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Science Essay Writing Help

Nuclear Weapons
Words: 461 / Pages: 2

.... of such weapons and the development of a more destructive bomb, the hydrogen bomb, caused worldwide concern. The atomic bomb was a bomb with great explosive force from the sudden release of nuclear energy through the fission, or splitting, of heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb was tested by the United States near Alamogordo, New Mexico. In the final stages of World War II, the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and on Nagasaki three days later to force Japan to surrender. The explosion produces great amounts of heat, a shock wave, and intense neutron and gamma radiation. The region of the explosion becomes radioactively cont .....

Muscles In The Human Body
Words: 859 / Pages: 4

.... largest mass of muscle in the body, and is the type of muscle that is attached to bones and moves the skeleton in a conscious control, so therefore it is a voluntary muscle. Its contractions are short and strong, providing the force needed for movement. The muscle contractions produce and provide some heat needed in the body. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of smaller fibers called myofibrils. These myofibrils are composed of even smaller protein filaments. These filaments can be either thick or thin. The thick filaments are made of the protein myosin, and the thin filaments are made of the protein actin. The arrangement of the myosin and actin gi .....

Words: 343 / Pages: 2

.... straight snout and cleft upper lip with bristly hairs. Adults can grow up to 15ft (4.6 meters) but they usually only grow to about 10 feet. They weigh an average of 1300 pounds. Manatees live in small family groups sometimes up to herds of 15-20. After a gestation of up to 6 months, usually a single pinkish calf is born. Manatees ferquently communicate by muzzle to muzzle contact and when alarmed they emit chripy squeaks. The number of manatees has been reduced over the past several years due to heavy hunting for their hides, meat, and blubber oil. Some governments, including the United States, have placed the manatees under the endangered spec .....

Galileo Galilei "founder Of Modern Experimental Science"
Words: 422 / Pages: 2

.... but soon he became interested in math. In 1585, he convinced his father to let him leave the school without a degree. Galileo was a math tutor for the next four years in Florence. He spent a lot of the four years studying the scientific thoughts and philosophies of Aristotle. He also invented an instrument that could find the gravity of objects. This instrument, called a hydrostatic balance, was used by weighing the objects in water. Galileo returned to Pisa in 1589 and became a professor in math. He taught courses in astronomy at the University of Pisa, based on Ptolemy's theory that the sun and all of the planets move around the earth. T .....

Purple Loosestrife
Words: 3067 / Pages: 12

.... thrived. Upon arrival in North America the ballast would be dumped overboard on the shoreline. By 1830 the plant was well established along the New England seaboard. Purple loosestrife seeds were also found in sheep and livestock feed that was imported from Europe during this period. This new organism was introduced to a new habitat free from traditional parasites, predators and competitors, purple loosestrife thrived in the environmental conditions and by 1880 was rapidly spreading north and west through the canal and marine routes. Purple loosestrife stands also increased due to the importation of seeds and root stalks by horticulturist .....

Words: 1792 / Pages: 7

.... the nucleus of one donor cell is removed and placed into a lab dish and starved of nutrients; it is then placed into a lab dish with a fertilized egg cell. Naturally, the cell that was starved will try to fuse with the healthy cell but it will need a little help. These two cells are then electrified thereby causing the two cells to fuse together combining their genetic structures. Cloning / 3 Now that we have established the scientific basis of cloning, let me tell you how cloning can directly benefit humanity. There are many health issues that can be avoided, reversed and cured by the cloning of human cells and body par .....

Can We Say "NO" To Recycling
Words: 2392 / Pages: 9

.... it does nevertheless entail large hidden costs in collecting, sorting and manufacturing; therefore, it is necessary for the government to overcome such problems of recycling to be worth while and for manufacturers and consumers to consume less. Recycling has proven its efficiency in solving the problem of garbage disposal at landfills1. By the accumulation of garbage throughout the years, space available for garbage has largely diminished. In the states for example almost 67% of their waste stream ends up in landfills.(Scott 25). This has in fact increased the price of disposal. As Kimball stated "tipping fees" at landfills, is so often .....

Acid Rain, Effects And Causes
Words: 1954 / Pages: 8

.... the acidity of precipitation. Unfortunately his awareness was not considered an environmental concern until the 1950's. Around this time, increased levels of acidity were discovered in lakes in both Canada and Scandinavia. At first, this was looked at as an interesting situation, rather than a growing problem. Since that time, much research has gone into identifying the sources of acid rain and the damage that it causes. As research continued, the situation reached catastrophe proportions in the late 1970's. By this time, thousands of lakes in Canada and Scandinavia had been declared dead, devoid of life, while emissions of acid gasses continued to .....

Words: 215 / Pages: 1

.... organelles are not a true organelle, but more of a parasite that invaded primordial cells and evolved along with them. A mitochondrian’s main purpose is to burn energy through a slow method of combustion, which will consume as much air to burn as fire will, just to break down nutrients into simpler substances. These simpler molecules then bond with the atoms that will need the energy to function. Then, enzymes in the mitochondrion break up the atoms and then recapture them again. This time, the energy atoms will be bonded in a different molecule to form ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. ATP has an adenosine core and three phosphates attached .....

Alternative Medicine
Words: 595 / Pages: 3

.... choosing a specific method to help yourself use a combination of the two to help heal. This subject of relates to many people in today’s world. The media, the government, and even parents and children have something to do with this vast new form of medicine. continues to grow every year, which makes it a very important issue in our society, in fact 40% of American use some form of herbal or other in the world today (Jonas). This fact just shows how widely used this method is. According to a survey of 1,539 adults in 1990 and 2,055 in 1997, use of at least one type of alternative therapy during the previous year jumped from 33.8 percent in 199 .....

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