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Science Essay Writing Help

Mexican Grey Wolf
Words: 1467 / Pages: 6

.... Most of these claims, however, have been unreplicated in humans or have been contradicted by other work. This section will address each of these reported negative side-effects. Various studies have claimed that cannabis destroys brain cells. However, several other studies found no structural or neurochemical atrophy in the brain at all. Furthermore, it should be noted that Heath's work was sharply criticized for avoiding safeguards of bias and reporting "changes" that occur normally in the mammalian brain. Wu et al. found a correlation between cannabis use and low sperm counts in human males. This is misleading because a decrease in sperm count h .....

Alzheimer’s Disease
Words: 1462 / Pages: 6

.... a medical journal article published in 1905, Alzheimer speculated that the nerve tangles and plaques were responsible for the women’s dementia. is a disorder marked by a gradual decline in brain function that gets worse with time. It used to be assumed that this change was a normal part of aging that we called senility. Some people develop this condition when they are as young as 40 years of age. However, the disease is most common in persons over the age of 65. It is estimated that approximately 10 percent of persons over 65 years of age may have and that in persons over the age of 85, up to 50 percent may be affected. is not a normal .....

Words: 726 / Pages: 3

.... block out noise. A simple noise can capture their attention. children are often in a state of confusion. They are poor at prioritizing, recognizing what is important, and making decisions based on reverent factors ( Taylor 15) While observing a child with for one hour a few key things stood out. The child failed to complete tasks assigned to him and he was unable to follow more than one instruction at a time. Attention Deficit Disorder affects social and family relationships, school performance and self esteem. Family relationships is most crucial when there is a child with an attention deficit disorder. A child with needs structure and a set .....

Ozone Depletion
Words: 794 / Pages: 3

.... They react with ozone chemicals to release chlorine and bromine that in turn deteriorate the ozone and form "thinning" or "holes." This is catastrophic because they are bonded very strongly together and cannot be broken down by water. This means they travel into the atmosphere virtually unharmed by rain or decomposition (Goldfarb 282). The reason these are causing such a commotion is the damage they cause to living things on Earth. When the ozone depletes, it causes more ultraviolet (UV) rays to hit the Earth's surface than are healthy (Singer and Crandall npg). UV rays affect the DNA of every living cell, altering the protein make-up .....

Marijuana For Migranes
Words: 737 / Pages: 3

.... migraines, mental fatigue, fits of depression and so on. William Osler, the acknowledged father of modern medicine, stated of migraine treatment,”Cannabis indica is probably the most satisfactory remedy”(Russo, 1998). The best way to describe a study like this is historical. Many of the historical uses of marijuana may have contemporary relevance. As I stated before, there are very few ways to study something that the society feels is harmful to the subject. This is exactly what the research is pointing out by voicing the words of our ancestors. This historical point-of-view allows our conscience to be at ease so that accurate .....

Words: 3742 / Pages: 14

.... possessed the reputation of being skillful workers in metals and, according to Greek writers, they were conversant with their transmutation, employing quicksilver in the process of separating gold and silver from the native matrix. The resulting oxide was supposed to possess marvelous powers, and it was thought that there resided within in the individualities of the various metals, that in it their various substances were incorporated. This black powder was mystically identified with the underworld form of the god Osiris, and consequently was credited with magical properties. Thus there grew up in Egypt the belief that magical powers existed in .....

All About Ants (almost)
Words: 2889 / Pages: 11

.... of 100 million years old (The Ant Colony Å’89). These primitive samples have evolved into the 5000 to 10000 species known today which vary amongst themselves as widely as the numbers suggest (Social Insects Å’68). These remarkably adaptive creatures are found in some form on all continents and all habitats but the extreme arctics. Their success is manifested in the claim that at any time there are at least 1 quadrillion living ants on earth(Groliers Å’93). All species of ants are social. They live in organized communities or colonies, which may contain anywhere from a few hundred to more than 20 million individuals. These are organized into a .....

Alcoholism 2
Words: 799 / Pages: 3

.... and many European nations. This is paralleled by growing evidence of increasing numbers of alcohol-related problems in other nations, including the Third World. Development Alcoholism, as opposed to merely excessive or irresponsible drinking, has been variously thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned, maladaptive coping behavior. More recently, and probably more accurately, it has come to be viewed as a complex disease entity in its own right. Alcoholism usually develops over a period of years. Early and subtle symptoms include placing excessive importance on the availability of alcohol. Ensuring this availability st .....

The Atmospheric Ozone Layer
Words: 2378 / Pages: 9

.... life cycles of animals and plants would become more of a reality, with the eventual possibility of death. Stratospheric ozone has been used for several decades as a tracer for stratospheric circulation. Initial measurements were made by ozonesondes attached to high altitude balloons, by chemical-sondes or optical devices, which measured ozone concentrations through the depletion of UV light. However, the need to measure ozone concentrations from the surface at regular intervals, led to the development of the Dobson spectrophotometer in the 1960s. The British Antarctic Survey has the responsibility to routinely monitor stratospheric ozone levels .....

White Tigers
Words: 1585 / Pages: 6

.... years. In fact no sightings have been reported since 1951. This may be caused that the Royal Bengal tiger population has dropped from 40,000 to 1, 800 in the past ten years, and as few as 1 in every 10,000 tigers is white ( are neither albinos nor a special species; they differ from the normally colored tigers by having blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur with black stripes. Tiger’s stripes are just like a human fingerprint, meaning that no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. are not usually born from other . They get their color from double recessive allele. A Bengal tiger with two norma .....

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