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Miscellaneous Essay Writing Help

Words: 506 / Pages: 2

.... the cables run directly down from the towers to the roadway. Construction of cable-stayed has proven to be less costly then suspension . As a result, Cable-stayed are more widely used. The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, connecting Kobe on the mainland with Awaji on Awaji Island, will be a huge three-span cable-stayed bridge some 3910 meters in total length with a center span of 1990 meters. When completed, it will be the longest bridge of its type in the world, surpassing the Number Bridge in the UK, which has a center span of 1410 meters. The bridge has a wind-proof and earthquake-resident construction, withstanding winds up to 80 meters per second and ea .....

Fashion Merchandise Vs. Archit
Words: 886 / Pages: 4

.... his needs and desires. As a little girl, I always knew I would be a doctor. Over years, however, I have come to realize that I do not want to be the bossy Dr. Obvious who makes you anxiously wait hours in his office until he is finished chatting with his last patient about the upcoming bake sale. I have come to terms with the fact that my childhood dream is not all it was made out to be, and that years of medical school would only pay off if doctoring were really as exciting as shown on the television show ER. I learned that a doctor's day of snotty five-year-olds with ear infections is not my field of choice, and that I am willing to consider .....

Who Is Raising The Chindren
Words: 488 / Pages: 2

.... don’t have enough time to dedicate strictly to their children. Parents are having to rely on other resources to develop their child’s mind. All too often, television has become the new baby-sitter for today’s youth. This generation of children is watching more hours per day than any generation before it. In order to achieve higher ratings and a larger audience, television is pushing the limits of behavior and morality. When children are left with television as their main influence, a child does not receive a proper sense of reality. The examples of adult behavior they see are distorted. Violent behavior, disrespect for others, .....

Words: 975 / Pages: 4

.... group and they believe the event will go well not because of what it is, but because they are involved. The second symptom is the belief of the group that they are moral and upstanding, which leads the group to ignore the ethical or moral consequences of the decisions. The group engages in a total overestimation of its morality. There is never any question that the group is not doing the right thing, they just act. The disregarding of information or warnings that may lead to changes in past policy is the third symptom. Even if there is considerable evidence against their standpoint, they see no problems with their plan. Stereotyping of enemy .....

Possible Origins Of The Vampire Legend: An Accidental Exploration Of The Human Psyche
Words: 1064 / Pages: 4

.... their early grave, in the process getting their own blood on their hands from trying to claw their way out. This might also explain the accounts of corpses unearthed after several days to be found as if newly dead, because they were. Corpses unearthed during the Black Death(Bubonic Plague), rooted firmly the ideas of bloodthirsty undead beings in the collective unconscious, especially since it was thought that vampires spread the disease. When people began to die in great numbers, graves became in greater demand, and dead bodies would be left out for days at a time. Eventually, the body would decompose and exhibit what is called "skin slippage .....

The Eternal Struggle
Words: 1067 / Pages: 4

.... hatred have all, at one time or another, contributed to the incitement of human conflicts which have more often than not been resolved by violent action. Despite our overwhelming intellectual superiority over the other creatures of this earth, it seems that we must resort to the most primal method of physical dominance in order to overcome our enemies of the same species. Is this truly necessary? Do we really need to fight one another? I believe that the unfortunate answer to this question is yes; violent conflict is essential for humans as they are now. I base this conclusion on the instincts ingrained in every person's DNA, the integral role of viol .....

BAMN By All Means Necessary
Words: 1031 / Pages: 4

.... of the events happened in the history of the United States of America. In this book, there were different ethnic or other groups protesting for their desire freedom and rights. The groups that will be discussed in this report are Yippies and "No More Miss America". The author of "No More Miss America" didn't want the Beauty Pageant, and that's okay because she gave ten points and after all it's her opinion. On the other hand, Yippies wants the freedom of doing nothing. That's a big difference. The difference is that the world could live without having beauty contests but it can't live without people doing nothing. There were many things people o .....

Oedipus, Antogone, And Media
Words: 609 / Pages: 3

.... their happiness was interrupted by a horrible prophecy: Oedipus will kill Laius and marry Jocasta when he grows up. The mood in Thebes changed from joyous to somber for the king chose to have his own son killed so that he could remain alive. Considering the situation from Laius’ point of view, it is not difficult to understand his actions but the mere fact that he tried to challenge fate causes his actions to seem ironic and cynical. By tinkering with fate, Laius caused the death of Jocasta, and Oedipus’ blindness and banishment in addition to the events caused by fate. In Antigone, Anouilh portrayed Creon in a similar way as Sophocles po .....

Harmful Effects Of Being Stere
Words: 314 / Pages: 2

.... people think about them, or if they have above average confidence in themselves. Stereotyping overweight people can also causes them in low self-esteem by making them feel inadequate. Feeling inadequate caseus them to feel as though ther is no to overcome their plight without a ong term plan, which may not be possible for them as they may have already tried to no avail. For example, I have a cousin; she is a little bit overweight for her age. One day, she was eating and her toher cousin called her "Pig". She got really mad and did not talk to him for a week. She felt sad about it and tried to go on a diet, which is hard for her. She would not ea .....

Leadership, Citizenship, Commu
Words: 714 / Pages: 3

.... community you live in and enforcing them to a certain degree as well. The use of drugs is illegal nation wide and so a leader is not setting the proper example or being a good citizen if he or she participates in the use, sale, or is associated with drugs. A leader should not order or tell his subordinates to do anything in which he can not do or does himself. If a leader explains the hazards of drug use and why not to use or be associated with them he should follow his or her advice. This leads right into how to communicate with ones subordinates on how not to and why not to use drugs. When a presenting something he or she should make means o .....

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