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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 563 / Pages: 3

.... with other elements. It is used in metallurgy, and its some of its compounds are used in pyrotechnics, and petroleum mining. Another one of its uses is as a getter in vacuum tubes. ’s sulfate is used in paint and in glassmaking. Barite is extensively used as a weighing agent in oilwell drilling fluids. The carbonate has been used as a rat poison, while nitrate and chlorate give colors in pyrotechny. The impure sulfide of radiantly glows after exposure to the light. metal has few practical applications, although it is sometimes used in coating electrical conductors in electronic apparatus and in automobile ignition systems. sulfate (BaSO4) i .....

Global Warming 2 -
Words: 642 / Pages: 3

.... as factories and cars, excess energy is trapped in the earth's atmosphere and causes a warming of the earth called "Global Warming." Starting in the mid-1700s, human activities began to alter the composition of the atmosphere. Vast supplies of charcoal, and later coal and oil, fed the growing fires of the Industrial Revolution. The carbon stored in these fuels was released to the air as carbon dioxide - a gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. Today, for every one of the more than 5.8 billion people on Earth, nearly six tons of carbon dioxide is spewed into the air every year. As a result of our activities, the gas trapped inside the atmosphere .....

From Water To Land
Words: 1190 / Pages: 5

.... are creatures with four limbs, hips, shoulders, fingers, and toes, which developed sometime after lobe-finned fish, and before the first fully terrestrial vertebrates. The earliest tetrapod known is Acanthostega. It is also considered the most primitive tetrapod. It is very close to its fish ancestry, but still anatomically far from its terrestrial relatives. These creatures still lived in water, but they had a lot of the terrestrial tetrapod anatomical characteristics. Introduction: Before tetrapods existed, all vertebrates were confined to living in aquatic habitats. The only animals that lived on land were arthropods. Through natural adapta .....

Words: 1259 / Pages: 5

.... is said to be 500,000 to 2,500,000 years old and is said to be visible from the moon. There is only one problem with this beautiful structure and that is the carelessness of man. Silt from deforested lands and pollution from crowded coastlines choke them, and overuse by coal miners, fisheries, and even tourists deplete and destroy reefs. There are many more factors which add to the destruction of the reefs, which if not stopped it will destroy all reefs. s are animals, not plants, sunlight is the key to their survival. They need it to power the millions of microscopic algae, called zooxanthellae, that live in their tissues. The algae provides the .....

Ground Water In Ontario
Words: 1970 / Pages: 8

.... part are unaware of how much water they consume, they are even less aware of its presence around them. For water is an immense natural resource that rests not only around Canadians, but beneath their feet as well. In no region is this more pervasive than in the province of Ontario. Ontarians walk above groundwater supplies everyday, without the slightest notion of the extent to which they rely on this over-used and exploited natural resource. Canada as a whole "has far more water underground than on the surface - perhaps 65 times more than in surface lakes and streams",(Gorrie 70-71), and the same holds true for Ontario. Outside of the major urban .....

Drug Identification With Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometr
Words: 771 / Pages: 3

.... specific forensic applications for their instrumentation. The history and theory of the gas chromatography started over forty years ago with the invention of the capillary column. The gas chromatograph offers rapid and very high-resolution separations of a very wide range of compounds, with the only restriction that the analyzed substance needs to have sufficient volatility. The theory behind the mass spectrometer is to use the difference in mass-to-charge ratio (m/e) of ionized atoms or molecules to separate them from each other. Mass spectrometry is therefore useful for quantitation of atoms or molecules and also for determining chemical and struc .....

Genetic Disorders
Words: 804 / Pages: 3

.... Huntington’s disease. This condition affects 1 in 10,000 and usually doesn’t affect the person until they are 30 or 40 years old. A person with this disease develops uncontrolled movements and may have problems with coordination, thinking, and judgment. A weakening of the nerve cells in the brain causes these symptoms and later results in death. Another single-gene disorder is the Tay Sachs Disease. People who inherit the faulty Tay Sachs gene lack a crucial enzyme that is needed to break down fatty substances in brain and nerve cells. As a result, these substances build up in such large quantities that the central nervous sys .....

Formation Of Protocells
Words: 797 / Pages: 3

.... S -- are quite similar from individuals to individuals. Energy wise, the Earth had plenty from a variey of sources Radiation: from the cosmic and radioactive isotope decays UV light: there were no protective ozone layer and thus immense heat. Electrical discharge from the never ending lightning caused chemical reactions to occur very often and there was also another source of heat from the young earth crust which was volcanically active. For most chemical reactions to take place, a spark of electricity is needed, and this was provided by the lightning in the atmosphere. Amino acids basically consist of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. Du .....

Ethical Procedures And Guidelines Defining Psychological Research
Words: 971 / Pages: 4

.... ideas. One of these ideas is protecting the dignity of the subjects. Another important component of this code refers to consent. All of these will be explained in greater detail below. Another gray area in psychology lies in the deception of subjects. There are some basic rules guiding how deceptions can be carried out. There is a large section of the code that was made with regards to animal research. The last major section of the ASA ethical guidelines has to do with giving credit where credit is due, and information sources. All of these regulations make research safer for the subjects and increase the effectively of psychological re .....

Words: 518 / Pages: 2

.... -1 Flame temperature ~2800ºC Heat of fusion 368 Heat of vaporisation 5272 Specific heat 1025 J.K at 20ºC Vapour pressure 20 Pa at 527ºC(s) 360 Pa at 650ºC (1) 1400 Pa at 727ºC Valence states Mg2+ Viscosity 1.25 cp at 650ºC (1) The magnesium element has the atomic number of 12 and atomic weight of 24.3050. It's symbol is Mg. The group number that mg is in is group 2a. It's electronic configuration of [Ne].3 s2. Physical data Standard state: solid at 298 K Colour: .....

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