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Class Systems In Ancient History:
Words: 786 / Pages: 3

.... the system. This class was the "untouchables," the lowest of class with no power what so ever. Working its way up from servants to peasants, warriors and the last and most powerful being priests and royalty. The Hindus set up their city so that the most powerful (priest) would be closest to the center of the city nearest the temples of worship. Each step down lived farther away. A common rule for many civilizations and religions (although not as strict in others) was the prohibition of marriages between separate classes. Although this was the case, anyone from a higher class could choose to marry someone of a lower class, such as a peasant marr .....

I Hate Verbal Aggression!
Words: 770 / Pages: 3

.... the next person. Therefore everyone of course is trying to get ahead of the next person. In their attempts to get to the top, we pull others out of the way. Eventually, this happens to us, and we are caught in a never-ending cycle of aggression. We achieve success momentarily, but quickly pull back to where we were as others do the same to get to the top. What exactly is verbal aggression? Richard L. Weaver, professor at Bowling Green State University, says that it is a "message behavior that attacks a person's self-concept with the purpose of delivering psychological pain" (177). This includes such feelings as inadequacy, humiliation, depress .....

The World's Longest War
Words: 2178 / Pages: 8

.... ambitions. The consequence of this separation of church and state is that political contention is not poisoned by religious hatred. There is one exception, Islam, a theocracy which has savaged the world for over a thousand years. Its religious doctrine is that church and state are one and that canon law and civil law are one. It periodically believes that unbelievers must be converted or conquered and that hating infidels is a virtue and killing an infidel is a ticket to heaven. In many of the faithful this religious fanaticism has merged with the secular fanaticism of Marxism-Leninism to make a witch's brew of hate and savagery against Christend .....

Two Parents Or One?
Words: 1386 / Pages: 6

.... because the love between a mother and a father plays an important part in a family. Children learn how to love from their parents, but if both parents are not there to teach them how to love, their love might be somewhat one-sided (Curtin et al. 371). Yes, single parents can show their love toward their children, but they have no spouse to express love to. Children from single parent families are therefore denied that learning experience of how a husband and a wife should love one another (Curtin et al. 369). Relationships are another thing that everyone needs, especially children. Children need a real strong relationship between thems .....

Words: 580 / Pages: 3

.... and to experience success. At puberty, youth go through remarkable changes in their bodies, in their emotions, and in their thinking or "cognitive" abilities. Mood, emotions, and behaviour can all be affected by the changes that occur at puberty. For example, changes in adolescents' bodies bring curiosity about sex and sexual urges. Curiosity combined with ignorance about consequences can lead to careless experimentation and unsafe sexual practices that can result in early unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and inappropriate and aggressive sexual behaviour. Curiosity and the need that many young people feel to test boundaries a .....

Censorship Of Books: Freedom Of What?
Words: 1181 / Pages: 5

.... of it before they have even taken the time to read it. If a parent feels that certain material is inappropriate for children to see, then they shouldn't let their chi ldren read it, but they shouldn't be able to decide what their neighbor's child should and should not read. That would clearly violate our first amendment right. The first amendment, in part states that Americans have freedom of the press (to publish any material they want.) This also means that we can access any of these materials. It doesn't mean we have the freedom to control what others access, that would be referred to as communism. In Triverton, Rhode Island a middle .....

Staying In School
Words: 398 / Pages: 2

.... you. Other people often find themselves getting sidetracked once they put off the option to attend college, that can only hinder your ability to eventually become a college graduate. College can be a fun experience if shared with friends and people of similar age. By waiting an extra year or two, you will find it more uncomfortable within your classes. The entire college experience involves parties, football games, and drinking beer with your buddies as well as an education. As you get into the entire experience and enjoy college, you will understand and appreciate what a college offers. The ideal time for college is now more than ever .....

Justification Of Violence
Words: 999 / Pages: 4

.... do something she did not consent on doing, she has the right to fight back and prevent it from happening. Rape does not only involve sexual assault; there is much physical assault involved, also. Many women are held at gunpoint, knife, tied or beaten by their attackers, and this is not right. Any woman under these circumstances should fight back and do what they have to do to save themselves before it's too late. Other situations which call for justifiable violence, in my opinion, are robbery at gunpoint and any other type of unprovoked violence. Other than self-defense, I do not believe violence should be tolerated at any cost. Hitting chil .....

Freedom In The United States
Words: 2583 / Pages: 10

.... right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Since the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest fo .....

Is Spanking A Safe And Effective Way To Get Children To Behave?
Words: 1424 / Pages: 6

.... Now however, there seems to be a reexamination of this type of punishment. The frequency of use has begun to decline over the last decade(Straus, 1994). According to a recent study done by Straus(1994) 94% of parents approved of spanking in 1968. However, in 1994 approval of spanking has dropped to 68%(Straus, 1994). Several sources suggest negative effects of spanking include disturbance of learning ability, dissruption of a close parent child relationship, parents anger and emotion, negative self-image and possible adverse affects. Ritchie& Ritchie(1981), Straus and Mather(1994) report that corporal punishment creates undesirable effects on .....

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