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Science Essay Writing Help

Genetic Engineering And Its Future Impacts On Society
Words: 1731 / Pages: 7

.... wrong that's your belief, I am stating that genetically enhancing them to be better research specimens is not unethical. My reason behind this is that we don't just do research in order to infect and kill off the mice, we do it so one day we will have a cure for cancer and can save hundreds of thousands of human lives. Of course if you value the life of a mouse over a human then you would see differently. Some fear that this science is too powerful, granted we shouldn't let just anyone be able to modify bacteria, or the human genome, but we shouldn't let our fears blind us to the possible benefits of wide-scale genetic engineering. Medical uses f .....

Black Holes
Words: 688 / Pages: 3

.... results are modified. An "ergosphere" forms outside the horizon, within which matter is forced to rotate with the black hole; in principle, energy can be emitted from the ergosphere. According to general relativity, gravitation severely modifies space and time near a black hole. As the horizon is approached from outside, time slows down relative to that of distant observers, stopping completely on the horizon. Once a body has contracted within its Schwarzschild radius, it would theoretically collapse to a singularity—that is, a dimensionless object of infinite density. Formation Black holes may form during the .....

Manic Depression
Words: 331 / Pages: 2

.... They feel like they’re worthless and hopeless. They also have negative thoughts towards the past and future. Many people go through guilt, crying, or having suicidal thoughts. Unlike a manic episode, the person has lack of energy, and either an appetite loss or gain. is a recurrent illness, so a person usually has more than one episode. These episodes can last from weeks to months. They occur whenever and have no certain pattern. Sometimes a stressful life event can trigger an episode, and sometimes they just happen. If a person has more than four episodes a year they are known as “rapid cyclers”. This is more common .....

The Big Bang And The Steady State Model
Words: 1285 / Pages: 5

.... it condensed into galaxies. The universe has continued to expand, and the galaxies have continued moving away from each other ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang mode .....

Hydroponic Gardening
Words: 4139 / Pages: 16

.... hydroponic technique. Some examples are lettuce, herbs and tomatoes, as well as seasonal flowering plant species. The use of hydroponics in gardening as well as large scale crop growth can enable the grower to produce many types of plants out of their normal growing season. Another attraction and use for hydroponic growing methods is that a person can have a garden in small spaces such as an apartment. In addition a good source of natural sunlight is not required because the gardener will provide the plant's light requirements. This form of growing plants is not only an interesting topic of study, but also a viable method of producing many species .....

Words: 1298 / Pages: 5

.... understand what exactly a black hole is, we must first take a look at the basis for the cause of a black hole. All are formed from the gravitational collapse of a star, usually having a great, massive, core. A star is created when huge, gigantic, gas clouds bind together due to attractive forces and form a hot core, combined from all the energy of the two gas clouds. This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs and the gases within the star start to burn continuously. The Hydrogen gas is usually the first type of gas consumed in a star and then other gas elements such as Carbon, Oxygen, and .....

Aurora Borealis
Words: 304 / Pages: 2

.... magnetic field, an area called the Van Allen belts. Eventually the plasma is drawn down toward the North and South magnetic poles. Along the way, it ionizes (creates an electric charge within) the oxygen and nitrogen gas it encounters in the atmosphere, causing it to glow. The flow of plasma from the sun is generally continuos, although it occasionally bursts out of holes in the sun's outermost atmosphere. Massive ejections of plasma have also been shown to accompany solar flares, prominences, and sunspots. It is during these periods of highest solar activity that one is most likely to witness aurorae. The aurora is an ideal subject for the amate .....

Interstellar Travel: Sooner Or Later?
Words: 1078 / Pages: 4

.... efficient. He has even crafted their web page himself. Recently on his “Warp Drive, When?” Web site Millis (a scientist, and leader of NASA’s Breakthrough Physics Propulsion lab) said, "The ideal interstellar propulsion system would be one that could get you to other stars as quickly and comfortably as envisioned in science fiction. Before this can become a reality, three scientific breakthroughs are needed: discovery of a means to exceed light speed, discovery of a means to propel a vehicle without propellant, and discovery of a means to power such devices. Why? - Because space is big, really, really, really big." (Why is Interstellar) For any .....

Words: 459 / Pages: 2

.... to clone a human being is unacceptably dangerous and morally unacceptable to our society..legislation must reaffirm our most cherished beliefs about the miracle of human life and the god-given individuality each person pocesses". Every person has his or her own mind. It would be cruel to make human clones without real parents, without being unique. If you were to make a copy of a human, you would not be treating that child as an individual. While many people want to be cloned, nobody wants to be a clone. We must also remember that immoral means never justifies the end, no matter what benifits that end may bring. The horrific .....

Words: 373 / Pages: 2

.... It was so similar to its ancient relatives that it was called a "living fossil." For years after this fortunate discovery, scientists searched for another living coelacanth. Finally, off the Comero Islands, north of Madagascar, they met with success. Since then, more than 200 specimens have been found, all in the same region. Apart from the novelty of being such rare fish, have very great zoological importance. First, they are "living fossils"-a life form that has been preserved almost unchanged for many millions of years. As such, they offer the scientist a view of the biology of an earlier stage in the history of life. Second, t .....

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