearly that fate was valued. Finally, like many cultures, the Anglo-Saxons valued loyalty very highly. This is demonstrated much throughout the book, so it is obvious they appreciated loyalty. A quote that shows the significance of loya .....

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